DailyMail Review-Rob is why Twilight works.

On the whole, "Twilight" works as both love story and vampire story, thanks mainly to the performances of its principals. Pattinson and Stewart want to convince you that their characters are an undead freak and the girl who, against all logic, loves him. Yet they do it not by selling you on what makes Edward and Bella so different, but by finding their flesh-and-blood humanity.
It's enough to make even a grown man eager for the inevitable sequel.
You can read the rest of the review HERE.


Ellie said...

The eyes, ladies (WOW!!!). I'm melting fast, on this cold, cold day...

Kate said...

Ha ha yes the eyes have it !!

Twilight-Maggie said...

That picture is my new favorite. It's just Rob...nothing else. No hair...no clothes. Just his beautiful face.

Lynn said...

I love that pic...you can see the slight imperfection in Rob's nose and the eyes are insinerating!

Anonymous said...

Oh your up here now im such a slow typer

yeah I'm sorta forcing my husband and 13 year old son to go with me. None of my friends or family care just me. My 8 year old daughter is SOOO over my Twilight Obsession. When Rob was on KROQ this AM She came into the kitchen to ask me something and I'm like SUSHHH Rob's talking!! LOL She rolled her eyes at me :P

k said...

omg lisa my daughter is just like yours. she went from squealing "edward cullen!" when i would ask "who's mommy's favorite vampire?" to now saying "i hate robert pattinson" at any given moment. she's over the character & the actor. and she's 5.

Anonymous said...

K- my husband thought it was over when I read all 4 books in 10 days in July. He was like GREAT that's the last book so now a get my wife back laundry done Etc. Little did he know then that it was just the beginning!!!!

Anonymous said...

Started in july finished in August when BD came out sounded wierd time wise BD wasn't out in July!

kristen said...

"It's enough to make even a grown man eager for the inevitable sequel" - LOL that is funny. Way to be honest, you awesome reviewer you. The fact that a grown man is excited to see what comes next is a very good sign, considering that he is pretty much the opposite of the target demographic. Yay for Twilight! I'm so happy and excited for everyone involved, but particularly Rob, Kristen and Catherine.

Kat said...

Lisa - you're brave taking your husband. I don't want mine seeing me in a blobbery mess. He already caught me saying to my girlfriend last night "well, if it's crap, at elast it's a good excuse to stare at Rob for two hours". Ooops.

Anonymous said...

Forever EB well he said he'd go and I really don't have anyone else to go with and I told him if he was good he might get lucky later on! ;P

Mostly its payback for the time it was my birthday and we were going to see a movie and he told me it was my choice,yet he shot down 2 or 3 that i was reading from the paper so I jokingly said ROBOCOP 3 (I know that totally shows my age) And he was like Yeah that sounds good!!

I've never let him forget that!! I remind him every so often "remember when you took me to Robocop 3.....For MY birthday!!"

So yeah total payback with this one :)

Betsy said...

Oooh - this photo is going to be my new computer desktop background. Love the eyes!!

Tess said...

Sweet holy hell, I wanna kiss that man.

I think I just passed out.

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