Fame takes a big bite out of 'Twilight' star Robert Pattinson

Examiner.com had an interview with Rob and here it is :-))
Twilight is the most anticipated film of the season but even headliner Robert Pattinson can't grasp the enormity of its popularity—or his for that matter.

"I feel as if I’ve been in this Twilight bubble where I never see the outside world," the 22-year-old star said during a blink-and-you-miss-him press tour through The City earlier this week. " I get a lot of people saying, 'How does it feel to be an overnight sensation?' But I literally have not been to a restaurant in such a long time. I have no idea what my real life is like any more. Maybe when the film comes out and I go back to London, I can actually see what the real difference is."

The movie, which opens nationwide Nov. 21, is based on the 2005 "young adult" bestseller of the same name by Stephanie Meyer. It chronicles the life, love and angst of teen vamp Edward Cullen, whose extraordinary powers and sense of perception captures the attention of Bella, played by Kristen Stewart. Interestingly enough, Pattinson, who had stints in two Harry Potter films, didn't read the "Twilight" novels before auditioning for the lead role.

"I was living in England and it wasn’t big there," he says. "I actually tried to read it five months before when somebody had told me about it, and I read a few pages, and I thought, 'Oh, this isn’t my thing.' And I didn’t know that there was a phenomenon. I thought it was a little bit 'girly.' But then I read the script and it cut out a lot of the descriptions Edward was saying. It read more like an action script. So later, I went back to the book afterward and saw what the differences had been. I looked at a bit more objectively. I liked the book better when I came back to it the second time."

As for mentally crawling into the skin of Edward, Pattinson noted that his biggest pressure was worrying about "Edward having to be attractive."

"I mean that was the thing in the book—the key thing was that he be attractive," he adds. "And it was especially challenging when you’re trying to be frightening and pretty at the same time. It’s quite a complicated scenario, especially when you have to stay PG-13.

Is he saying he doesn't think he's attractive? "I think I am attractive … in some ways," Pattinson laughs. "Definitely a little bit shy."

There was also the pressure of Twilight being Pattinson's first American film. "I had a lot to think about in terms of the franchise—think about three films," he says. "And for that there has to be a matrix laid out, which is quite a heavy workload. And a lot of the movie, I guess I am kind of responsible for it. I haven’t done anything 'big,' which I feel responsible for. I had no real experience of having to hold a film myself.”

Fans of the book don't seem worried. There's so much online buzz, no doubt the film will take home the Number One spot in its opening weekend. In the meantime, Pattinson has already dashed off to another city for yet another round of promotional interviews. Asked whether he believed in the supernatural, and vampires, in particular, the young actor sighed and quipped: "I barely know any 'humans,' so I guess I can’t really guess."


Dani said...

ha double post i didn't realize you posted this. But I have a good pic for it if you want me to e-mail it to you. Its one I haven't seen before probably old but it features the plaid shirt.

Tess said...

It does really seem as he's single handedly promoting this movie lately (I don't mean to take anything away from the interview that Kstew has done, but where in the hell is everyone else??)

From a few of the comments he's made, he seems a bit lonely... (while all the time surrounded my screaming fans) Don't we all wish we could lend him a bit of support?

AND - I just want to tell all of you, that if wishes could be granted.. (aside from the obvious) I would wish that we could all see this movie for the first time together. That would be fantastic!

Gozde said...

Dani, you can edit my post :-)) Do you know how to change the picture? By all means, we all miss the plaid shirt :P

Gozde said...

okay got your email will update it

Dani said...

It won't let me edit your posts when I sign it. I can view them but the edit button is not to the left like on my posts. Either way love that pic. And this interview is awesome.

Aussierobfan said...

Tess...I would love to be able to see this movie with you guys.
We could all go out for dinner or a drink after the movie and discuss all things Rob...

Lynn said...

Tas---I agree that Rob does seem lonely...it has to be hard to on the move constantly with little privacy and creature comforts. It makes more and more sense that Rob can such a shut-in, eating the Hot Pockets and watching bad television. I bet he puts Pinkdot to use while in LA, I would be the same way!

Jewels64 said...

Finally! He finally admits that he thinks he's a little bit attractive. That's like calling the Great Wall of China a little fence.

Ladies, what a night would be had by all if we could watch this movie together! I'm already going with four other friends who are just beginning to catch the Robsessive virus from me! Martinis before midnight showing!

Aussierobfan said...

Jewels..I'll be thinking of you and your friends.
We have to wait until Dec 11th before we get the movie - none of my friends are interested in seeing it.
Have a martini for me.

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