ET screencaps and the video

As always the fabulous Amy came through with the link :-) Thanks hun!

Big thanks to for the caps


Nena said...

oh GOD that picture! Kristen damn your boob.... *thud*

La Stella said...

can you say...motorboat?

Amy said...

See I told ya it was sexy!!! WHY they didn't use these photos I have no idea. Those are pure hotness. Those two have so much chemistry it is unreal...

Lynn said...

Ay, dios mio! The hotness factor is up with Kristen and Rob---love it!

Kat said...

If we all plead and beg together, maybe they'll release those HOT AND SEXY pics of them together.


Rusharthi said...

That picture is steaammmmyyyyyy!!!
Rob is SO into her! lol

Anonymous said...

Yayoshers! I loved the clip when she jumps on him and he catches her!
I've dreamed many times doing that to him.
Okay, ladies, this is Jovie.
Remember the San Fran thing I've been debating at HOt Topic?
Well, I just called the store and he's signing at 6:p.m.
They are having people get in line at 7:00a.m. to get their place of only 500.
They are having the signing in the store with only five people allowed in at a time.
I don't know if I want to go.

Anonymous said...

They start selling at 8:00a.m.
You get a flyer for your place # in line.
I'm getting nervous.
Should I go and take my chances?

Anonymous said...

Also, It's going to be cold and raining that day, am I not true blue if I don't go through all this trouble?

Dani said...

Goz thank you my lovely lady for that fantastic cap. Hello Kristen. My goodness thud goes my heart his face is on her boob! Wow.

Lynn said...

Dani---better? I know Kristen's bood is quite the lucky one, eh?

Anonymous said...

Okay guys, I'm going. I just watched the clip where he's hugging himself with his sunglasses on and that set me over the edge. I am a very bold person so I am going to ask for a hug.
Also, the clips where they are swinging, he has her hands on her ass trying to hold her up, LOVED THAT and the having her foot and appears to be looking up her dress.
I am going to dress the sexiest you have ever seen me.
Okay, ladies, you have never seen me but if I get a number I will give you a FULL report. I'll do something bold.

Lynn said...

Boob not bood....whoops!

Jewels64 said...

I completely stopped making dinner for my kids as soon as that came on. Rob kissing Kristen's boob. Good God, how many of us dream of that happening to us?

hey Jovie, if it's any consolation i decided not to go to Dallas for the same reason. Summit and Hot Topic are whoring Rob out and I don't feel like having to scramble over the backs of a bunch of 14 year olds to get a freaking wristband. Not my style. Besides, I'll send something to him through his agency to sign. Much more personal and would mean more. I must stick to my mantra that I will respect Rob's space!

I must and will ooogle from afar. SIGH...........

Gozde said...

Oh yay Jovie! You should go for all of us that live in the damn states that Rob doesn't come. Just take ear plugs for the screaming 14 year olds :-)

Gozde said...

Welcome back Dani :-) Hope you are feeling better. I'm going off to watch True Blood on demand.
Oh who am I kidding I'll be checking in every 10 minutes :-)

Dani said...

I'm great. And back in action. Ahhhhh all I can see is Kristen and Rob and her boob. A fine trio they make. Hot!

Lynn said...

Fine trio, indeed! Glad to see you back, m'dahling.

Amy said...

Not Rob related - but Cam Gigandet’s GAP Ad for 2008 is on JustJared. I know some of you like him and his gorgeous abs so you might like this photo even though he is wearing a sweater...haha

Jewels64 said...

Goz, I've gotten addicted to True Blood also. I had read the book Dead after Dark (man I am a vampire fiend or a fangbanger!) and couldn't wait to see what Alan Ball would do with the book. It's good stuff...holds me over until the 21st!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Goz, when I called the store the guy said all that happens is they hang up the phone and have to pick it up right after they hang up, people have been calling like this since their store was announced it was the one. I asked him if he's ever seen anything like this and he said his dad hasn't seen anything like this since the beetles.
Ha ha ha. My cousins went to the same school as Brad Pitt. Is it like this for Brad Pitt?
Honestly, Carmel to San Fran isn't bad and if I don't get a # I could go shopping.
Why am I still thinking about this so much. It was the high Goz of him holding her ass...
I'll go. I have to. He's so close...
I always embarass people I'm with being so bold, I will try to control myself and not be too bold, but as they say ask if you want something. Ask.
Ask. Ask.
How does he deal with all these freaking teenage girls. If only it wasn't hot topic and it was a film festival or something...

kristen said...

What I wouldn't give to be Kristen and/or her boob in this photoshoot. Dude, I think Rob really might be into her... did you guys see the interview on where Rob answered 17 questions? He mentions her a couple of times:

Who's your celebrity crush?
Kristen Stewart (his Twilight, costar!)

What did you dream about last night?
Kristen [Stewart].

You can see the full thing at:

But it's kind of annoying because they break up the questions so that you have to scroll through all of them individually. Plus it's on, and I feel pretty ridiculous even going on that website.

Anonymous said...

Jov again, I'll take my ipod and listen to his song to drown out the teeny boppers.
Maybe I'll make a documentary what it's like to be in line with crazy girls.
No, I can't lower myself like this.
I can't meet him in a Hot Topic.

Gozde said...

First of I'm laughing my ass of at this comment from Jovie:"Why am I still thinking about this so much. It was the high Goz of him holding her ass..."

Haha :-))

And Lyla, yes I have seen that interview, it is a very old one. When they were shooting Twilight and he was in character, hence the Kristen crush and dreams. Or maybe he was just yapping again, lol.

Gozde said...

Oh my gosh Jovie, calm down honey :-) It's like reading Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, lol.

Breathe in...breathe out...

Anonymous said...

I second Goz on the seventeen article.
Also, when I called they said girls have been calling from states away planning on making the trek to see him.
They'll be camped out probably like overnight or something. This seven in the morning crap, they are dreaming. I can't be one of those girls who do that. I would if he was giving a rock concert or something. No, he'll be in front of me you guys. You know what they should have those high tables for signing like four foot tables, I have a dining table like that with four chairs around it so he can see his fans on a more dignified level. They should let me arrange these things and I would ask for a table like that for him.
I need to be his manager. Oh god, that's such a great thought.
But did you see him catch her and have his hands around her ass trying to bring her up?
Then his lips so close to her boob.
Goz, I want to take one for the team but I don't know. He took one for the team when he got chafed and a hamstring and stuff.
Rob & Jov, that sounds so good.

kristen said...

Gozde - Oh, that really clears some things up. I had never seen the interview before, and it doesn't say the date of publication on the site, so I was confused. Thanks for the info. And you are right, he was probably just yapping without thinking like he does sometimes :)

Jovie - I'm also thinking about going to the San Fran event. I'm really close - I'm in Berkeley, which is right across the bay from SF, but I don't know if I want to brave the screaming girls, or spend an entire day waiting around just to meet him at a Hot Topic. I'm still undecided about it.

Anonymous said...

I know I'm cracking myself up just writing this stuff.
I'm a writer so this is too much fun.

Anonymous said...

But I am really freaking out.

Kat said...

Jovie... I am laughing so much reading your comments. I say GO... you'll be mad at yourself if you don't. Nike... just do it!

Can I be next in line to play Kristen's boob in the next movie?

Gozde said...

Okay to tell you the truth, I don't think I would go. I mean from all the accounts from NY etc. people camp out hours and hours before the event and I can't see myself standing in line with 14 year olds :-) But my hats off to you if you can brave it girl!

Anonymous said...

You are Lyla? Okay, they said you get a flyer with a #, so I'm assuming you don't have to wait. He said just show up and if you're not there, they'll pass you up. So maybe we don't have to be in line all day.
I'm remember the sunglass photo and him hugging himself with those long arms. And remember what Goz said, for all that can't...

Dani said...

yeah it seems like a long shot at best. There were people camped outside that radio station. Everywhere thus guy goes it is mayhem. I really hope when they come back here to Portland and film New Moon that the craziness doesnt make it harder for them to get through things.

Oh I read the imdb board someone quoted an article about Rob sweating saying he was sweating for fear from running into a Twimom! Ha they are scary.

Anonymous said...

Great Goz, now you say that you posted second before me. But remember Goz, the visual of him catching her and his hands...
He'll be in front of me possibly.
I could look at his jawline and our eyes could meet and we would smile at each other.
I could tell him look at me please.
One time I was giving change to an old boyfriend and didn't pay attention and looked up and there he was, furious that I didn't notice who was in front of him until I looked up and we looked at each other in the eyes.
He was gorgeous.
Goz, you crack me up.
breath in...breath out..
You don't know how much you help me
Love ya guys and all the support and understanding with the Robsession.
I'll I will be thinking about is we're practically in the same city.

Anonymous said...

Dani, Portland...remember ...they even went to karaoke bars by their hotel. Now that would be worth going to. I feel bad for him that he might not have his life to fully live anymore just to meander the streets.
That would kill me.

Kimberlesk said...

Goz and Jewels, I've been watching True Blood too, not as into it as Twi, but it has been getting pretty good lately. And now there's only 3 episodes left, been blogging about it on my TV blog for work. Anyway, Bill does nothing for me (he's no Edward Cullen), but I'm totally hot for the vamp sheriff Eric!! Show needs more of him!

kristen said...

Gozde and Dani - Totally. I can't really see myself camping out in the wee hours of the morning amongst pre-pubescent, shrieking girls. Not really my cup of tea. Of course, the thought IS tempting since he will be so close, but I just don't think I can bring myself to do it.

Gozde said...

Okay I updated the video! The previous one didn't have Kristen jumping on Rob and I kept watching it thinking I was missing it or y'all totally went crazy :P

Thank God she is like 80 pounds! That was so sexy!

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