Dani said...

Okay I just died that was the greatest birthday gift EVER! I love you all my blog mates so very much, and to Goz the best partner a girl could have I am giggling hysterically and I think I just woke the baby! Ah hell it is my birthday and I am wearing my birthday suit too check my pic out!

Gozde said...

Oh my god look at that baby!!!!! So cute! Love love love the picture :-)

I was working on the video for hours, that's why I couldn't comment on anything. I had to put dick in a box and the megaphone in there, lol.

Nite nite honey!

Tess said...

Oh my.. Is there a doctor in the house! That was really great. What a fantastic Birthday video for our lovely Dani. Look at Sweet Hay's pinch-able cheeks! (or our those D?)

The music was fab (love CA) and the pictures were divine! I'm totally feeling it and agree. Ain't no other man alive... who can compare (I'm gonna burn in hell)

I'm drinking a toast to both of you ladies this evening.

For Gozde- For what I'm SURE was a brilliant thesis defense (we're waiting for the video - ha ha)

For Sweet Dani - for finding amazing jewels to post, and when she can't locate anything post worthy, she creates something for our viewing pleasure.


libra_cuspgirl said...

Excellent! I loved it, I know it took a lot of work! Thank you for sharing!

And Happy Birthday Dani!

Kate said...

What a fab video.

Happy Birthday DAni, hope you have a great ROB-filled day!! ;-)

Suss said...

Happy birthday Dani! If i could i'd send you a big cake with a surprise in it.. (hint: sex hair, gorgeous lips, sexy jawline, british accent, adorkable..) Happy birthday!

Suss said...

and great video too! forgot to put it in there. but really, amazing :D

Kat said...

Sneaking on before I set of into the retreat like wilderness again to say - HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANI!

Hope you have a Rob filled day :-)

Goz - GREAT video...

Oh, and yes, pinchable cheeks in your pic Dani!!

Dani said...

Thanks again to Goz...my goodness I had no idea how hard to worked last night when I first saw it. I love it even more this morning a second time around. Goz you are fantastic!

Thanks to everyone who wishes me a Happy Birthday. Smooches all around...and those are Hay's buns not mine, but both are equally fabulous if I do say so myself.

bella's mom said...

Dani girl, You brighten our days and nights with your posts and your witty banter. We love ya and thank the heavens that we have the priviledge of knowing you.

Wishing you the Happiest of Birthdays! and sending all the Rob-a-licious wet dreams you so deserve!!!


MiCh said...

Happy birthday Dani, hope you have a ROBalicious day! Ohh, and your baby is gorgeous! Exactly like the mother ;) Lots of huges from Mexico to you! Congrats!

Eva said...

Happy B-day fabulous Dani!I hope you have a great day! I'm sending your way a lot of sunshine and kisses!
Your son is so cute!

Dr.Goz, the video is amazing.

Rose said...

What an adorable baby!!!

Happy Birthday, Dani!

I hope all your dreams and wishes come true!

(wonderful banner, too!)

DirtyD said...


Thanks so much for all the hard work you and gozde do. It brightens each and every single day for me.

So have a terrific day.


Anonymous said...

I hope you have a great day, you rocking girl. You are fantastic.
And Goz...I'm shaking my head.
You are...amazing...you bad ass.
If I had the tech skills I'd make you a video for your PHD accomplishment.
In fact I think I'm going to take some time and learn because girl, you desire a fine, fine Rob video for you, dedicated to you from us, because goddess of this blog, you give us so much joy.

Anonymous said...

I meant "deserve" you know my typos:}

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