Dallas recap from Mindy :-))

She got to go yesterday and be half deafened by the tweens :) Here is her recap.

I did take the day off yesterday to attempt to see our lovely man at the Galleria in Dallas. It was, as we say in the aviation business, a MAJOR "Charlie Foxtrot" (Cluster Fuck) as Jules will attested to my frantic, exhausted call yesterday morning.

We DIDN'T get to meet him but we DID get on the 3rd row from the front at the "Question & Answer" (what a JOKE!) after the Hop Popic fiasco. Sorry Jules if my voice mail was a little incoherent, I was going on 24 hours with no sleep by the time I called you & we were in the afterglow from being in the presence of his perfection & adorableness.

Most of the pics (but not all:) & video are pretty crappy - you can see but not hear 'cos all the tweeny SCREAMING & the fact that just as Rob came on stage the WHOLE SOUND SYSTEM crapped out. It was basically 15 minutes of him being on stage surrounded by 1000's of people saying "what do you want me to do?" & being awkward. He was beautiful anyway & just as precious as always altho I would have given my right boob to be able to buy him a drink or two afterwards!

That baby deserves a gold zipper medal for being such a good sport & putting up with all this ridiculousness.

I will get back with you hopefully tomorrow with some evidence of the evening's events.



Jewels64 said...
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Jewels64 said...

Seriously, ya'll should hear her phone call. It was a riot! She was so pissed yesterday morning, but then I got the call late last night when I was stuck on here, staying up way too late! But it was the wee small first our of Dani's B-day, and I just couldn't leave! I need to find a way to copy it and send it. It is too damn funny!

Tess said...

Mindy- Thank you for being our eyes and ears in Dallas.

We love you.

Lynn said...

Mindy--you're amazing to have brave it all in the name of Rob and all his loveliness.

Dani said...

Mindy thank you for sharing so sorry you couldn't get closer and you are so sweet...poor guy was probably headache stricken and deaf by the end of it.

Dani said...

Estrellas I can't seem to access that site from work but I will get on it when I get home if Goz doesn't get to it before me. Thanks babe!

Lynn said...

Estrellas---thanks for the link. I love it when Rob and Kristen are in their natural state with regular clothes and better poses. They actually look very similar in those pics.

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