Hollywood Outbreak Audio of Rob/Nikki Reed at KOL :-)

You can hear Rob talk about a customs lady, who he claims was 70, telling him she was going to the midnight showing of Twilight :-) It's HERE.

And Nikki Reed gave an interview to film.com. Here are the parts she talks about Rob:

LL: I feel like in the first book especially both you and Rob's characters are held up to be the absolute embodiment of beauty. How do they pitch that to you? I mean, does someone just come up and say "Well, you need to be the most beautiful person EVER."?

Nikki ReedNR: I always feel like I answer this the wrong way. I'm not that, I don't know if anybody is. I can tell you people I find beautiful. I don't know really how to deal with it. It was really hard for me in the beginning. Really tempting to read blogs and the mail from the Twilight kids. Now I am Rosalie but there was a time when I was still Nikki and people still had the option of criticizing that. Just because I don't look like her in my other films doesn't mean I don't get it.

There's a lot of pressure. It's very odd. When it comes to beauty, when it comes to perfection ... nobody is ever going to be the definitive, beautiful queen. It's an impossible task. That was the most difficult part for me when I was approaching the part. You have to let that go. There's a lot of little girls out there happy to say Rob is the most beautiful guy in the world, but there aren't 650 boys out there behind the ropes screaming for me.

LL: So, what are your thoughts on the soundtrack?

NR: I was a really big advocate to get something from Rob on. I have a big musical connection with Rob. Just for the sake of it I'm not going to say where he plays, but they are just little shows and he plays for us. He's amazing. Jackson Rathbone is amazing as well. I play a little guitar, but I'm not as good as Rob is.

LL: What sort of music do you listen to?

NR: Rob and I went to see Kings of Leon and they were really good. He's gotten me interested in that whole world, Van Morrison too. I went and saw The Raconteurs with him as well. Oh, and Aretha Franklin! I like a lot of old Bluesy singers.


Kate said...

Mmmmmm..... makes you wonder, you know, what he said about not thinking it was a typical teen movie etc. I wonder is he happy with the was it's actually turned out to be just that. I wonder would he have got involved if he had known :-?
Great pic by the way , thanks for that ;-)

Amy said...

THANK YOU Nikki! Haha I feel like I should say that to her and you girls know why...lol

Gozde said...

Oh the KOL thread :-) Thanks Nikki for clearing it up! Love her!

Lynn said...

Well, Rob went in the right intentions of working with Catherine Hardwicke. She is such an amazing, her ability to capture the nakedness of teen emotion is true gift. I am a huge fan of The Lords of Dogtown and Thirteen. So, even before seeing Rob and Kristen, I was most overjoyed to CH's connection to Twilight.

Anonymous said...

Are we talking about the whole "she who shall not be named" model debacle?

Amy - why aren't you in line right now for tickets to the Robmobbing?

Lynn said...

Nikki is so lovely. She has soul and talent of some way beyond her years. I really hope that she goes back to screenwriting, because, I would imagine that she has a lot of stories to share.

Anonymous said...

Lynn - I 'like' 'totally' agree. CH is the rock behind this movie. Any good that comes out of it will be due to her. Rob and Kristen are talented but it's up to her to reign that in and make it work.

Amy said...

I don't need to be in line AJ :)
I have friends who work at Much Music and CTV. That's why I didn't need to get a wristband. One of them called me this morning and said that a whole bunch of girls slept over outside the Chum building last night, haha - I'm not surprised since seeing how big the line up was just for passes to the event.

Anyway, I'm headed there soon though just to check out the scene! I have earplugs in my bag, lol - just in case. Pictures will probably turn up online later anyway at some point from the show, most likely before I get back...

It's raining here today and gloomy! Kinda perfect for the whole Twilight vibe...lol :P

Dani said...

Goz! So I saw this before I took a nap on the imdb board and laughed my ass off. WTF! A whole blog went down after some stupid rumor and people speculating about something so trivial as a blury picture of a brunette. And here it is confirmed that it was Nikki all along! Ha!

That whole KOL thread and the drama! Oh it kills me. And I love Nikki Reed what a good friend to have to advocate for you. Rob is lucky to have her.

Ahhhh I just saw MTV spoilers again and that Rob moment with the shut up and his laugh. Its a little scary the second time around.

p r i s c a said...

Oh Nikki, bless your little heart...

AJ- HAHA! "She who shall not be name".

Amy said...

I just read all that stuff on IMDB as well Dani!! Craziness eh?? Maybe now people will finally shut up about the model rumor and stop feeding the ridiculous fake gossip. The funniest part is that her name very obviously wasn't mentioned in that clip. lol and then the poster said it like it was???? haha I just shake my head an laugh. Some people are really pathetic and like to fuel gossip for no reason.

Gotta love Nikki though. She is a doll :)

Lynn said...

Funny, I knew that profile was of a really hot girl....I love how the pieces fall together.

Betz---there you are!

AJ---yes, there is something to be said about a great director and CH shall show the world that.

Anonymous said...

Lucky you Amy! YOu may not be a 12 year old virgin (you can confirm or deny the virgin part) but I say - go lick his hair for all of us here at Robsessed!

Lynn said...

Dani---I remember thinking that said girl in the KOL photo looked a lot like Nikki Reed. But, it was mad coincidence that she and said model had very similar profiles and both are brunettes.

I will have to read that thread.

Dani said...

Amy you may not have been around for the former blog drama before Goz started this one and invited me to join. But if you did you'd know how funny this is.

I dont know what the whole obsession with this model is. I mean fake facebook pages have been posted on imdb and people claiming to know her. Agh its crap all of it.

Its like when that rumor went around that shia lebouf was dating Rhianna. Never dated but that rumor went strong for a long time even after he confirmed he was single. Its goofy what people latch onto.

Gozde said...

I'm sick as a dog today, first i thought it was a hang over but I only has 1.5 martinis last night.

Anyhoo! Amy!!!! I am so excited for you!!! As AJ suggested I dare you to lick his hair :-)) I'll pay you! LMAO!

Lynn said...

Amy---yes, improve the sex hair, if that were ever necessary. Take our Rob love and offer us up as a sacrifice to Rob and don't forget some Starbuck's.

Dani said...

Lynn it is hilarious. Nikki is gorgeous though. Her smile is infectious.

Lynn said...

Dani---that was these funniest night ever! It's hilarious to think that WE were told that we hurting someone's feeling half way across the world over a pic misunderstanding.

Dude, the best part was the birth of this blog and talking to you!

Dani said...

Oh sorry Amy yes get in a good lick for all of us and pictures please. We have to live vicariously. Amy you have a fantastic time babe!

Gozde said...

I "has". Himm, I meant I had :-))

And Michelle cyberkicking our collective butts was one of the best things that ever happened, lol.

I swear to god that chick who shall not be named is starting and fueling these rumors herself.

Dani said...

I feel the same way Lynn. Suck it RPL! This place rocks! And Goz, babe I love ya so sorry you are sick today.

Lynn said...

Goz---keep hydrated! If, you are really sick...try the BRAT diet when you are able to eat.


Disinfect everything and rest...your immunities have probably been down from last week.

Anonymous said...

It bears repeating - it doensn't matter who Rob dates, if he kicks puppies or slaps hookers ... he's still delicious and deserves a good licking.

Robsicles for everyone *handing them out*!

Lynn said...

"I swear to god that chick who shall not be named is starting and fueling these rumors herself."

Shhhhh....models in Brazil might think that you're serious and come and hunt you down!

Anonymous said...

Thy serioulsy need a spell chequer on this blog, I cnt bulieve all my mstakes whn I go back and reed!

Gozde said...

Robsicle...why does that sound SO dirty? :-)

And thanks girls, keeping hydrated is probably a good idea. Love ya too :-)

Lynn said...

AJ---LOL We all agreed that Rob should date who ever he likes and that we all wished him well in the "getting some ass" arena.

Lynn said...

Goz---electrolytes and Robsicles would be good and perhaps dirty!

I am imagining something really sick and twisted!

Amy said...

Thanks girls!! I just hope it's not total chaos. I'm getting that feeling that it will be like boyband hysteria in the city today...lol

I'll do my best to get some pictures if I can :)

It will air on Much Music tonight, so keep on the look out for YouTube clips of the show because you know people will be all over recording it...

Dani said...

Oh Goz its a riot. I mean are you that gullable to believe someone who emails you claiming to be "annalyse's friend" that she is patrolling the board getting offended or did you just make it all up? Shot herself in the foot cause the new RPL sucks.

Dani said...

Oh did I say her name? Oops

Anonymous said...

If i were going I'd 'totally' make a tshirt that said:

My name is AJ and I'm a Robaholic. I need a 12 step program:

Step 1: Lick Rob like a 12 year old virgin

Step 2: Zzzzzzziiiip!

Ideas on the other steps?

Lynn said...

Amy---geez, what is the temperature in Toronto? It's like 85 degrees F here! If, Rob does not become sick between the extreme weather changes, I would be surprised!

Anonymous said...

Step 3: Get in the car. Take off your pants.

Lynn said...

Dani---it's Anne...wink, wink. And, then show up in Frisco with a certain shirt...yeah, she "knows" Anne and Rob.

Disclaimer: I mentioned said model's name.

Amy said...

Well Lynn, let me get into weather announcer mode *busts open big umbrella* LMAO!! It is...

6 °C with Light rain, cloudy, gloomy

Lynn said...

Amy---SoCal girl here has never experienced cold like that---ugh! Toronto just sounds brutal living in an endless summer (which by the way is getting really old).

Thanks for the "voice";o)

Anonymous said...

Rob should have lifted his Twiwardrobe. The pea coat would look divine on him today.

Lynn said...

Compared to living in an endless summer...dammit need an edit button.

Lynn said...

AJ---I bet he's wishing that, too.

Amy said...

It's not that bad really but I'm also used to it having lived here. I mean Toronto is absolutely beautiful in the summer months and fall months. It's like a smaller version of NYC. It's just winter that is brutal and we haven't hit that yet. Snow is not fun at all and we usually have it for at least 4 months. BAH, I cringe just thinking about it, ahaha. Rob knows what cold weather is like, he is from London after all. Kristen, probably not so much being a Cali girl and Rachelle well she is Canadian & from Montreal - So she will be prepared.

Amy said...

I will say though Lynn, having traveled back and forth to Los Angeles many times I also love the weather there. Just this past year I have been to Cali a couple times and I never want to leave :)

Lynn said...

Oh, I hear ya! My family almost moved to cold weather (Cleveland) a few years ago. Now, I couldn't even fathom living in cold weather, though I would kill to live in London. I guess it all comes with the territory. And, Rob is used to it.

Dani said...

Hes from London he's used to the cold. But that pea coat was devine on him. And those dark wash blue jeans. Ahhhhhh hot. He should lift the whole Ed wardrobe this next movie. They probably had the clothes on lock down due to the crappy budget, they made some of them you know? Like Eds blue jacket that he wears when he stops the van, his members only jacket, yeah its an original.

Dont get me wrong I love me some hobo Rob but seeing him in the recent shoots he is too hot to handle I'm nice and tight designer duds.

Lynn said...

I've only lived out of San Diego for about two years and I was really bad at cold weather living. I stuck out like a sore thumb. LOL Californians tend to that, plus we generate some of the most hideous winter fashion like UGG boots.

Dani said...

I dont know what happened but it appears that I just wrote that I am nice and tight. I meant that he looks good in nice and tight designer duds but my pod thought otherwise and now it looks kinda weird.

Anonymous said...

There are a bzillion screencaps from a whole pile of interviews - links here if anyone is interested.

Lynn said...

There's our happy Dani!

Yes, the newest clothes are eye catching! Rob looks divine in almost anything.

Amy said...

Alright I'm off now for real...

I'll be back to chat with you ladies later :)


Lynn said...

Yes, you are nice and tight.

And, Rob's seamstress finally took note to his inseam...dammit, something's are best left alone.

Jewels64 said...

Step Four - Follow him around to every movie he makes and applaud after each take.

Step Five - have peach snapple and hot pizza pockets available at all times.

Step six - When a young girls asks him to bite them, you step in and do it for him....

Lynn said...

I have to go to take the anklebiters to said activities. I will probably be back on some time later this afternoon.

Jewels64 said...

Good Luck Amy - sending many major good vibes your way! Come back and kill us later with all the fantastic details!

Goz, i'm sorry you're not feeling well.:( Take Lynn's advice. She knows what she's talking about!

Anonymous said...

LOL Dani! Images of Rob in his Edward wardrobe can cause a little finger shaking on the keyboard.

Jewels - a fellow addict. LOL!

Jewels64 said...

Hello my name is Jules and I'm a Rob Pattinson addict.

Lynn said...

Thank you, Jewels!

I knew that 15 years of parenting and three years as a pharmacy tech would pay off some day!

Talk to ya, lovelies soon!

Jewels64 said...

God grant me the serenity to stare into Rob's beautiful blue eyes while overcoming the urge to tear his pants off.

Give me the courage to deal with teenage Twitwits, Twilight Moms and "she who can not be named."

Give me the wisdom to know that this is the BEST DAMN ROB PATTINSON BLOG ON THE PLANET!

Jewels64 said...

Bye Lynn, we'll tawk latah!

Anonymous said...

Good luck Amy! Hope Rob is hat-free today so you can enjoy the sex hair in all its glory.

Anonymous said...

Bye Lynn!

Jules - killin me here ROTFL. At least I'm home and can LOL instead of trying to stifle snickers at work.

Kate said...

God it's taken me 10 mins to read through everything.

Have a great time Amy!!!-you lucky thing!!

Jewels- Twitwits PMSL

And I missed all the "She who cannot be named" so I hadn't a clue who/what ye were on about but let me see if I'm right, Rob went to a KOL concert, some model claimed it was them and it was actually Nikki, am I on the right track??? Correct me if not coz now ye have me curious.
I think i need to check out the IMDB boards coz I really don't go on there at all.

Jewels64 said...

Kate, I was on a church retreat when that whole thing happened. One day on Rob Pattinson Life, by the end of the weekend it got all blown to hell.

But Dani was right, the best thing was the birth of this here happy place where all us crazy ladies can overdose daily on Rob and crack each other up.

Kate said...

Yeap you're dead right there Jewels, I'm SO glad I found this place mainly because it's all in good fun and not obsessive IYKWIM although if a stranger or indeed Rob himself read some of the comments they might wonder LOL (kidding, kidding) I think I've only been on here just over a week and I'm starting to feel like I know ye all so well already!!

La Stella said...

hey there is a new interview from the boston globe =)


Kate said...

That link is coming up page not found is there something missing at the end of it???

MiCh said...

Yes Kate, something is missing:


La Stella said...

thanks Mich, I forgot to separate the link so it could be accesible.

Anonymous said...

Kate - "she who shall not be named (SWSNBN) " debacle summary:

1)Robalicious went to KOL concert. Pic appeared showing him next to brunette.
2)Somebody (anon) on RPL blog said it was Annelyse Schoeberger (SWSNBN), leggy model who needs to eat more Krispy Kreme donuts so she looks like the rest of us and that they were dating. Proving this by showing screencaps of SWSNBN's myspace page text (no pics mind) where the word "Rob" appeared. Lame much.
3)Fur flew - MMMRRRAOW and estrogen levels rose through the roof.
4)Michelle on RPL shut down comments b/c she didn't like people dissing Rob & his alleged lady friend.
5)Peeps didn't like not being able to post so this new blog was born.

Happy Birthday to Robsessed and proper crassness. Appletinis (and cold medication) to Goz!

MiCh said...

No problem estrellas!

Are you going to any of the "great" concerts of this month in Mexico City? I live in Mty but I'm going to Mexico to the Oasis gig 'cause here the tix were sold in 5 secs!

Next year, Radiohead ;)

p r i s c a said...

Ladies, We have done well here. I have been a little quiet recently, just been so slammed with work and school is kicking me in the gut...And aslso *whispers* trying to win tickets on the radio to the premiere...(no luck!). But i have been following the posts and i am very glad we have robsessed now. Big hugs to the lovelies Goz and Dani for keeping this place A-POPPIN'!

*takes a robsicle and sits down to enjoy*

Kate said...

Aah thanks AJ ;-)

Gosh all that because of going to a KOL concert and it was Nikki all the time LOL

Gozde said...

Himm, I don't want to beat a dead horse but I looked at that picture again and that's not Nikki :) Maybe they all went together :)

Kat said...

Oh this is hilarious... but you know. Something GREAT came of the KOL post... THIS BLOG! Goz and Dani rock as always.... wouldn't want it any other way.

(Why is my daughter eating her yogurt with her hands?)

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