Dallas videos

What is this craziness? Seriously? Rob is a brave person, I feel like I'd run for the hills!

Turn the volume down as people are hysterically screaming :-)

Source: Pattinson Online


Dani said...

I was just posting some of this action. What is the problem on these tours with crappy microphones and for the love of GOD what is with the screaming, don't people want to hear him? Night Goz im off to bed.

Gozde said...

Nite babes! Happy birthday again :-)) You're still a baby!

Dani said...

Ha...I don't feel so young. But hey my dad is ancient but still looking 20 years younger than he is so maybe I can hold onto hope for aging like my father and be a baby forever!

Tess said...

My God! what was the point of that.

Where's the megaphone when you need it.

AND .. where is the rest of the Twilight cast? I Know Rob draws a crowd but it seems incredibly imbalanced for him to be promoting this movie almost solely on his own so often. It seems like he's done the lions share or the public appearances.

Could it be commitments to other projects? or is Rob just MAD?

Melissa said...

Wow, I don't think I got anything out of that. I had to just turn it off...too much screaming! LOL

Kate said...

Dear God, I think if I was him I'd be wearing earplugs. My ears are ringing after that. If I was ROb I'd be shouting "Shut Up". Like what's the point if they don't let him talk!!!
He's starting to look worn out from it all, hope he gets a well earned break after.

Dani said...

You know someone on the imdb board made a really good point. Rob didn't have to do so much promotion. They CAN say no, it is up to the cast, Kristen isn't doing near as much. But Rob is doing a ton and no doubt he is getting paid for his time. The guy is unbelievable, his stamina for this craziness must be at its tops. But hey he could have done less but he is a trooper.

DirtyD said...

My ears just started to bleed. Wow...no wonder he enjoys a few drinks before these things. I'd be sloshed all the time if I had to listen to that screaming every day.

Lynn said...

Alright, the best part was when poor Rob went to find another mic. Yes, the production assistants need to be doing their jobs and Rob needs to wear a belt. Love the grey chonies---very hot!

Fun to watch, but, difficult to listen to!

Dani---Happy Birthday (again)! 26 is a great age....woo-hoo!

kristen said...

I'm responding to this post WAY late, but I just wanted to add that the fact that Rob is continuing to do all this promotion despite all of the madness is such an admirable thing. Especially since he has expressed that it is not an easy thing for him to do, and doesn't come naturally for him (although he sure seems to make it look effortless). It is just such an attractive quality and really speaks volumes about his character that even though he finds the crowds terrifying he is still willing to give it his all day in and day out... I mean, for crying out loud, he says that he has a panic attack every time he has to do one of these events -- and who can blame him, these girls are nuts! -- but yet he still shows up. He is such a fantastic guy.

Also, Dana - I totally agree. If I were him, I would be showing up to these things completely smashed and decked out with industrial strength ear plugs just to make the event a little more bearable :)

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