Cute Rob and Kristen Quotes:

Does anyone EVER get tired of seeing this picture?

Someone from IMDB caught TRL today and some people from MTV were at the Press Junket this weekend and this is what they asked K Stew and Rob:
To Kristen: What is the best part about playing Bella Swan to Kristen she said, "Um, you get to kiss Edward Cullen. um...i don't know! *smile*"
To Robert: What is the best part about playing Edward Cullen? he said, "You get to kiss Kristen Stewart, um you get to wear a nice pea coat, and your hair is never out of place. *smile* *laugh*"

I just love these two people they are so edible it is ridiculous!
I hope someone recorded it and posts it on YouTube because that is just so cute.


Sabrizzle said...

They are both adorable and I love that pea coat. Rob should have stole that after they were done shooting, even though it won't be very useful in LA. He could come visit me while I'm back home in Washington and wear it =D

Amy said...

I don't!!! I love this picture :)

K so what time does this Dallas event start???

Aussierobfan said...

I never get sick of this far as I'm concerned you can post it as often as you like.
I don't think I'll be able to breathe when I see this scene in the movie.

Jovie I am so sorry your day got messed up.

kristen said...

To answer your question, Dani, NO, that picture NEVER gets old :)

They are so cute together. Seriously, it seems like they are not even trying to hide the fact that they have the hots for each other anymore. I mean, I know a lot of their banter is them just being silly and joking around, but I think there HAS to be some truth to it. They should just drop the pretense and get it on already! :) Although, I would feel bad for Kristen's BF - Michael seems like a real sweetheart.

I guess more than anything I just want to see Rob end up with a cool, genuine chick. If he ends up with some fake bimbo, I'm going to be a little destroyed inside... I'm pretty positive Rob has better taste than that, but I really hope he ends up with someone who makes him happy AND who challenges him (like Kristen would). Okay, I'm done with my rant.

I wonder how the Dallas event is going? I'm assuming that no news is good news in this case. I'm sure we would hear about it if there were more broken noses and/or people being trampled.

Okay, I'm officially done rambling now.

Emily said...

Lots of Rob goodies today to catch up on. Thank you!

My first thought while watching the Tony Toscano interview was how jealous Tony must be of Rob's hair. I know I'M jealous of Rob's hair. It gets to feel his fingers all the time. Anyway, that was a good interview. Rob never disappoints.

I almost skipped over the Seventeen magazine scan thinking it was more of the same. I'm so glad I didn't. Hilarious! "If the girl is really, really desperate and has really low standards - I'm quite good with them!"
"The paparazzi will all stand there filming me stuck outside clubs. I tell the bouncers, 'Listen, these guys are taking photos of me - let me in!'"
So Rob's a bad kisser, huh? Yeah I can see that. Oh look, there's a flying pig soaring across the green sky...
Honestly, he can't expect people to actually believe that. However, for the sake of fairness, I will volunteer to be an impartial judge in that matter.

Dani said...

Im glad you all agree when we see this movie multiple times that we will all have an audible "sigh" moment followed by a fit of giggles and a bit of "wow that is hot" during the kissing scene.

Lyla I agree I want to see Rob with someone really cool and strong. Someone like my friends, someone with Tess' strength of mind and kind objectivity, with Lynn's spunk and warm heart, with Goz's intellect and kindness, and hey maybe a little bit of someone like me and my humor. I think if we put together all the beautiful girls on here into one special lady, Rob wouldn't be able to resist. Don't worry if I didn't mention your name above cause you know I love all you bitches on here but Im at work and can't make this too long!

Rose said... never can get enough of this kinda stuff.
Rob and Kristen might just want to keep whatever relationship they have...private. I mean, how many tweeners little hearts would be broken if Kristen actually were dating Rob?
Even so, I agree again with you guys (SHOCK!) that Rob does need a girlfriend like Kristen. They seem to need each other....

(and although I might never have said it before...I'm starting to love you 'bitches' too! :) )

Anonymous said...

Do you us *mature* ladies like Rob because he brings out our nurturing side?


Anonymous said...

Sorry meant to say do you think us *mature* ladies


Dani said...

Welcome Carolyn! And yes I think after the initial heat of the moment fantasy stage w/Rob in your mind constantly the nurturing protective side comes out in all of us. Where you just want good things for him ya know?

Aussierobfan said...

Rob seems to be vulnerable and strong all at the same time.
When he talks about his insecurities such as his looks or how his performance as Edward will be received and his love life he sounds so vulnerable - I just want to give him a hug.
Then at the same time he can come across as being confident like saying whatever he feels like in interviews, not caring what people think about his dirty hair or wearing the same clothes and resisting media training.
He's a complex creature.

Jewels64 said...

Oh my God Emily that is the best laugh of the day! Pig soaring across a bright green sky! LOVE IT!

You know he's good. WE all KNOW that he has to be good. It's those tall, quiet, skinny guys who like to eat pizza pockets and drink peach Snapple that will rock your world!

Jewels64 said...

Oh my God Emily that is the best laugh of the day! Pig soaring across a bright green sky! LOVE IT!

You know he's good. WE all KNOW that he has to be good. It's those tall, quiet, skinny guys who like to eat pizza pockets and drink peach Snapple that will rock your world!

Jewels64 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Rob calls SM 'mad':

E Online!

Is this a reaction to the whole 'wouldn't be a good boyfriend thing' which may have been taken out of context?

Love you Rob, but be careful.

Jewels64 said...

I am waiting here in Houston to see if there is any real time news going on about Dallas. May not have anything until the 10 p.m. news. I'm watching! Hopefully I can find something to send to ya'll.

C'mon Dallas Robsessors...We're counting on you.....

Aussierobfan said...

Jewels truer words have never been spoken!
Reminds me a little of my husband in the early days....

Jewels64 said...

Sorry ladies, I seem to be double commenting... Rob just short circuits me, so be patient with me. I get too excited sometimes just getting onto this blog.

Maybe this "mature" lady needs a cocktail and a date with Rob!

Amy said...

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh VANITY FAIR OUTTAKES!!!!!!!!!!

Amy said...

OH MY GOD!!!!!

Jewels64 said...

Amy, I didn't get to the link. They say there is an error. Help us girl!

kristen said...

OH HOLY JESUS, Amy you just made my day with those outtakes!! Rob is GORGEOUS in them.

Must look at them again!

Anonymous said...

Here is the link:

Twilight Outtakes VF

Anonymous said...




Dani said...


Betsy said...

Here is some of the Dallas coverage and interview with Rob:

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