EW Outtakes

Amy, you are beyond words :-))



Dani said...

BUSY GOZ! Wow you have been taking care of business during my nap. My gosh these pics are gorgeous.

Amy said...

These are lovely!! I love the first one of them together and of course the solo of Rob.

I also found another comment from someone who was at the event last night saying that Rob, Kris and Nikki left early to go to the Van Morrison concert. They didn't stay for the Q & A. Not sure how reliable that is yet, but some people are saying it.

Anonymous said...

Love the B&W i'm such a sucker for black and white shots. Control the joy division movie by anton corbijn was so beautifully shot in bw probably one of my favorite movies from last year.

Eva said...

Gorgeous pictures of beautiful Kristen and Rob.
I think these are my favorite of them.

Gozde said...

Oh that makes sense Morrison WAS playing at the Hollywood Bowl last night.

Dani said...

Yeah I was talking w/ a girl who was on IMDB about them leaving early I figured that is where they would be.

DirtyD said...

If anyone is a Nikki fan the Lifetime channel is showing a movie starring her called "Mini's First Time" right now and I'm eastern time.

Lisa- I love black and whites too. I don't know what it is about them but they seem to capture more in my opinion.

Dani said...

I love Mini's First Time. Nikki was fantastic in that.

Dani said...
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Lynn said...

Goz---you are wonderous for someone who's supposed to be business---love the photos.

I had my feeling that Rob wasn't going to stick it out for MTV...karma! MTV deserves no love after leaving out the mature fans.

Rusharthi said...

Second picture is killliiinnnggg me! Soooooo hot!

Lynn said...

Busy not business...geez, it's sounds like English is my second language.

Dani said...

Hey Lynn babe, thought I would say hello before taking off for my birthday shopping. These pics are bound to make anyone forget how to type, or speak, or to simply close their mouth and not drool on the keyboard.

Love ya!

Lynn said...

I will be bailing as well. Is your b-day today? I thought it was later next week....I thought the
12th for some reason. Anywho, have fun!

Lynn said...

I love, love, love the ABBAesque black and white of Rob and Kristen. The angle is just killer!

Tess said...

The top one is such a great picture. They are both so beautiful.

hhmm.. wonder if we're going to see some candid shots from Van Morrison like we did from KOL?

hello all

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