Fan pic from Rome

Click pic for a closeup of those hungry eyes...think dirty dancing.

Another lucky fan closeup from Rome thanks to


Lynn said...

Bedroom eyes much? Rob's look yummy dirty.

Thank you, Dani!

Lynn said...

I meant Rob looks dirty yummy! See, I really do need a drink...

Rose said...


kristen said...

Oh yeah, I am loving the hungry eyes in this one. Ahhh - I LOVED Dirty Dancing growing up. I had a serious thing for Patrick Swayze for a while.

Aussierobfan said...

Gorgeous as always

Does this man take a bad picture?

Tess said...

Ooohh.. fattening. completely fattening.

I want to exfoliate my skin against his skin.

Dani said...

I know even at that ridiculous angle he looks gorgeous. Yummy dirty, dirty yummy. All good.

Tess said...

sorry.. calm, unaffected exterior slips again..

but if I saw that up close, I'd be begging for a beard rash..

Rose said...

Um..Everglow has HQ pics of the Vanity Fair issue up...
Talk about tasty.

Lynn said...

OH YES! The scruff is just much to resist, need to rub my cheek on that.

Lynn said...

Rob's chameleon eyes look incredibly grey---love it!

Dani said...

If you saw him that close how could you keep yourself from planting a few right on his chin, ahhhhhhhhhh his neck and chin and cheeks and lips. Well they are all due for a good kissing.

Lynn said...

Kisses, licks, touch of the fingers...the list goes on!

Aussierobfan said...

How does his publicist stay so calm being in close proximity to him all day long?

Aussierobfan said...

Aaaah his neck - yes!

Lynn said...

Well, she seems to be really in to her job---I love how he referred to her as his wife (funny boy!). I would think that Rob would be fun to work for...he seems conscious of other ppl's feelings all the time. But, we all have our bad moments as well.

Jewels64 said...

Loving the scruffy! Had a nice personal encounter with the scruffy (not Rob, I wish) myself today. It was delicious!

I always seem to hear Duran Duran's "Hungry Like the Wolf" when he looks like that. Okay, now i just short circuited myself. Rob, Simon Le Bon...eek I'm in total teenage heaven!

Lynn said...

Yes, Rob's neck is indeed just lovely---long, high Adam's Apple, smooth with hints of scruff. Delectable!

Aussierobfan said...

Jewels that's the thing about this obsession of mine - it makes me feel like a teenager all over again

Lynn said...

Jewels---Simon Le Bon....ay, you are killing me! He is just ageless and mucho sexy. I love Hungry Like A Wolf and Rio. Another to add to the anglophile list!

Aussierobfan said...

Lynn you're so eloquent!

One reason I didn't comment for so long you are all so eloquent

Tess said...

I like the mole an the right side of his neck, just inside his hairline.

obsess much? nope

Jewels64 said...

Yeah, those boys from across the pond just keep on coming...I'm loving every freaking minute of it. Not to say that we don't have our fair share from Oz... Hugh Jackman, Simon Baker...

Lynn said...

Aussie---why thank you! I just love writing terms of endearment for Rob...he is my muse...even though he will never know it! Comment, please! The more, the merrier!

Aussierobfan said...

Jewels just read your comment on the previous post - G'day mate to you to!!!
I thought you looked like and Aussie - I'm from down south

Tess thanks for the "welcome"

Jewels64 said...

Tess! I'm so sorry! I didn't say hello! How are ya doll? Actually looks like the gang's all here as usual. Nice to be in our happy place.

Except now my kids are bugging me for food. Can you believe that? I mean really, food? Oh, wait that's right I'm strung out on Rob crack and nothing else matters right now. SNAP OUT OF IT.

I'll be back...keep the boards warm for me will ya ladies! Loving it tonight!!!!

Anonymous said...

Tess, Yes! I obsess about that mole also. I want to kiss it so badly. Up his neck and then linger there.
Also, Lynn answer to your previous question. What part of Cal,
That's why the trek to San Fran question. If it would be an event like Austin Film Fest, I would go in a heartbeat.

Dani said...

Do I need to post another pic ya'll are getting into a frenzy with the comments pretty much in love with all of you.

Anonymous said...

"Thou art to me a delicous torment"
Ralph Walden Emerson's quote befits how I feel about Rob.

Anonymous said...

Ditto to you Dani.

kristen said...

Aussie - Welcome! I was thinking the same thing about his publicist. I don't know how she can keep it together when she's with him 24/7. If I were her, I would probably constantly be making a fool of myself by either staring at him with my mouth open or saying really inappropriate things all the time.

I can just picture it now... "Now, Rob, are you SURE there is nothing else that I can do for you? I can help you pick out your clothes, and if you need help buttoning those shirts or zipping up those pants, well that's what I'm here for, right?"

Aussierobfan said...

Lyla I nearly fell off my chair laughing.
There is no way I could keep it together in her position

Tess said...

ohhh Lyla- You're making my mind wander..

My infatuation makes me review various lines from all my favorite poets.. then I feel really silly.

I was re-reading The Prophet the other day, dreaming about Rob, and almost got the giggles

Aussierobfan said...

Ok my real life has finally caught up with me. I have to go study for my exam tomorrow.
Thank you for the lovely company ladies.

Anonymous said...

If I was Rob's publicist I wouldn't be able to be professional, the sexual tension would give me away.
I would be snuggling into him in the car in between events and definetly making out. I would also be asking him all the things I have been waiting to ask him. Our conversations from his birth on, I have a lot I want to ask, Rob.

kristen said...

Tess - My mind wanders way too much when I have Rob on the brain... which, let's face it, is more often than is probably healthy :)

But seriously, his publicist must have the poise of a saint not to react to him. I don't know how she does it, but I bow down to her super-human composure and tranquility powers.

Tess said...

Dani- Please check your email. xox

Jewels64 said...

Twilight Vanity fair shoot on ET right now. DAni, Goz, someone find the link and post it!

p r i s c a said...

Oh man, did ya really need to add the "sweet physical love" line. The photo is enough to send me on THE FRITZ. I mean really, are you trying to get me fired. I have been on a RonHigh all day and have forgotten all about work. YIKES!

Dani said...

Tess babe I cannot check my e-mail from work. But you can email me at my work mail. my yahoo account I check in the evening times and on Mon and Fri. My work sucks.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he just doesn't do it for her on the publicist thread thing here.

Dani said...

im going to post HQ vanity fair scans soon!

p r i s c a said...


Totally misspelled his name.

I should be Rob! And he should bring the suspenders, and the Zipper, AAAND THE MEGAPHONE!

Tess said...

don't bother with the article from E.. negative and preaching..

Hi Betz

p r i s c a said...

Hey Tess.

i JUST read that E article too. It's trash, absolute rubbish.

Dani said...

I just posted on IMDB about it. Ted Casablanca is an asshole and needs to stick his opinion where the sun don't shine. He is a bitter ex drinker who needs to mind his own damn business and do the leg work for a real story.

Kimberlesk said...

Jeez Dani, sure hate to piss you off -- tell us how you really feel.

Gozde said...

I don't think the E! article is a big deal. It only says he does some shots before auditioning :) Nothing wrong with that, I had a friend that would do shots before his presentations. Doesn't hint at being alcoholic. If Ted, the asshole, was going to call him an alcoholic he would, straight up.

Dani said...

Hey I didn't mean to offend that kinda crap just upsets me.

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