Dallas interview with Robert Pattinson

This interview is from Gary Cogill from Good Morning Texas.

First watch this then this.

Thanks to Betsy for the tip. Poor boy needs some serious rest. I hope Hot topic is paying him very well for these appearances.


babbles said...

Um ok, the dude is kinda out there, I am off to watch the 2nd vid... brb

Jewels64 said...

Poor Rob...he does look exhausted. So am I! It's taking a toll. Hopefully, he'll be rested and completely beautiful for premiere!

Dallas interviewer was totally cool! Afraid to say what I really think. But he's a coool dude!!!

Betsy said...

Gary is a pretty sharp guy - knows his films though he was a little out there in that vid.

Off to bed for me!

babbles said...

He did a good job in the interview with Rob and he said nice things about him, His little intro vid was out there -lol- and Yes, Rob looks wiped out... So many video interviews and so little time...

Sabrizzle said...

This was actually a pretty good interview even though the guy was kinda nutty. Poor Rob needs a day off so he can catch up on his sleep, he looks like he's ready to doze off the first chance he gets.

Dani said...

The guy is entirely nuts...but still it is a pretty good interview all things considered. I just wish the interviewer critic guy wouldn't have done that little intro. "This is how I roll" noooooooo don't roll that way mister...please don't, you'll scare the celebrities.

Tess said...

Gary Cogill Rocked that interview. Rob literally did not want to stop talking to him. He had to interrupt him a few times. so funny.

The poor man looks beat.

To finish his saying at the end. "The higher the hair, the closer to heaven" ha ha ha

Dani said...

Oh damn he just got technical on Rob "So lets talk vampires...its about the blood *weird pause* and then its about the person? *weird pause by Rob thinking WTF is this guy insane?*.

babbles said...

Tess *squeels* Hi there!!!!

Agreed, that was a pretty good interview but I just think Rob rocks the whole interview process, he charms unintentionally you know!!!

Tired boy he was though!

babbles said...

Dani ~ LMAO, Oh how I have missed your humor - lol... I thought that part was weird too...

Dani said...

Tess I too loved that part "higher to Heaven" indeed. Rob was at ease and really fun as usual to listen to especially to watch, I love that blue jacket that he wore in Italy.

kristen said...

Loved these videos. The interviewer was a bit goofy and strange, but pretty funny, too. I laughed out loud when he ended the first video with "Cuz that's how I roll"... I have never heard a middle aged man use that expression, and it really took me by surprise and made me laugh. And then he ended the Rob interview with "Nice hair. Sweet hair", so he gets bonus points for that. Rob did seem really comfortable with him, which was nice. He just wanted to keep on talking :)

Anonymous said...


guy was a little wierd.

Rob looked tired but the lighting was also horrible. Lit from above never a good thing creates huuuge bags under the eyes.

Tess said...

Still so humble he is.... He's still telling himself that they're not screaming for him... that's it's all for the Character of Edward.

Gosh.. all morning I was thinking about those two 35 year old women who shared a metro car with him in NYC, and weren't even aware of it!! (Can you imagine)

I will always look around me from now on ;)

babbles said...

Tess ~ tell me about the woman who shared a car with him and didnt know it??? I didnt hear that one...

Dani said...

Thanks Lisa...gosh I am loved today!

Tess don't you adore how humble he is...ahhh Rob no one gives a flying shit about Edward anymore hun. We think you are fabulous, and after this Twibusiness is over...we are pretty much still going to think that it is you who is fabulous.

Aussierobfan said...

Tess..I have been thinking about those two women too.
I wonder if they'll ever find out.

Anonymous said...

Wow just saw this youtube video....and all i have to say is I don't know how he does it. I am so impressed at his level of commitment to this project and the amount of work he has done to promote it. This was just maddness.

Dallas Galleria


Thats Rob on the teeny tiny stage

OH and turn the volume down!!

Sabrizzle said...

It irks me how he thinks EVERYBODY likes him just because he is playing Edward and that it could just as easily be anybody else. This blog is proof that there are women out there who love Rob for Rob. Although I think it is good that he is getting more attention from Twilight because it will give him more opportunities, I hope the craziness dies down soon so Rob can have some peace and so that he can realize that people like him for being himself.

Sabrizzle said...

Holy crap, I just watched the video from the Galleria! The madness must stop, poor Rob had to be terrified!

babbles said...

Lisa ~ OMG is all I have to say to that video, Poor Rob...

Crazed Madness!!! Elvis is in the house....

Oh My, that was frightening...

Dani said...

That was insane!

Aussierobfan said...

Where's prettyok and bella'mom I miss them.

babbles said...

He has to be so sick of this shit, I mean I know on some level the screaming girls should be awesome to a man but these people are just out of control and I would be frightened to be put on Rob's place...

babbles said...

Perhaps it is because I have never followed a celebrity in this way but I have Never seen so much press shoved down an actor's throat the way they do Rob... It is utterly insane, By the time the movie premiere's he will be completely spent...

babbles said...

Goodnight to you all, I will miss you untill tomorrow...

Happy Bday Dani Girl!!!

Aussierobfan said...

Goodnight Brooke

Dani said...

Thanks B just returned your e-mail. I love you all. More blogalicious times coming tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I really liked this interviewer guy. He didn't do the usual blah blah blah and Rob responded to him well.

Rob is a nice guy and he has thought this character through. Well done, Rob! Now get some sleep.

bella's mom said...

I watch channel 8 Dallas every day even though I'm 2 hours south. My husband works in Dallas so I keep up with the weather and traffic alerts there. Gary Cogill is the host of Good Morning Texas that Rob was initially supposed to be on. He is also the movie critic for channel 8. He's just a down home guy who happens to have a daughter who is a Senior this year so he has heard all the hype of Twilight for a while now.

He is a bit crazy but he always ends up getting pretty good interviews because he makes the people feel comfortable. At least he knew how to pronounce Rob's name and asked pertinent questions.. lol.

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