HOT Topic appearance update

Post moved HERE, keeping for the comments.


Dani said...

Summit is milking the Twilight/Hot Topic teat as usual. Charge em 30 dollars and shove em in a room with 500 other people, doubtful everyone will get a good look at our boy. But hey if you are one of the lucky few who get to see Rob in action or pics, send em our way I wish you much luck in your journey.

Plan to get there super early, like camp out all night.

Lynn said...

Wow, every free standing Hot Topic stands to make about $15K---that is mos def milking the teat. Well, that means there is going to be utter pandemonium to get a wristband, I wonder what that will be like!

Dani said...

Well I have to go milk the teat of life for dinner. Fajitas in honor of Little Ashes and Salvador Dali. Even if you don't like my avitar!

Lynn said...

I wuv your avatar---it's just a wittle scaweey. BTW, fajitas are so gringa---you and Ben need some tapas and sangria.


Betsy said...

I'll be there and I'll take lots of pictures. It is a bank holiday that Tuesday which means I don't have to work so I will be one of the ones there at the crack of dawn - lol!

Anonymous said...

OMG i HAVE to go! where
can i buy the wristband?
lol or do they go on sale
that day?

Lynn said...

Betsy---glad to hear from a die hard! I will be channeling my celebrity nostalgia (that day)while I am at a taping of the Ellen Show. I am crossing my fingers for something Twilight!

Take lots of pics and we will love you!

Lynn said...

Jessica---it sounds like it's first come, first serve---you will have to line up and hope to be one of the lucky 500.

Gozde said...

Yay for Betsy :-)) our email is!
Okay, I'm not jealous...maybe I am... :-))

Anonymous said...

thats what im afraid of
:( lol im seriously going
early!-what a DEAL too haha
meeting rob is priceless!
its only 30 dollars plus a
a poster & t-shirt? score:D lol

Gozde said...

It is priceless :)

Betsy said...

You'll get my pictures as soon as I come down from heaven - I know I am going to make a fool out of myself in front of him!

Anonymous said...

lol! betsy what time r u
planning on getting there?

Betsy said...

The mall opens at 10am but I need to get there before then - I'm assuming they go on sale that day.

Amy said...

Pic from the Apple Store - it was on IMDB! slI/s1600-h/Manhattan.jpg

Anonymous said...

wow ok! i will def. be there b4
10-:( i dont go to the galleria
often though so i dont know
exactly where hot topic is located
in the mall! do u know?

Dani said...

I'm on my pod so hopefully Goz can post the pic. Meeting Rob is a priceless experience. More meetings and more pictures please!

Dani said...

I saw the pic. Kinda craptastic. But I see the beanie and hopefully someone on the imdb board will post something better later.

Betsy said...


It's on level 3 - right outside Macy's.

"Oh no" to the Apple store pic - the sex hair is in a condom - I mean hat.

Anonymous said...

ok! thanks! :D im running
up to the level 3 as soon
as the doors open! haha

Jewels64 said...

I had to move mountains to get the day off from work. Now it's not until 4 p.m. I'm screwed. Can't go.

This sucks and blows.

Tess said...

Betsy- Get there about 5 hours early!!! forget about doing your hair.. wear a beanie in honor of The Man..

you are all sooooo lucky!

Betsy said...

Tess - a beanie for The Man - love it. With all my free time before 4:00 I'll have plenty of time to shop for one!

Anonymous said...

i will be there SUPER early
& i will def. send in my pics
if im lucky to get in -i dont
think they allow cameras though
but ill see what i can do! :D

Betsy said...

Oh no Jewels - you really can't go?

Anonymous said...

More Details On Hot Topic Twilight Tour!

How can you attend a Twilight signing? Read carefully! Purchase the $30 Twilight Tour tee and get a wristband that guarantees you access to the signing. Purchase must be made IN PERSON on the date of the event in the specific malls listed below. Space is very limited. You must have a wristband to enter signing.

For “Edward’s” appearances you must be one of the first 500 customers to purchase the Twilight Tour tee for access.

Limit two (2) wristbands per customer. NO CAMERAS allowed and one autograph per person. The actors will be signing posters we are providing and will not be able to sign any personal items. After each signing, the actor(s) will be hanging out briefly to answer questions about Twilight, which opens in theaters November 21st.

No cameras thats sad. Well there's always camera phones :(

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