Fitting for the new interviews

I'm going crazy now :-)


Anonymous said...

OK that was just too much...can't take the smile off my face :) Now I won't be able to hear that song without thinking of Rob too,Sex on Fire because of the whole KOL thing he went to. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Goz, you know this is when I became a fan of yours with this song and I got up and danced, picturing myself teaching Rob to dance.
You're awesome, incredible and you deserve Rob.
No, he deserves you.

Gozde said...

Aww, Jovie, you are so sweet. I'm speechless, which doesn't happen very often :-)

I really hope you get to meet him tomorrow so we can live vicariously through you :-))

Anonymous said...

Also, I want to know why he thinks he's a DICK???
I would of asked why do you think you're a dick?
I loved how he had been thinking all day why Stephenie Meyer thought he wouldn't be a good bf.
I was bothering him. I love that. Also, when he laughed thinking that's why she thought he wouldn't be a good bf, but possibly not. I would like to know more why she doesn't think he's a good boyfriend. I ideally wouldn't want an actor, because in his joy he has to kiss other people. My ideal would be a singer/songwriter who sings to me.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Goz me too, I was so excited when twilicious Amy found out he was going to be at KGO, that's more my speed.
I will do my best tomorrow.
Wish you could be with me.

Gozde said...

Yeah I wish I was with you too :-)

In the other thread (variety video) we discussed why we thought SM said that.

Anonymous said...

LMAO at my typos. Obviously I meant
"it and job"
I type too fast and don't prof.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'll have to read the other thread, it's been so nice here today I just can't seem to stay inside.
I'll go read now.

Amy said...

K I can't see or hear anything happening in the EXTRA live feed...ugh I hate when they do live feeds because they always screw up and the connection is never good. They should interview them and then just upload the video, it would make viewing it so much easier!

Anonymous said...

Just listened to the Extra live feed. It was difficult to hear what he was saying but I think he said he doesn't really see the reason to clean his apartment or wash his hair. Doesn't put much importance on those two things. And said when he's in L.A. he like In n Our burger, probably because they are a west coast only, and then something when he was in New York, but I couldn't make out what he said. Also, that he did have a crush on Kristen during filming because he was in that mindset and I think he said it took him a couple of months after filming to get over it.

Gozde said...

Yeah it doesn't load for me either :-(( Thanks for the recap Jovie and apparently he said his favorite thing about America is the refills, lol. I thought it was really cool when I came over here too.

Anonymous said...

This interview was not a tenth as good as the Variety interview.
Basically, they asked what hair conditioner and shampoo he used after when they got to fans questions but it was after he just said the comment about his hair and he kind of basically just laughed and shook his head.

Anonymous said...

He seems kind of lapsadasical. These press junkets must be so tiring answering the SAME damn questions over and over.

Anonymous said...

He says hello and goodbye from the plane to In n Out, Lisa?
I didn't hear that one. That's kind of cute and funny.
He's sucha typical guy, pizza hot pockets and In n Out.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad he's getting hooked on some American things.

Anonymous said...

I hear ya between his high cholesterol diet and smoking...
But I'm not his mum and even if I was I'm sure he wouldn't listen.

Dani said...

I should not watch this too often. Goz its just so incredibly hot. WOW! I mean WOW! Its a good one. We had better watch it though because I am afraid they won't include a wide shot during that kiss with K Stew's buns. They say they opted for closer angles. WHATEV' Goz has got this on lock down with the gray booty and Im loving it.

Tess said...

Goz- You're trying to kill me. you did it again.. sooo nice to watch. the music is perfect.. never fails to get me bouncing in my chair (or is that just Rob's affect on me)


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