Chigaco Q&A Moderators Blog about Rob

I can't believe a fan yelled "take off your pants".
Ladies it is one thing to think it, and another to actually scream it aloud right in front of him.
Can we say creepy?

We were granted a small amount of one-on-one time with Rob Pattinson. That interview is streaming all over this website if you haven't seen it yet. Judging from the 20 minutes or so I spent with Rob, he seems like a pretty normal guy. When I told him I hardly had an idea who he was a few months ago, he laughed and said he didn't blame me. He's as taken aback by this outpouring of love as the rest of the world seems to be. The movie hasn't even opened yet and he thinks this will all be over in a few weeks. Rob - wait until they see you on the big screen, and remind me never to take you to the mall with me.

So then came the question and answer, better known by it's technical term - the time Rob and I stood on a stage and were screamed at for 10 minutes. Rob gave me a laugh when I told him I had questions from the audience ready. Good luck hearing yourself think after we step onto that stage, he told me. When we walked onto the riser, amid hundreds of flashing bulbs and a pulsing roar from the crowd, he kept looking at me and shaking his head. Every city he's been to it's been the same reaction. I think he's looking for the town where 10 people show up, and he'll probably move there.

"Take off your pants," one girl yelled from the crowd.
"Did you just ask me to take off my trousers?" Rob answered. Perplexed by the term "trousers", the crowd moved on to more screaming. Overall the Q&A lasted about 10 minutes. He mentioned that his favorite musical artist was Van Morrison, he refused to sing (he has a song on the soundtrack), and he said that he was signed for at least 3 movies.
We wrapped up the Q&A as objects began flying on stage. By objects, I mean little handwritten notes folded up like mini-footballs, most with names and phone numbers written on them. Note to fans - from a long distance on the upper deck, a harmless toss of a mini-football turns into a dangerous Chinese star flying through the air. I know you love the guy, but try not to take one of his glorious eyes out.

Overall it was an amazing experience. So much energy packed in one little space. I talked with a ton of fans about their obsession, and I'm cutting that video together as we speak. It'll be up on the site later this evening. Hopefully the ringing in my ears be gone by then!


La Stella said...

I know it's totally off topic, but I was reading the Vanity Fair Q+A with the cast, and I just burst laughing when I read this answer by Peter Facinelli. (I just had to share it with someone)

"Celebrity crush?

Yes. My celebrity crush is on Rob Pattinson. Just kidding. My wife, Jennie Garth, of course, would be my celebrity crush."

Anonymous said...

Oh for the love of all that is holy. Rob - put on those suspenders or they'll be tearing your pants right off of you!

*through the megaphone* Back away from the golden zipper crazy fangirls!

Dani said...

When I read that I was shocked! Now we all wish Rob would take his trousers off for sure. However to actually yell that at him in a mall filled with a few thousand people. Gosh have some respect Twimom you are a little creepy.

And yes AJ, suspenders and a megaphone security guard needed to protect Rob from a slaying of his pants by the Twifan girls.

Denisse I saw that too, Peter is a cutie, really quite a funny guy.

Nena said...

Dani, was that a twimom who yelled that? WOW.. I kind of pictured it in my head, that it was an immature tween, but if it was an adult.... someone needs a mental health check (scary)

Dani said...

I cannot confirm or deny it was a Twimom but my gut instinct tells me IT WAS!

Rose said...

They treat Rob like he is a piece of meat...and they all want to rip a piece off.
I find these screaming mobs...tedious. What's the point of screaming non-stop at him? Does that show that you are a FAN?
Wouldn't a true fan want to hear what he has to say...and not overwhelm and scare him to death?
I don't know how he does it, and all with such grace.


Emily said...

Dani - my instincts are telling me the same thing. At ComicCon, wasn't it a TwiMom who asked if Rob wore boxers or briefs, too? Then when he didn't say anything she asked Kristen if she knew. So inappropriate. I'm sure we've all wondered about Rob's underpants from time to time but I was annoyed that they wasted everyone's time with immature questions like that when they could have been asking something he actually would have answered. I'm glad they just ingored it I hope the lady felt stupid afterwards. I'm so mean.
"Take your pants off!" Honestly, grow up. I thought it was funny that they seemed perplexed by the term 'trousers' so they just moved on.
And what was up with someone throwing a Chinese star? Did I read that right? Rob might need more than just suspenders to protect himself. Scary!

La Stella said...

I must admit that when it was my turn to get in the last line for Rob to sign my book I had my fangirl moment, and the girl that was sitting next to me and I jumped and gave a little scream.

Other than that, we all tried to behave as nicely as we could. We even had an agreement to clap when he came into the room, but not many followed.. their inner fangirls won at the last moment. (This was in the Mexico City event lol).

kristen said...

This guy is pretty funny. I LOLd at his love letters-becoming-flying-ninja-stars comment.

And this one: "I think he's looking for the town where 10 people show up, and he'll probably move there" - this is SO TRUE, but is also SO NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN. Unfortunately, I don't think Rob will ever experience anonymity ever again.

But yeah, the "Take off your pants" thing is just not cool. Clearly these fangirls were keeping it classy :)

Anonymous said...

Any member of the sisterhood of insanity knows that "Take off your pants" is Rob's line and only follows his previous line of "Get in the Car".

Duh! Helllooo! Whatev.

MiCh said...

Pff.. you're right Dani, one thing is to sing praises to the Golden Zipper in private, and another to actually scream it in front of him!

This Hot Topic Tour is insane, for God's sake, all you tweens and twimoms, get a life and stop to scream stupid things to Rob!

Emily said...

Rose - Well said! Turning into a crazy, screaming person does not equal fan. It equals crazy, screaming person and I'm sure Rob's had enough of that to last two lifetimes.

Rose said...

A cute interview.


Emily said...

I know aj! When we see the movie we'll probably think they left out a line when he doesn't say that during the Port Angeles scene.
"Wait, they cut a part out! I'm sure it was 'get in the car, take off your pants'"

Dani said...

The scene of Take your pants off goes like this.

Me-"Say it out loud"
Rob-"Take your pants off"
Me-"Are you afraid?"
Rob-"No, but your mood swings are giving me whip lash"
Me-"I know what you are"
Rob-"I want to hear your theories"
Me-"I've contemplated radio active spiders, and cryptonite and...taking my pants off"
Rob-"Get in the car"

End Scene.

Kat said...

Ooops, Emily, I just LOL'd at your last comment and got a very strange look from my boss who sits not even 6 feet from me! Yikes!

I can imagine myself quite confused in about 6 days and 8.5 hours when he doesn't say that line! Wait... 6 days and 8.5 hours.... ahhhhhhhhh!

Dani - yup, sure it was a Twimom!

Anonymous said...

Emily - there is a site called Twilight - The Lost Script where you can re-write the script to go along with movie screencaps.

There's no photo of that Port Angeles scene though. Too bad!

Kat said...

Dani - did you get your hands ona script? That's exactly it!

Rose said...

I like your scene, Dani... Brilliant.

Anonymous said...

Oh Dani - well done, bravo! You are the queen of all that is Vampuh!

Dani said...

Awe thanks ladies I did get a script leak of the Rob and Dani chronicles and that really is how the scene goes. We worked on a lot of wardrobe changes and settled on none at all.

Emily said...

aj - that website is awesome! Probably the funniest thing I've seen in a long time. Dani - you're new and improved scene would fit right in there. I love that there are such creative people out there. I couldn't stop laughing at this one

BELLA: I like this jacket a lot better.

EDWARD: I will burn the other and sprinkle the ashes in the four corners of the Earth, so that it never offends you again.

BELLA: You're amazing.

EDWARD: You're amazing.

BELLA: No, you are.

EDWARD: I said it first.

BELLA: No, ... actually, I did. Just look at the transcript.

EDWARD: You're right, my alabaster fairy. Would you mind scooting away from the waterfall? You're making me nervous.

BELLA: So are you saying I'm clumsy? I knew it. You couldn't possibly love me. You are like a god and I am an adolescent head case.

EDWARD: Shh, love. Don't talk. Let me carry you on my back as though you were either a toddler or a sack of potatoes. Then we will ride in my Volvo and not engage in any carnal activities whatsoever.

BELLA: You're amazing.

EDWARD: No, you are. (Repeat...)

Anonymous said...

Be forewarned - some serious SM hating going on at this site but there is also a very funny Twilight Cliffnotes version

Quick Excerpt:

Bella: *whine* Why is Mike Newton hitting on me? Gah! This sucks! What teen girl wants cute boys hitting on her all the time? And where is emo boy who sits beside me in Biology? Why isn't he in school? Not like I care or anything. *sniff*

Edward: I'm back and I'm gonna make polite conversation. Totally. Watch me be cool.

Kat said...

OK, I can not look at that site right now. Again, the boss is a few feet from me and I'm getting the kind of giggles that are not easy to stop.

This does not look like the conversation I want to have:

Boss: What are you laughing at?
Me: Twilight stuff
Boss: AGAIN?
Me: Yes
Boss: Have you booked the crew, balanced the budget, uploaded the videos, grabbed the screen grabs, digitized the tapes and ordered the cameras?
Me: No
Boss: But you're laughing at a Twilight website?
Me: Yes
Boss: You're fired
Me: Shit

Dani said...

Oh that site it a RIOT! I loved all of it Aj SM bashing or not it was genius!

Anonymous said...

Forevereb - you have your priorities straight dahling!

1) Rob
2) Life

end of list.

Aussierobfan said...

Kathryn I laughed so hard, I could just imagine the expressions on both your faces!

Emily said...

By the way, Rose - Thanks for the new interview! That was really good.
"I want to have a deep pan pizza." Who knew Rob loved pizza so much? Deep pan pizza, pizza pockets, etc. She should have offered to take him to the pizza place, not just give him the name of it. Silly girl. We wouldn't want Rob getting lost in a new city all by himself. Now, getting lost on purpose with me in a new city, well that's a different story...

Amy said...

I can't stop laughing reading this!!!!!! The commentary is priceless ;)

kristen said...

You guys are in fine form today! I am completely cracking up over everyones comments.

And thank you Rose for that interview link - it was a cute one. Watching and listening to Rob talk for 8 min is always fun :)

Emily said...

Agreed, Lyla. 8 minutes or 15 seconds, we'll take what we can get of Rob and he never disappoints! I worry that he's lonely. I know I would be. Going from hotel room to hotel room, and whenever you go out, you get screamed at by complete strangers for 30 minutes. I hope he can go home for the holidays and spend some time with family and friends. I bet Tom misses him, too.

Anonymous said...

LADIES, When exactly do you think Rob cried in Italy? I"m thinking when he got out of the car possibly at the red carpet...
I wish I knew.
Please repond

Anonymous said...

I agree Emily.

Lynn said...

Jov---I think that ppl tend to forget that crying is just the nervous natural reaction to stress. Rob shouldn't feel bad about crying, it just something that happens. It's hard to read, because, I think that we've all had those moments and the worst can be when it happens in front of other ppl.

Dude, Rob just sounds lonely, he needs Tom, more pizza, a stiff drink and some hugs!

Tess said...

I'm not sure I can take anymore video's of him standing in front of mobs of screaming girls.. It's just making my heart race.. poor man.

I was noticing in a few one/one interview I watched last night that even though he seems so composed on the outside.. he's really terrified! His body betrays him (when he runs his hands through his hair, you can see obvious sweat marks under his armpits..) He's a wreck! He has a huge amount of control over his outer appearance, but the sweat marks tell a different story.

Tess said...

wow - Emily, Dani, Kathryn-

I want to thank you all for the laughs today.. I just read all your comments..

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