Robert Pattinson Entertainment Weekly Interview Part 3

You can watch it here.

Amy found it as usual :-)


Eva said...

EW are killing it with these interviews! I love all of them! I can't never get enough of Rob. Ever!
Beside his hotness, he is such an interesting person.

Gozde said...

Seriously, these interviews are great.

Lynn said...

The EW interviews are killer and Rob looks delish in said beanis. Audrey (my 15 year old) noted how "clean" Rob looked in the interview. I laughed and said it probably the clarity of the film.

Goz---lovin' all the updates.

Anonymous said...

It is a strange job being an actor.

kristen said...

Loving the EW interviews! He looks great in them and very comfortable, which is nice.

Speaking of EW - I went to 5 places this afternoon trying to find the Entertainment Weekly with Rob on the cover, and STRUCK OUT EVERYWHERE. There were even some old ones with Daniel Craig on the cover, but no Rob or Kristen ones. I was so very sad. Apparently any time Rob is on the cover of ANY magazine, they will literally fly off the shelves... I'm surprised more magazine companies haven't realized this yet :)

Aussierobfan said...

I hope nobody minds if I comment on several posts at once - with the time difference I have to catch up on a whole day at once.

I am so sad Rob feels that his freedom to express himself musically has been taken away - that's an awful price to pay for fame.

Note to future producers - Rob's teeth are perfect, leave them alone.

I loved the white shirt in the interview but my favorite is the black shirt he wore at comic Con it showed off his neck beautifully.

Dani said...

So funny when he talks about filling the silence and is all goofy in his chair. Oh and talking about the sex scenes with Javier Bardem and "we have such a strange charm" yes I would imagine you making out with a dude would be strange and charming. Thank you Rob.

Anonymous said...

His first real sexy scene in a movie and it's with a man...
I can't wait to see him with a woman, no yes I can.:)

Anonymous said...

Except for Haunted Airman but there was more a rape. I mean him making love and "being out there" like he says.

Anonymous said...

Lyla, I rarely buy mags because of you can get everything basically on line, but I did break down and get the new EW at my Barnes & Noble and they were sold out of the just Rob cover, I settled for the Rob & Kris cover.

Anonymous said...

I want to tell Rob I can be much more fun than Kristen. She just seems too serious. There's a balance between that. One of the things I like about Rob is he's easy to laugh and I am also.
Listening to music, reading, laughing, movie watching, going to concerts,bookshops...

Gozde said...

I am like him, I have to fill the silence so I just become a blabbering idiot. I always get so jealous of people like Kristen. I keep telling myself to "be cool" and then end up telling everything about myself to the person in front of me for no reason at all.

I need lessons to be cool :-)

Gozde said...

Oh and I am SO attracted to men that talk very little. I guess Rob and I won't work out :P

Anonymous said...

Goz, you are beyond cool. You're the epitome of awesomeness.

Anonymous said...

It's because silence makes people uncomfortable, but silence between a couple can be nice, because then you can feel the energy, that can't be filled with words.
Listening and compassion I think are two of the most important traits to have.

Gozde said...

Jovie, you are too kind but I really am not cool. When I'm nervous I'm like Jim Carry on Speed :P

Anonymous said...

LMAO Goz, I relate. I used to be like that until recently but then something just clicked and I was able to be still and not get nervous.

Lynn said...

I love Rob's admission of role reversal with Kristen being the silent one and he being the one having to fill the silence.

I am also the type to talk continuously and my dh is the opposite. I actually envy his self control to not have to talk.

Anonymous said...

It's about thinking we're not interesting and a lull in conversation, that there is something lacking in us as a person, but there's a time and purpose for everything.
Silence is good.

Anonymous said...

I just watched the trailer #9 and everytimes the window ballet scene I always notice Rob's stunt double and the scene is ruined for me. You can't really watch a movie as an actor when you're in it and enjoy pro

Dani said...

I notice that too anon sometimes it is off putting. One of the stunt doubles is really cute and blends in a bit more, he is the younger one with the smaller features. But the older one is the one driving the car, and I notice him all the time.

Lynn said...

Jov---I totally agree, I think that I tend to talk a lot because of having been a SAHM for so long.

But, your commentary reminds of the scene in Pulp Fiction where Mia and Vincent talk about uncomfortable silent moments.

"That's when you know you've found somebody special. When you can just shut the fuck up for a minute and comfortably enjoy the silence."---Mia Wallace

Tess said...

Lynn- I love that line as well. and it is very very true.

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