Fierce Close Up Of Rob

Thank you to Rob's Mum and Dad for making such a beautiful man.


kristen said...

Oh my. The Eyes. The Mouth. The Chin. The Jaw. Having trouble forming thoughts, let alone complete sentences. That is one beautiful man.

FIERCE is right. Nice find, Dani. Where is this photo from?

Dani said...

I just googled it, came up on like page 20 of the pictures. It is a good one, his nose is perfectly, imperfect. I love how it is a little crooked. He is too cute. Those brows get out of hand quick, It is hilarious how they had to wax them for Twilight.

Kat said...

OK, that one is TOO much. Big pile of drool right here. I love how his nose is so very slightly crooked.

Kat said...

Oh ditto on the nose comment Dani!

babbles said...

Oh Geeeze, I needed a little warning for that one, Click on favorite tab for Robsessed, Wait for updload *gasps* staring, WOW!


Amy said...

Dani, heads up...Kristen, Rob and Stephanie will be on Moviefone's Unscripted!!!!

Oh I'm so looking forward to this. Those candid interviews are always so good.

Scroll down a bit :)

Amy said...

"We've done loads of very cool star-on-star Unscripted interviews -- but we've never gotten as many requests as we have for 'Twilight.' Well, movie fans, your wish is our command.

On Saturday, November 8, Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, and Stephenie Meyer will be sitting down in our Unscripted studio to interview each other using your questions. You know what that means."

kristen said...

I know, his nose is delightful. It is one of the few indications that he is actually human... nearly everything else about him is almost inhumanly perfect and beautiful.

Hmmm, I might have to take a gander at a Rob google image search if it produces gems like this... Looking at 20 pages of Rob photos sounds quite fun, albeit not very beneficial for work. Dammit.

Kat said...

OK, I can't stop looking at that picture.

bella's mom said...

You thanked his mum and dad, but just think of the fun they had making him.. hehehe.

Nurse Dani, new assignment for ya.. We seriously need to look into cloning. We can all pitch in and have another made and that way we can give the real Rob a break now and then with his appearences and in the meantime I'm sure the gurlz here can think of ways to entertain him. "Zip" to it!! lol

Anonymous said...

Hell yes, they made a beautiful man!
I am dying to see photos of his parents.
His sister Lizzy is also very good looking.
Can anyone find a photo of his parents?
Hopefully they'll go to the Twilight premiere in support of their son.:)

Kat said...

Mona - if we're going to go to the trouble of cloning him once, shouldn't we just make one for each of us? Nurse Dani... can you get on this assignment pronto?

Anonymous said...

We especially want a photo of Rob's father!

Dani said...

Yes seriously we have a lot of unused lab space at the cancer center and while we are finding new treaments for melanoma, lets work on some cloning of Rob action. I will pose this to the board pronto!

Emily said...

I love this picture! It's from the Dukes of Hazzard premiere back in 2005.
I've seen pictures of people who have gotten an autographed photo from Rob and this is the one he sent out for a while. Can you imagine opening an envelope and discovering this?? I think that would earn the mailman a kiss.
Here it is in color:

All I can say is that Rob needs to include a bit more red in his new wardrobe because he looks smokin' hot in it. I mean, he'd look amazing wearing granny-panty brown but something about that red shirt. MmmMmm good...

P.S. I am SO on board for the cloning idea. Put me down for two!

Dani said...

Blasted Hell he is a babe. I was baking cookies while oogling Rob pics and burnt the dang cookies to bits! I really shouldn't try to bake, or bake under the influence of Rob, it is dangerous. Thank God I live down the street from a firehouse.

Emily said...

It's true, Dani. Rob is not conducive with multi-tasking. He demands our full attention.

Dani said...

Em you're not kidding. I really wanted some damn cookies too. I have lost 10 lbs and don't know how, I was telling Lynn the other day I have been eating mass amounts of fast food. So how It happened I dunno, but here come the holidays and holidays require COOKIES, im ready to gain it all back. Damn Rob being so delicious just ruined my gaining spree!

Jewels64 said...

I've had this picture of Rob as my wallpaper on my phone forever! With the caption Team Edward! above it. When ever I need a quick little thrill, there he is in all his gloriousness!

MiCh said...

Oh, is good to know that I'm not the only ROBsessed who have pics of Rob as wallpaper on the phone and the notebook, hehehe.. n_n

Lynn said...

Oh my goodness, where does one even start with the loveliness in that mug? Yes, I love how his nose is slightly imperfect and curves to the left and the ever so crazy brows. And, the luscious lips and long lashes----OVERLOAD!

Dani---you did it!

Tess said...

I just opened email to this shot in full color (thanks Robkats), and gasped 'out loud'.(ha).. His eyes quite are beautiful. His mouth is quite beautiful, those little indents on the sides of his face are delectable...

This is an evil picture designed to drive me mad and to keep me from leaving my house.

Tess said...

Dani- Ohhh your poor cookies.. (so reminds me of when I burnt up my fav, pan boiling eggs while on this blog)

I can def. imagine that any woman he's with is not able to manage cooking in his presence... Not that I would be thinking of food around him.. Just condiments.. oodles of fun condiments. whipped cream, peanut butter, nutella, and anything else that goes well with skin

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