FOR GOZ-Because she is awesome!

Dr. Goz needs a little medicine cause she is working very hard on her thesis defense.Wish this was Rob but it is a very good photoshop pic.
Thanks to angelwhispersme on IMDB for the tasty pic.


Tess said...

Oh Lord!! this picture WITH the beanie!

Gozde said...

Awww, thanks Dani! Half naked but still wearing the beanie! I love it! Lova ya!

Suss said...

i.. am.. speechless...

Dani said...

You are all welcome, especially Goz as it was a gift for her. I am going out to dinner soon and won't be on until later but hope you enjoy and it is a lovely image...with the beanie. Never leaves home without it our Rob.

Amy said...

I love that Rome video. They seem more relaxed and got through those questions really well :)

DirtyD said...

Only in my dreams...

Amy said...

Um get ready to be dazzled by some of these close ups ladies...

More HQ screen caps from that itunes sneak peak in the forest...these are VERY HQ!!!


Aussierobfan said...

Thank you Dani - if only this were real!
I know this has been said a lot.. but it can never be said enough..
Thank you Dani and Gozde for all your hard work in keeping this blog up to date and entertaining.
Special thanks to Amy for all her efforts.
Thanks to everybody who comments here and makes this a lovely community

Gozde said...

Aww, thanks you guys! Aussie fan, today some other Aussie, Cilla, gave us links to her Australian fan spaces. Though, don't leave us by going there all the time, lol :P

Here if you are interested:

Aussierobfan said...

Thanks Goz - don't worry about me leaving, you guys are stuck with me

Gozde said...

As Rob would say "Oh good" :)

Gozde said...

Amy, your profile picture is amazing!

Suss said...

Can I just ask you girls a question? Just out of interest. I mean, I know all of us find Robert handsome, goofy, sexy etc, but WHAT especially attracts you to him? If there is anything special you can think of, of course, and not the whole package! Just out of interest, would be fun to hear! :D
And btw, this is a great blog and I prefer it over all of the others! ;D

Amy said...

Yaaaaaa he went!!

Rob was snapped leaving the Hollywood Bowl :) Pictures below...

Suss said...

Thank you amy! He's looking gorgeous as always. Gah, suddenly i've lost all interest in swedish men, hahah. Thanks again!

Tess said...

Suss - To answer your question.. Yes, Rob comes in beautiful Wrapping (ha ha) but that wouldn't have been enough for me. It's the interviews that I read and watch that really clinch it for me. He seems like a sincere and kind human being (sorry for the campy comments, cue's violins) The more he reveals about himself, the more I find I like about 'him' and again.. this is just me using my own perception and reading between the lines. Perhaps It's my woman's intuition ;) I also admire how kind and polite he is to his fans.

There are plenty of lovely people out there, but he seems to be lovely on the inside as well.

good question.

Suss said...

Tess - I agree with you! I would never be so interested in him if he only were goodlooking. He seem so genuine and.. Just a normal guy who is extremely talented, oh i dont know, but i first "fell for him" when i watched a couple of interviews too. Before that he was just a random beautiful guy. Haha, im asking you for answers and i cant even answer myself but yeah, i dont know im curious and i dont have any friends who like rob so i just thought i'd ask here! :D Great that you took the time to answer!

Aussierobfan said...

Tess and Suss I agree with you both it's more than the looks. He just seems so polite and kind and he's really nice to his fans. He's also not afraid to be himself he's not putting on a media front

Lynn said...

Goz---this is brilliance! Rob's got his own fantasy now of looking like a Abercrombie model. Two fantasies come true!

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