Dallas recap from a fan

Oops, sorry I was sent this email and thought it was from that person sending but this is apparently from imdb.

on imdb had this to say:

So we just got back from the Q and A and it was rather crazy. The organizers of the event did well with security but when it was time for Rob to come on stage they were having so much trouble with the audio. The mics kept sending feedback and we could barely here what they were saying.

When Rob walked out the screaming was intense as expected. But he was genuinely shocked because the way the Galleria is set up, there were fans looking down into the venue from all three floors. He had this really cute look of horror on his face.

It was really awesome seeing him come out on stage but I felt so bad for him when it was time for the questions. We literally could not understand a single word because the audio feedback and the general space of the room and all of the screaming was awful. The best part though was all of Rob's reactions. He knew he couldn't be heard but the hostess just kept asking questions.

The funniest part though was when Rob did this weird spin ( he does this when his extremely nervous i.e. the Austin film fest footage) and he stumbled to the ground a little. I didn't get a video of it but I've never laughed so hard. Poor guy handled it well I think.


Dani said...

What a cute recap Rob is adorkable as usual. Thanks for all the updates Goz it is hard to do all that when I am at work hate the damn firewall but hopefully I did our blog justice and you didn't have too much to clean up. You are fabulous and I am off to take a much needed shower.

Rob spinning on stage all nervous-awe the thought makes me giggle.

Jewels64 said...

Thanks Betsy! I wish I could have been there. I literally had taken time off work already, but after reading and seeing some of the Rob appearances carnage...I decided to drive 4 hours in pouring rain to take a chance...

You rock girl for sticking it out! Was he as beautiful as ever? I sighed all night long since 6 p.m. knowing he was here back in Texas. Damn it all to hell, I wish I coulda been there!

p r i s c a said...

i know EXACTLY what spin she's talking about. And i agree it's absolutely adorable.

Betsy said...

Sorry for the confusion - it wasn't me that went - my mistake for leaving out the credited person on imdb!

I wouldn't have been able to see him anyway as I would gotten there to late since people started lining up at 3am.

Amy said...

More Much Music news!!

This makes me smile. My fellow Canadian fans waiting in the freezing cold to get wristbands, haha. Can I just say to all the people who waited, YOU ROCK.

Check out these pictures -


"Check out more photos of the crowd! The line was insanity, rumors were from 600-1000 people eventually lined up around the building. There should be more about the Twilight insanity in the Canadian papers tomorrow."

Amy said...

Dani you can add the Much Music link & those pictures on the other post and the quote if you want to.

Jewels64 said...

Sorry Betsy! I so wish it could have been you! :(

Emily said...

I can just imagine Rob's look of horror realizing people were looking at him from three floors up. He probably felt so exposed.
Betzabe - Yes! The signature dorky Rob spin. I believe we saw a nice rendition of that in the AFF footage. So cute.
That's too bad that the audio was awful. I imagine the crowd was favored with plenty of ummmms and ahhhhhs so hopefully they could make that part out at least.

Gozde said...

I already added them Amy:-)

Betsy said...

I just wish they would have had these events more organized. Something tells me that they aren't learning anything from the San Fran and Dallas events.

I wish I could have seen him in person. A girl can only dream.....

Emily said...

Jewels - I probably wouldn't have gone to this either if I was you. I loved how Rob described these as "screaming sessions" and "planned mobbings."
But, hey, you're closer to Rob right now that all of us. If you listen closely, I bet you can hear that golden zipper working it's magic.

Dani said...

Good gravy! This Twicraziness has gotten out of hand. Wow. I dont know that I would go stand in line if Rob did come to my city for a Hot Topcrapic tour. But hey he will be here on and off for the next few years filming the other two movies so perhaps if Lynn or someone travels here someday in that time I would stalk the set like a Twimom. Who knows I'm too nervous just thinking about it.

Goz you on cloud nine now that youre done? Got to be so gratifying. Thanks for taking over this evening. My hub is on my comp and it was a busy day.

Gozde said...

I know I wouldn't go. I like him from afar, it's not like he's gonna see me and realize I'm the love of his life :-)

I'm just numb Dani, didn't sink in yet :-)

Jewels64 said...

Dani, I'm already starting my Portland saving fund for "New Moon" filming. I'd rather us crazy bitches go up there than stand around a mall with a bunch of screaming teenies!

Course then we'd have to deal with the TWiMOM's and it'd be a throwdown! Start checking out block rates for hotels for all of us who want to party Twilight style in Portland!

Dani said...

Well I'm all giddy for you. I've been happy all day telling people how jazzed I was for you. I'm Gozsessed today.

Oh hey breaking news in 1634 tullip bulbs were a form of currency in Holland. Yeah I'm drinking a peach tea snapple and learning. No pizza pockets cause those things just make my ass bigger thinking about them but I feel like I'm having a Rob moment on my couch. I wonder if he reads the underside of his snapple caps.

Dani said...

Jules I welcome your crazy Twibutt my town any day!

Dani said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gozde said...

Dani you are TOO cute!

Jewels64 said...

I lurve you Dani!

Jewels64 said...

Goz, disregard my e-mail becuz apparently i made it through! Maybe my comp has gremlins...

Jewels64 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jewels64 said...

Speaking of the Golden zipper...I was looking through my Illustrated Twilight Movie Companion, and my nasty little sex-starved, Robsessed brain kept looking at all the zippers in his photos. That man cannot make a zipper behave to save his soul!

Mr. Pattinson, this is the Zipper police, Please come out with your hands up and your zipper down.....

Dani said...

Jules you are right the zipper is repelled into dishonorable behavior because I think they are allergic to Rob's no no. Seriously misbehaving zippers!

Why do I have the urge to pop the tops off the thirty snapples in my fridge simply to share my cap trivia with you all this evening?

I imagine Rob all excited after a long day. Coming home to his dirty apartment with his now 7 shirt collection strewn about the floor. Wearing those black jeans like a golden zipper majesty. Then he pops that pizza pocket into the microwave and eagerly runs to the fridge and opens that peach tea snapple to discover.......

Breaking news! That despite its hump a cammel has a strait spine.

Jewels64 said...

Dani, I was just thinking that we all need to pick a time to have a blog wide toast to our new resident Doc! We all get to choose a bev of our choice and raise it in honor of Doctor Goz!

Ladies...shall we pick a time and a great photo of Rob to commemorate the occasion?

Jewels64 said...

Dani!!!! I just saw the time posted on my message.

Somewhere right now it's your freaking birthday!!!


Emily said...

Dani and Jewels - I imagine Rob adding the shirt he was currently wearing to the aforementioned pile bringing the total to 8, kicking those black Nikes off (not sure if he wears socks or not but somehow I think not) and strutting around that den of sin in nothing but his black pants with the misbehaving zipper.

Dani said...

Thanks Jules babe! I am snappleiciously 26.

Jewels64 said...

Emily, I will now have sexy dreams after that comment! Is it hot in here now....

Oh, wait...that's Dani blowing out all twenty- freaking i'm still young- six candles!

Betsy said...

Happy birthday Dani!

You are such a youngster!!! I can barely remember my 26th!

Dani said...

Em I never thought of that. But I dont think he is a sock wearing guy. On one of the EW outtakes with the Twicast. I saw his bare feet in one photo and goodness his toes are huge! Dont have a clue what that means but I have a BIG big toe. I bet he throws a pair on with docs or dress socks but in that VF shoot no socks with the shoes and you can see he does in fact have lovely ankles.

Thank you for that image though Em. That wildly absent minded zipper all a fluster just being near his no no. Its a wonder he doesnt have to wear a belt to keep those pants on at all.

Dani said...

Hey none of you are old so pipe it! And thanks for the lovin' I'm all smiles because of It.

And my dad is 73 and he ain't old yet! Old is a state of mind. My dad in that case is about 33.

Dani said...

Hey none of you are old so pipe it! And thanks for the lovin' I'm all smiles because of It.

And my dad is 73 and he ain't old yet! Old is a state of mind. My dad in that case is about 33.

Jewels64 said...

Puuuhhhhleeezzzeee! Some days I feel six months older than dirt!

Emily said...

Now that I think about it, pizza pockets (sorry, I still can't call them hot pockets) and peach snapple don't exactly say "den of sin" do they? Whatever. I'm sticking with my original fantasy.

Dani - now I've got camel humps and tulip bulbs on the brain. Throw a few of those in and maybe THAT would be a den of sin.
Happy birthday!

And congrats Goz! I know I'm a little late catching up with all the news but I wish I could send Rob with a big red bow tied around him to deliever a big congratulatory kiss. But let's be honest, if I could swing that he'd be coming to my house, not yours. Good job!

Jewels64 said...

Dani, My Dad turns 79 today! You Scorpios Rock!

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