Hollywood 411 Interview with Robert Pattinson

Thanks to AJ for the find :-))


Amy said...

Ok those two hosts or whatever are a bit dumb. I mean the guy is like 'the audience will be tweenies' - Ummm where the F has this guy been?? The age range for this series is like from 7 to 50. Haha wake up Mr. Critic guy!!! Geez. And then he get's all hesitant with his answer when the other one asks if this movie will catapult the new stars into super stardom?! Ummmm of course it will put them on a whole new platform - it already IS happening!!! What an idiot. I swear some of these people have no idea how to do their jobs when reporting things.

La Stella said...

I totally agree with you Amy. I heard him and cried.. HEY I'm not a tweener. Dumbass!

Tess said...

Amy & Estrellas - That's almost all I took away from this interview as well! "Tweeners" I said to myself. I'm not a tweener and I can't wait to see this movie. What a Dink!

Noted how Kristen was really uncomfortable with the 'off screen chemistry" question. (( Cue the hair grab))

such a nervous twitch for both Rob and Kstew.

Rose said...

"there really wasn't anyone else I could have done it with. It would have been such a lie."
Kristen is so honest. I think that sentence says a whole lot.

I didn't realize there was an age limit on liking Twilight.
I'm glad I'm NOT a tweener! :)

Dani said...

Okay he is adorkable yet again. "You can't go after her besides she has a boyfriend and shes 17 and you will go to jail" classic Rob.

Dani said...

Oh the hosts are dip shits, pardon my French but I could not listen to that crap for long. Please eat me you idiot, where do they get their info anyways?

Amy said...

Rob: "Catherine called me up to say I got the part. She was like "just promise me you won't try to get with Kristen. Her boyfriend is one of my close friends. And also she's seventeen so YOU'LL GO TO JAIL!"

Hahahaha! Oh you know she is said that to him because Catherine felt the heat too and had to 'remind' him to behave. LMAO.

Anonymous said...

Ditto Amy & Tess. People keep assuming it's only for tweens but according to Fandango tickets sales 69% of buyers are >18.

People from 12-112 appreciate a good love story. And this is a good love story.

Lynn said...

Love it! Kristen's bullshit tolerance is so apparent with how she reacts to the interviewer. Kristen is my kind of girl, mean, cool as hell and highly intelligent.

Lynn said...

Okay, cool as hell is totally oxymoronic...but, you know what I mean!

And, Dani, I loved Rob's comment, too.

Anonymous said...

Lynn - Kristen is fiesty. Remember the comic con questions about boxers & briefs? Her face shows her emotions so well. Probably why she's such a good actress.

Amy said...

Totally off topic, but I have been listening to Rob's 'Let Me Sign' on repeat on my ipod and I really want him to make a record in the future. I know that song is super short, but his voice is just hypnotic :)

Dani said...

Lynn i get you. Kristen is smart about what she does. She knows that she is a talent, and is not going to be abused and do something she doesn't believe it. She has balls, literally brass balls to say NO to the script because she thought something was cheesy. Good for her for standing up and making something better because of it.

Kudos to K Stew!

And Rob...oh Hell does he need a reminder to back off K Stew...poor guy can't get a break with this girl.

Dani said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Amy - His voice is so intense when he sings 'I will wrap you in my arms'. love it.

MiCh said...

Maybe I'm too late but I only want to wish good luck to Gozde tomorrow in her tesis defense. I'm sure this will be the only Rob-blog managed by a Doctor :D (awe) and the lovely Dani, of course.
May the charm and confident of ROB be with you, Goz!

Dani said...

Amy agreed that song is completely hypnotic...why so short? Please cue more of Rob moaning incoherently.

MiCh said...

Pff, I mean, self-confidence.. n_n

Dani said...

Mich babe that is super sweet. I think Goz is off for the night but I am sure she will check in tomorrow before she heads out and would appreciate your well wishes. What a sweetheart!

And we of course love that you love it here and appreciate the love that you give...gosh a lot of love is coming out of me this evening.

Lynn said...

Dani---you're gettin' all hippie on us! Yes, the love vibe is being felt.

Dani said...

I want to see some pics from this HT event. People who met him on imdb said he looked exhausted. Awe!

Lynn said...

Dani---you're putting a woobie on all the Rob love....awww, Rob really needs a break!

Dani said...

He does need a break, and a bath and some hot cocoa and a cigarette all at the same time. Oh and a cheeseburger from In N Out, and then he can just soak , eat and smoke, and sip on the ever homey hot cocoa. And this image is brought to you by me...you're welcome.

Nothing like Rob soaking in a tub eating fast food.

Lynn said...

Stewing in his own filth and noshing on burgers and chips---noted as utter sexiness!

Tess said...

Wow Ladies.. that last image of Rob soaking in a tub (I'm adding surrounded by candlelight) eating an IN-N-OUT Burger is potent.

Wish I were doing that!! I wonder if he dips his fries in his chocolate shake?? mmmm.. No there's a visual!

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