Extra RAW

Be patient it takes some time to load and it's the crappiest sound system yet. The video also freezes a lot. Check the comments section for what people could hear :-)


DirtyD said...

Glad you put this up. I was trying to watch it live but I had company. I felt so silly trying to sneak to my laptop!

Gozde said...

I can only watch 1.5 minutes than it stops dammit.

Dani said...

Goz is this what just aired. I'm on my pod and couldnt watch it but heard that the quality sucked big time lots of people could barely hear what he was saying but talked a lot about having a crush on Kristen. So cute that one. Anywho are they going to re-air the footage or did someone youtube it? I'm in the damn dark not being able to get on my comp.

Gozde said...

Yeah Dani, it sucks, it freezes, and I have no idea what they are talking about.

Rose said...

I saw the Rob interview...it was kinda hard to hear, but I was watching it live, so maybe it will be better on video.
He's getting quite good at these things, isn't he?
Maybe they should send KS out a bit more, let her learn a thing or two from our dear, sweet, soft-spoken, painfully honest, down to earth, humble, gorgeous Robert.

DirtyD said...

From what I did see the sound was really low most of the time. I had my speakers all the way up and had to listen really hard but still couldn't catch much of it. And I can only watch up to 1:30 too.

Dani said...

Yeah everyone at imdb said the quality sucked. Why Extra didn't just air it on tv I don't know. With all the people clammering to watch it no doubt it would be slow and then the feed quality sucked and the sound too. Extra is getting a strongly worded letter!

But I surmised from the imdb peeps that he loves in and out, big crush on Kristen during filming. And not much else.

Rose said...

She asked about the chemistry and if he had a crush on Kristen. He answered "I dunno". She was like..."You don't KNOW?"
And he talked about how hard it was being in character, and then it took him 2 months to let go of it, and that it was weird then to see Kristen...He did mention her boyfriend a couple of times, too.
At least thats what I got from it.

Dani said...

Yeah someone said the interviewer was like " she has a boyfriend though" and that he said something to the effect of "who cares about the boyfriend"! Ha so funny oh also he loves that he gets free refills when dinning out. Loves burgers and hot dogs, and crushing on Kristen. He is such a man I love it!

Anonymous said...

I posted this below before you put up the vid. Listened to it with my husbands awsome headphones. Yes he did talk about Kirsten he did seem like he crushed on her through his character. Had a hard time dropping it said it took him awile to drop it.
FAVORITE part was at the end

Watched this and got to see Robs interview before it started to get cut in and out. Love that his favorite things about America is Grey's papaya in NY and In & Out in LA oh and FREE REFILLS!!! He must be hungry. Oh and that he says goodbye/hello to In&Out from the plane when he leaves for press junkets. He needs to find a nice girl who will cook him some healthier meals. :)

Amy said...

He says 'goodbye, hello' to In N Out from the plane????? LMAO!!!! Omfg he is hilarious.

Gozde said...

Yeah, he did say "What about her boyfriend?", like who cares :-) He is seriously still crushing on her, it's cute. And he said it's quite awkward now :-)

Lynn said...

Dani and Goz--thanks for posting the vid...I also had difficulties watching it.

As a vegetarian, Rob's diet scares the bejeezus out of me, but, I guess it also has a lot to do with being British.

Dani said...
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Dani said...

That interviewer is Simon Cowell's ex Terry Seymore. She is English I am pretty sure and completely adorable. LOVE HER.

Dani said...

Im giving up trying to watch it. I hope someone is able to get a solid feed and good take and then youtubes this cause I got nothing, sounds like the porn channel when you don't have the porn channel and all you can see is squiggly lines and random moans and words.

This left me with the same feeling as that does too, disappointed, flustered, and completely unsatisfied.

Gozde said...

"This left me with the same feeling as that does too, disappointed, flustered, and completely unsatisfied."

Hahaha, Dani you cracked me up :-))

And yeah Terry is so cute!

DirtyD said...

Can you girls see the picture or does it freeze? Mine freezes but the audio continues so I listened to the whole thing. Found some good head phones and I can hear it pretty well now.

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