One good thing came out of the show airing:
It's the infamous "You did a show about a stripper?" face.

Look at his defense hand trying to thwart Tyra from
touching his hair.
WOW-epic thread this became last night...384 some comments, ladies were busy!
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 385 Newer› Newest»I haven't watched the clips you posted from the show yet (husband in the same room with me... still too embarrassed to admit my LOVE for Robert ) but I've read all your comments.. From what I gather, she was in rare form..
Look how he's giving her 100% of his attention though. He's so well mannered. Seeing his fingers touching the thongs make be blush for some reason.
Judging by his expression in the last pic I would guess he's thinking "Crap! Tyra just violated my hair, now I have to wash it!"
I'm telling you, ladies, I am in love.
Rob's stripper question was just so cute; I guess strippers are of particular interest.
And he's adorkable beyond belief.
I laughed when Taylor laid his G-String over on Rob's knee. Taylor was really frustrated by his.. lol such a youngster! Give him 2 years and he will love it!
that thong is sitting on his shoulder like a damn parrot! did Tyra place it like that?
(wish to God dh would go upstairs so I can watch the video's
yes Tess, she laid each one on their shoulders. Then Rob fitted his around his hand like a trophy and said he liked it.. lol
oh BLESS you I so WANTED this stripper remark closeup!!!! THIS tells it all. heh heh.
Tess--When you watch it, watch how Rob wraps it around his hand, through his fingers. Very comfortable with it...and it ends up in his back pocket.:)
Oh god this guy is so great I can never get enough of him.
I wonder... is there such a thing as "Over Lust" kind of like over drive .. with all the need and not enough "drive"???
Good question, Mona! lol
Did anyone catch the comment "It has a stain on it!" Rob, my underwear has been permanantly stained since you came into my radar!
You have no idea what havoc, desire, fandemonium and good old fashioned lust that you seem to cause!
All I have to say, is that right now, this is my favorite place in the internet.
And Rob is a sexy motherchucker. THE END!
Jules--My earlier question regarding the stain was, "Is it from Tyra's lipstick? hahaha
And, yes, there's plethora of stained undies throughout the world, thanks to this glorious, sexy, hot man. Fruit of the Loom, Hanes, etc. owe him a debt of gratitude...
I know Jewels, how can you not crack up at his wit?
And Jules, regarding you comment 2 threaads down, Inspire away...I'm yearning for more! *wink, wink* :)
hmmm Ellie, maybe Tyra decided to "model" them first before gifting them out.. ewwww
Hello all my lovelies...I don't think I will be on to post anything more tonight. But I will be poding it later on my itouch to say hello and what not. Been a busy day. I miss Goz...
Talk to you ladies later...oooohhhh Hello Tess I miss talking to you too.
Lynn your card is in the mail it will reach you way past your birthday OBVIOUSLY but I did send it, I just have a horrible nak for forgetting to mail things. Thats why Ben pays the bills.
Mona, ewwww is right!
Ewww is right Mona! And Rob has already re-gifted them and given them to TomStu. And we all know that nowhere in there were they thrown in the 'washer machine' for a good cleaning.
Wonder if Rob nicked Taylor's, also, so that he and TomStu could match.
However, due to the thumb theory, these babies ain't gonna fit!
"However, due to the thumb theory, these babies ain't gonna fit!"
BAHAHAHAHAHHA, maybe he stole Taylor's and made Tom stitch them together. So he could fit! LMFAO.
Good evening, Ladies!
Bless your sweet little heart Dani for the screencaps and for the jacket montage. Loved it.
Okay, I must add, that on the Tyra thing, I need to get out of my mind that they didn't give those girls a towel at least, but on the cute side. Rob was so cute with watching the cute little blond girl's reaction to how excited she was seeing him for the first time and her reaction to winning the car.
Also, I loved how he put the top part of the thong on the top of his hand and the straps inside his palm and held the straps there.
I was visualing him in a Victoria's Secret and how he wouldn't be uncomfortable there. Except his sister's name is Victoria and maybe that would be just too weird for him.
I have a relative named Victoria and we call her Tori.
Sorry above was me.
And he gave her an awesome hug, only her, I think he thought she was cute.
Good evening, Jov! :)
Stella~~Do you think TomStu would include a zzzzzip on it? (easier access, y'know...) lol
A lot of people keep asking me what I want for Christmas and I can't think of one thing, except Mr. Soul Man. (That's MY name for Rob)
I want a relationship with him so badly.
lol Jovi, I thought it was more of her grabbing him and not wanting to let go.. but can ya blame her? I mean really!!! I'd be saying,"Ok Tyra you can keep your memorabilia I got what I want!" lol
Good evening Ellie! Did you notice I put a photo up and eveything?!!!
I am so excited. I can't wait tillGoz sees it.
Jov--I thought the same thing, about the blonde girl. The hug was difinitely bigger. The third girl just got a handshake.
I laughed so loud when the little third girl said her mom gave her permission to give Rob her phone number.. hahahahaha
Jov--So proud of you; you're making progress! lol
Progress Ellie? Or are we just corrupting more and more???
I think he is very comfortable with lingerie;)
And his comment to Taylor
"How do you do that?" (in speaking about dating more than one woman and he was confused. LOVED that. Why didn't Tyra ask more on that?
Lame, that's where the real interesting conversation would of been, instead of Team Taylor and Team Robert. Geeez! So, so, many lost opportunties these lame interviewers, we'd interview him correctly, the ladies of Robosession.
Thank You Ellie!
Mona--Mom's phone number or hers!?!? :o
Ellie-- I don't think so.. I bet Tom likes to tease and make things as difficult as possible.
lol she said her mom gave her permission to give Rob HER number.. the girl's. lol
lol Mona. But I'm Jovie. I'm already over the edge. I just finally did it because someone could pretend to be me.
Mona--Definitely corrupting... :)
woohoo TomStu the G-string King... hahahahaha
"I bet Tom likes to tease and make things as difficult as possible."
lol Jovie, well either way.. ya fit in perfect with the REST of us!!
Jov--That makes sense...
yes yes, Tom probably coached Rob in the kissing scene...
"Wait wait, slower, make her anticipate it more... now move in... wait pull back a little, catch your breath, no no let's practice that again... not right!"
Also, Soul Man is mine. I just have to get out of the habit of pressing anon
"ya fit in perfect with the REST of us!!
Mona--Is that a compliment you're giving Jov?
hahahahaha (just kidding babe!)
Okay, I am so laughing right now....
Well of course!! Only a "Well Cracked" egg could understand the rest of us around here.. lol
I followed Goz right after she left, the site that shant be mentioned...
I just never commented.
They wouldn't get our sense of humor.
We're kind of British in our way.
We don't take ourselves too seriously. Except me with the smoking thing.
Jov! Ya ponied up and put your name in bright blue letters! You go girl! Ha Ha, He He, Ho Ho, you're one of us fully now! You passed longer afraid to hide behind anonymous (though you really didn't cuz you always signed your name anyways...)
Sing it loud! Let's hear that Robsession Girl!
I'm gonna do a soul man vid for us.
Hey I never take life too seriously.. you never get out alive anyways right?
Remember the vid where he's hugging that girl for a long time and swaying? GOD, I love that hug.
I am going to start with that.
Zip-zip hurray!
Zip-zip hooray!
Zip-zip hooray!
Although, to spend the eternity of non-sleeping by Rob's side would be a HELL of an alternative!!!
Jules--be back soon; gonna get inspired
*wink, wink*
aww, sucks. Thanks Jules
"Wait wait, slower, make her anticipate it more... now move in... wait pull back a little, catch your breath, no no let's practice that again... not right!"
Ooh that Tom.. he is even greedier than me. *shakes head*
Thanks Ellie
I think he's probably a great kisser because the man has so much soul. I imagine him to be a thoughtful lover too. But then I am only imagining this stuff...
I cannot even remember what my life was like B.R. (before Rob).
This is either really unhealthy and skeevy or just outright tons of fun (Yeah, I vote for that one!) that constantly has me craving for more!
You ladies rock the blog!
Stella, lmao
He does know how to create drama
Jules, my life was better, I used to get my ab work done on my stripper pole!
You guys are hysterical!! I hope meeting TyTy didn't permanently hurt Rob's soul. At least he got a pretty thong out of it.
Okay, Jules, Now I'm "on edge"...
hahahaha!! You're a genius!xoxoxo
OMG! That is the most hilarious thing you have ever said Jov! I am so laughing out loud right now!
Crap, I'm so old that if I even tried to take a swing around a stripper pole, I'd give myself a cramp!
He loves Tyra. I think he got a kick out of it.
And I think he really wanted to see the stripper show.
He was probably thinking WTF, why couldn't I be booked on that show instead of the Clique girls?
Hey Stella D! I'm wondering if TomStu would let us sign on as substitute coaches for when he is gone.. hahahhahaha
Thanx, but I'm serious. I do have stripper pole and do ab work. I write and have to get a work out;)
I hate gyms
yep Jovie can't you see him when he got back to the motel.. goggling for all he was worth to find that stripper show.. lol
*googling* not goggling.. duh!
I'm sure the thongs now an early Christmas gift for TomStu. Rob's wrapping it up as we speak, with a nice pair of suspenders as ribbon!
Rob is the funniest also when he isn't even trying to be funny, have you noticed that?
Like the "yeah, no, yeah, sometimes I like to get it wet?"
I LOVE that. I still am laughing.
Love that man.
And I would volunteer to hold my finger there while he tied his bow.. hehehhe
Yeah Mona I
Okay I think all the bromance references to TomStu are completely disrespectful.
MMMWWWWAHHHH! Psyche! The baby-faced one is competing with us for Rob's affection. I say beotch-slap him with his Team Edward thong, grab Rob and run.
Bella's mom-- Well, I'm the one that is teaching Tom. Sometimes he is in such a hurry I have to teach Rob a thing or two.
Dani's gonna come back and say WTF on the amount of comments
AJ-- you broke my heart. I cannot live without the bromance jokes. I love them way too much :(
Did you notice how Taylor gave his thong to Rob? And Rob had it on his knee. lmao
You know there are so many funny things he would do at a party.
I could teach him some stripper moves for him to perform for US!
I didn't participate in the bromance stuff. I just can't get my mind off of Rob long enough
Not because I'm noble or anything.
Just a psyche Stella Star, I'm totally pro-bromance jokes.
lol Stella, my hat is off to ya girl, you are doing a great job. hahahaha
aaaggghhh! I'm just picturing TomStu doing a pole dance for his significant...while wearing the zipp-zip pants and Team Edward thong with the stain on it...oh, and he's wearing Rob's Docs.
that's just plain wrong!
Like I've said Sex & The City
I don't think Rob would like me after seeing his sisters. I look too much like them, tall, slender, and long blond hair. It might be weird for him.
I'm a little discouraged right now.
If we ever met, he'd probably say she looks too much like my sisters.
I could cut my hair.
I'm starting to get a bit depressed, I think I'll go look at some photos.
AJ-- I read the psyche in there, but I wouldn't be able to come here if that were to be true. I just.. I know it's wrong but DAAAYYUUM I love those boys.
Bella's Mom-- why thank you. I try very hard *winks*
lmao Ellie, thanks your comment helped
Jovie, one word to solve your problem....
WIG baby WIG!
Ellie - is there a beanie involved in this little scenario?
Tom doing a pole dance, I just can only picture Rob on that thing and him falling off.
wigs are itchy
Yes AJ but the beanie is tucked int he side of the g-string to use as a tip pocket.. hehehe
ok then Jovie, second solution.. make Rob wear a blindfold
Mona lmao
AJ--You KNOW where the beanie would go! lol
And Jov-- TomStu would be right there in competition with you to catch him! :)
ooo, Mona, I like your beanie solution better!!!
LOL Mona! Let's put the wig on TomStu instead of you Jov. And let's make it a pageboy like the one Rob was wearing in Little Ashes. Hot dayum the baby-faced sidekick is getting my attention now!
Work it TomStu!
Rob blindfolded. hmmm. thinking long and hard about that
Just a few words: hahahahahahaha!
Do we allow him a lollipop to use as a teaser?
Hm. Blindfolded Rob ....
Yes, Rob I am a supermodel! You can call me Giselle or Tyra or whatever the hell you want. Now, let's take that beanie off of you.
Yeah, Mona, a Charms Blowpop! lol
AJ, hilarious!
TomStu chasing me, I like that, Rob would be so jealooous. is way toooo early to be gettin this outta hand...
Don't even get this cougar started thinking about a Rob/Tom sandwich!
the wig falls off onto you know what...
And if you still picture Rob falling off the stripper pole, just jump down on the floor and let him fall. I'm sure you can think of someway to "catch" him
Did anyone ever realize that this is the beginning of the "witch"ing hour on this blog? Too damn funny!
nah jewels not a sandwich.. maybe a Rob-Tom banana split with Whipping Cream..... WOOOHOOOO!!!
I can totally see Rob falling off the pole,considering he runs like a mountain goat... :)
Mona--Can we fit a Hot Pocket joke in there, somewhere?
Witching hour is here and I've got my cougar-pelt shirt on! Go TomStu! Help Rob up off the floor, he fell off the damn pole again. It's all slippery with whip cream.
hmmm Ellie, depends on just how "bad" ya'll are gonna allow me to be tonight?
Sorry I had Rob naked on the pole already.
"Now Tom! Stop that licking the pole!!! You haven't even had your hot pocket for dinner yet! You will spoil your appetite!"
Mona, be bad! "I feel dirty" (Rob's quote.)
Mona--You forgot where we are ...anything goes, remember?? lol
Mona, you are a very, very bad girl. Naughty even! You should be punished by a beanie-wearing, whip cream covered Brit with wit.
When he feel off, he cracked up laughing, in his only Rob can laugh and looked that so absolutely
amazing I want to jump you way
Now, Mona, what were you going to say about the hot Pockets and "the pole"??
I think I need a cigarette. And I don't even smoke.
lmaoooooooooo Ellie are you setting me up girl.. hahahahahaha
Hey, wait, I've been bad, too!
(Rob, tell me what a naughty girl I'VE been!!!)
In my mind Rob and I have kicked Tom out and it's only me and Rob and "the suspenders
lol Jovie I'll *call* your suspenders and raise you one thong and a pepperoni hot pocket.. hehehehe
And, hey, did you catch my Blowpop reference??? hahahahahahha
Sorry I do know how to spell fell
He fell off and we laughed and then we use the suspenders and I tie him to my pole and then his pole is used
Ellie he's just gonna whisper it in your ear while he takes you to the "naughty" room to fulfill your punishment
Wow, Jo, you really are at home here, now, aren't you!?! :o
lol lol lol
Well, just "SNAP"ple. Beanies, suspenders, whipped cream all aside. I will settle for Rob naked and the only pole in the room will be...dare i say it....
sorry, I meant Jov.
Mona lmao,
Sorry I'm just so ahead of all of you with his body, I'm already ravishing him.
Poker now, Oh please don't get me started on poker. Strip poker and Rob with all of us, now that would be a fun friday night.
We could bet the blowpops;)
Say it, Say it...OUTLOUD!
no baby Friday night would NEVER be enough.. we need at least a week
My last comment was for you, Jules!
i love when you guys call me Jov
just a minute...I have to LMAO
Dani's really gonna go WTF now
She'll be so proud of her girlies... :) Keeping the Rob-lovin' alive!
Alright Ellie dammit.. lol
I'll tie him up with his suspenders, while dancing on his "pole" teasing him with a nice "blowpop" while he watches TomStu assaulting a hot pocket with the Golden Zipper.
THEN... after he catches his breath, I'll give him a snapple to keep him from getting dehydrated from all the Whipping Cream samples. Followed by the remainder of the night laying in his arms and nibbling at any and all sensitive areas of his body.
Oh, BTW, do you all know that I lust after that man?
During the pole dance I have on the SOUL MAN song I love and he's mouthing "pole man" during the soul man part
Mona - keep in mind Rob doesn't like things too 'moist'. Easy on the snapples.
Are there hot pockets in the naughty room Ellie? The Buddha in my head is telling me he's hungry and he's drowning out the other voices.
Mona--You're gonna put Jules to shame! hahaha Whew!
And I think it was Mrs. PeaCOCK in the Library with the candleSTICK!
but he gets it wet sometimes
All righty then! We are officially out of control! We are so perving on Rob and Tom Stu! WTF? is good to be in good company! I feel so Blanche DuBois right now lusting over Stanley....
I didn't know my stripper pole was going to get so much use from Rob
Somebody get a measuring stick! It's time to test the thumb theory.
we could have a contest after our pole dance of who could drink their Pacifico beer the fastest and then one who wins...we decide a prize
AJ--"The Buddha in my head is telling me he's hungry and he's drowning out the other voices."
LMAO! And yes, there most definitely would be said Hot Pockets!
Jov--"pole man" witty girl, you are! lol
Use Rob? Oh no Jov...I intend to tantalize, tease, seduce,....Rob.
Yeah...there it is...He makes me hotter than Georgia Asphalt!
Aj--Would that be a ruler or a yardstick?????????????????
Jules--"I don't have a six-pack, BELLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Okay we have strip poker, with the beers going, and then we could make the pole part of the bet stuff, of who loses or wins;)
oh Jules, I love when he said that, he would be so hilarious at our little strip poker, pole dance PARTY
Had a terrible encounter with a Rob hater today! So wrong in so many ways! No one gets our Rob like we do!
He saw the Jay Leno interview the other night. (Hotter than seven ways to Sunday in my book!)
He was complaining about Rob's hair. THE FUCKING HAIR! THE SEX HAIR! The hair that keeps me coming back for more(as well as the eyes, the hands, the early pubes, the treasure trail, the scruff...crap the list is endless...really!)
Stupid codgy old fart. He said he would be embarrassed if that were his child. Are you fucking kidding me? I so wanted to just take Rob home and take care of him....
I'll chose the music and we'll teach him to dance first.
woohoo Jewels.. yes darlin we KNOW!!! and then you hold us hostage and terrorize us with your slowwwwwwww agonizing torture... hahaha
I am having a blast, tonight; no one elso would understand my Robsesson like you lovelies do...
Rob would approve. He'd blush, but he's approve.
Wait, I have to get this off my mind, remember when he lifts Bella on his feet on the gazebo, my first thought was, well you know what my thought was.;)
LOL Ellie! You are hot tonight. A yardstick it is!
Jules, consider the source. That man didn't understand sex appeal.
Mona--Torture, for sure...
Very slow....
and intense...
and, and...
(wait for part 5)
lol jewels, just tell the old curmudgeon that WE all are sooooooo glad he is not his kid as well.. lol
Jov, Ride that pink pony raw? Oops for any 15 year olds...I am so sorry for that remark!
Jov--You KNOW what she was on, not just his feet... lol
And honey I've fantasized many, many times about cleaning Rob up.
First it would be in my two person jacuzzi tub and shampoo his hair. I so want to shampoo his hair, he would love it so much and he'd then see the point to washing his hair, after how tht would feel.
He's a young guy, sometimes they don't see the appeal of personal hygenine yet. When he's 32, he's going to be even more amazing
Do ya think his mom ever reads this stuff? OMG.. I am so going to Hell!
Woohooo Jov and the shampoo fetish!!!
Ohhhh, Jules!
I am so happy the 20-30 number is rising. This just isn't a site for teenage girls.
no hell no you are NOT jewels until you finish that damned story!!!!
We're more a Sex & the City age range.
I just have this smell fetish. I just want to run my nose down from his jawline to the fun line!
Claire seems hip...She'd first be appalled...then go tell all her friends about it ("My son, the STUD").
YES, I do think his mother reads this. I have thought about that many times. But she would love me if she met me.lmao She really would.
And yes the shampoo thing, in the tub, it's one of my most frequent fantasizes. That and his suspenders...
So...Ellie...are you and Claire on speaking terms now?
Seriously, there are a lot of women on this blog that would like a personal intro!
I think she is proud her son is a STUD.
Also, I love the jawline to the fun line, line.
Jov...don't even get me started. I am a writer of E & B fan fic, and Rob just slays me. He is such an inspiration! Love, love, love writing stories with him as my protagonist!
Man, I go to take a shower, and you guys go nuts with RobStu fantasies. gaah!
Jules you're talking to the right person. I have a 300something page book with him as my inspiration. The mind is the number one sexual organ and he uses his very nicely...
Stella, we're trying to make DAni go WTF???
Jules, I need to read some of your writing.
I'm sure it's terrific
Jules--LMAO! Yeah, Claire and I are like this: 11 (damn, can't type those lines together!)hahaha
If I had a personal intro to Rob I would probably just stutter, drool, faint, and then they'd call for an ambulance...of course, that's after I'd just jumped on him!
What happened did the thought of his mother reading this make you all back away?
Hi Claire *waves* We love your boy and promise to take really good care of him. Where is he? Oh, he's in the naughty ... er... bathroom with Jules, a can of whip cream, hot pocket, snapples and Jov is washing his hair. We'll send him out all shiny and clean in just a few minutes.
Not to worry.
Wow you all have been busy! I just got back from seeing Twilight again and it was even better this time around. Rob's jawline is just...mesmerizing, and those lips on the big screen- if I could just get one little nibble...
I also have a fantasty that Rob is a little stingy with his body, and doesn't share it easily, until he meets me. I know I can only dream.
No, no, NO! Mona sent him in the naughty room with me, remember? That was I don't know how many comments ago...we're not done yet!!!!!!
I'm betting Dani and Goz will go WTF!? LMAO.
I was drooling over pictures of my two loved ones :)
AJ I am LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And send in more whipped cream...the can's empty.
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