Rob was spotted at Melrose Av. on Satuday where he picked up some stuff from the second hand clothing store (shocker!) "The Wasteland".
Gozde: You can try to take the man out of Hoboland but you can never take the Hobo out of the man! Hobolicious as always :)
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 214 Newer› Newest»Ugh. Why is he always alone? He shouldn't be alone. He needs a nice girl to help him pick out his wardrobe.
Pick me, pick me!
You know, with the exception of the lame photographer stalking him...Rob is pretty much going unnoticed out there. Interesting.
And I agree, Lizzie...WHY isn't someone taking care of him?
It boggles the mind.
I love this Goz....sooooo funny. Boy makes some cash and uses it on used goods. This guy is pure win as usual.
I spy a red tshirt and a book and what appears to be another pair of black pants but Im not sure. Am I overanalyzing again? Yes, yes I am.
And you are right ladies where in the Hell are his friends? He needs some love in these pics, looks like a lost puppy in the big city.
I now believe him that his favorite color is gray.
Now I want to see the clothes he bought. I bet that those are going to be the clothes he wears in the European press tour. LOL.
Stella D someone on imdb put in their post what justjared had on his site about Rob eating a burger in his car, stopping for gas and picking up a six pack of heiniken. For the love of God they knew what kind of beer he bought and that he ate in his car.
These papz are really fucked up if you ask me. They detailed his whole Saturday. Ahhhhh creepy.
Okay pardon me they even knew that he picked up "off the menu items" from In N Out. And it was a case of beer so clearly he is an alcoholic right?
Sorry I'm just a little peeved that people are so intrusive. Pics are one thing and following a guy around while he eats and does mundane normal things I'd just another story.
I know I'm not responsible for Rob or any other celeb but I will be a good fan and perhaps we can inspire some change. Gosh that is just disappointing.
Yeah, I read it. I honestly don't want to know that much about him. What's is going to come next.. are they going to tell us when he poops??
Dani, I have a question.. did they make my thread about his song go away? I wanted to download the song in my other computer and I can't find it. :|
Just leave the man in peace. I'd be freaked out if my pictures kept showing up doing the most normal of things. We get it...he dresses like a slob (a totally adorkable and loveable one), eats fast food and drinks beer. He's fucking human.
Even though he has the looks of a demi-god, he's just a man who puts his skinny black jeans on one leg at a time. Rob...get thee home! You need a break from all this intrusion. But I'm still looking...
Good morning, Girls!
I missed all the fun for the last two days, but my two boys(baby and hubby)are sick and I was busy with them.
About these pictures- make me feel sad and for some reason I doubt that he will have more privacy when he goes back to London.
Hmmmmm Stella D I have no idea about that one. I suppose its a possibility if someone reported you. Crapshoot on that one.
Morning, ladies!
In the second pic, Rob looks so lonely...just standing there. He actually looks kind of happy to bump into that kid for a little human contact.
The man needs some companionship.
And who the hell cares if he eats in his car, etc., etc.,..(well, I guess I do a little; I want to hug him and cook him a good meal).
That's what happens when you become famous. There's never good without bad. Ying and yang. He knows that, he's not stupid. But that he's alone makes me more interested than ever. He's a loner and I love that about him. I understand that, readers usually are. that's why we read alot we're okay with being alone. Sometimes I'm around too many people and have to be by myself. I don't even mind shopping by myself and I'm a woman. The more I read about this guy the more interesting he becomes to me.
I love the second photo.
i'll sign in
Pardon my mannners, Good morning, Ladies!
(my latte hasn't kicked in yet)
Yeah I'll take him lonely too. It's good for the soul. Which is something, he has.
I'm feeling so bad to say this because I don't want to contribute to paps photos but I so love to see him doing everyday, non celebrity things. It makes me feel like I could imagine I know what he might be like. Even though I know it isn't that way. We can only know what he chooses to reveal and even that could be questionable.
Good morning, Jov and Li!
Jov--How was that date last night?? :)
I dont know Jovie, perhaps it isn't too much to think you do know *something* of them, I feel some of the girls here, who are all true blue, often have genuine insight into him.
Good mornin' back at ya.
The date was soooo good.
Nice to hear, Jov... ;)
"Attacks Strain Indian relationships with Pakistan"
was reading the news, (trying to be good)
see why this is so, so much more interesting.
He was a polar opposite of SOUL MAN.
He doesn't read, or play the guitar or write.
He's a good looking surfer guy though.
I know, I go here to get away form everything, too...
Pure eye candy can be good.
Li i love your photo, it's hilarious. So cute!
Oh Rob and shopping???? Why do those things just not seem to sound right together. lol
Why hasn't he left LA yet??
Yeah India Pak exploding really makes the world power balance freaking scary.
I didn't sleep with him, I don't give my body over like that, only to soul man
Thanks Jovie!
Amy, I'm hoping today he flies out so he can have time to recover from jet lag and his anxiety about flying and be with his family, but then I'm acting like his gf right now which I'm accutely aware I'm not.
I forgot the word today, flies out today.
Hi Amy!
Yeah, Rob doesn't seem the shopping type--seems more the "get in there quick, get what you need, and hightail it out of there" kinda guy. Just my thought.
Unless it's a book store; I think he would linger there and immerse himself in that world. Or a music store.
I'm a virgo so when a I read details of Rob I love it.
he has said he went to the portland bookshop everyday and camped out in there. That's kind of when I went over the edge.:)
He must have be leaving sometime today or tonight!!!
He has to be on the show GMTV tomorrow morning in London.
I'm hoping he flies out today, as well. He's said he doesn't like to fly, so imagine he would need some time to recover from the flight and relax with his family. maybe some chicken soup from Mama Claire
(or Clare?)...And maybe Dad still has some connections within the car business and can hook him up with a nice, used Ford Escort... lol
he says he hates clothes shopping.
When something is in print I have a tendency to not believe the print so when he is in a vid I more or less accept it, his cute exagerations I take in stride too.
I think he knows he reveals possibly too much...
One that still has a dashboard...
lol, you can not even believe the car I hooked him up with in my book.
It's awesome!
Which car, Jov?? :)
I went over the edge for Rob when I read all the Vanity Fair interviews with the Twilight kids, and realized how multi layered and complex his references were...and for some reason it hit me then....I realized he was kind of brilliant, ...and...just kind of lost it at that point.
; ) I'm okay now though.
Or do I have to wait until it's published to find out?????????
Li, take a deep breath... :)
Well I say we need to inform the nosy-paps that Rob is buying in the second hand clothing store because he is SO eco-friendly. You know the whole green thing.
Just by being himself he has one-upped Mr Super Green Leo himself. lol Bet you would never see him in a second hand clothing store! The snob!
LOL Ellie!
Hey, Monamona...How are you, girl??
And Li, love the little hot dog...
Peachy keen jelly bean! And you?
I mean, I was hooked at the get go, but over the edge, it came then. Read the VF interviews the same day as that white mesh pic. It was a tidal slam.
I hope Rob was a careful shopper and made sure his new pants has the zzzzipp factor going for them.
I'm so eco-griendly, that the minute I read about his recycle shopping it only made me like him more and Li you're cracking me up.
I know the feeling sometimes I think I'm gonna be over him and then I hear him sing and I realize I'm toast.
Thanks Ellie! Hot Dog!
Doin' good...Evals are coming along, slowly but surely...mostly slowly.
But don't you girls agree with the media change we could make?.. like the reason he doesn't like to wash his hair frequently is becuase it saves the world from all that shampoo washing down the drain, and no washer machine because it wastes water.. etc.
Jovie if you guys only knew how much you made me laugh the other nite.
Yeah, sorry on the car thing, i wish I could tell you though, but the wait till it's published thing.
there's so much i wish I could tell you.
Really Li. Sometimes I think we really were only getting started, I have so much more I could of offered.
Oh the singing!!! God.
Yes, Mona, lol. He is so eco-friendly. I think more than he realizes.
Being a surfer, you think a lot about these things.
I believe it, Jov, if you write, i will read. ... or maybe it's not writing you are talking about but your astral days and nights with Rob.... ; )
I honor you teacher girl. Good job on the evals. I hope your students appreciate you. If they only knew your imagination...
I was just thinking, with all the teens and tweens lingering on every single thing he does right now, his publicist just JUMP on this bandwagon and it would STOP the negativity about his hair etc. It would make more kids start thinking about all their waste as well. Like killing 2 birds with one stone.
WRob driving his crap joke car is saving rw materials (less mining of metals for a new car). However, his emissions...
Ohhhh, Li! I love that!
I'm really looking forward to all the Europe press stuff & the UK premiere!!! I'm anxious to see all the photos/interviews from that event :)
I just think Rob will be so much relaxed being home in his city and being in a familiar area where family and friends are close by.
When I fond out he loved Van I almost died.
Blilliant thinking, Mona!
And Jov, thanks for the thumbs up on the evals. And my guys wouldn't get the references here, but their parents would...oops!
Did I say "THUMBS"???????hahahahaha
honey, the pap stuff is only beginning.
He has a long career in front of him and he's the #1 thing the women want to hear about.
Amy, I'm so with you. I can't wait until he walks in that door in his family home and is there are paps there I will be so diappointed for him.
True Ellie BUT no more than he has to drive it's not as bad as a new car.. see it's all in the way you perceive it. Like is the glass half full or half empty? I say with the right publicity campaign we could keep his glass half full. lol
meant if
you know how i don't bother to prof
(sorry: *brilliant)
thats 3 thumbs right Ellie? hehhee
I gotta go run my dogs on the beach.
Much luv to you ladies.
I'll check in later.
good point again, Mona.
Half-full is always good.
See you later, Jov!
And Mona, 3 would be the answer, yes. lol
I think after I'll go have an in n out animal style in honor of soul man
Take care Jov.. hugzzzz
Thanks Ellie, hope it goes smooth on the evals.
thanks mona. (hugs back at ya)
to everyone so I don't add too many to this post
Morning all!
Amy - pretty much impossible for him to be on GMTV tomorrow. It starts at 6 or 7am and there is just no way he could make it. 90% of flights heading that way leave in the evening and get into England around 7am or so. Maybe he's doing a satallite link?
Gosh I'm over thinking this :-)
You know, I'm so curious about those In 'n Out burgers.e don't have them here. Are they really that tasty??
Morning Kathryn
Over thinking Rob? No such thing! lol
Good morning, Kathryn! (afternoon , here...)
Don't have them around here either Ellie, so I'm no help.
Ellie----In And Out is killer...totally delish. I wish that sometimes I weren't vegetarian just to stop by and nosh on a double double!
Good morning, lovelies!
Yes, there's not such thing as over thinking Rob. In fact, he needs a VERY close examination from us.
Rob probably eats the Double Double combo with a Coke......
Wow... actually it's afternoon here too, where has the day gone?
Lynn--morning, sweetness!
I've had In and Out once while in LA... it was DELISH...
BTW, shopping the thrift stores on Melrose is the only way to go, especially if you don't know your true size. The clothes are broken and comfy!
What makes them special?
Hey, Ellie and Kathryn---yes, it's STILL morning here! LOL
I meant the burgers, not the clothes on Melrose... :)
OH my God Lynn, the visuals you can put in my head girl.. I just had this wonderful flash of getting to "size" Rob.. mmmmmmmm
The food is fresh daily and made to order...no heat lamps. It's cheap...Double Double are about $2.60 and the fries are fresh cut and resemble British chips.
Hahaha, Lynn--I'm three hours closer to dreaming about His Hotness... lol
YUMMO (both on the burgers and sizing Rob...)
Mona---Rob eases in to the jeans and back out....what am I saying like the guy would even bother to try on stuff. Yes, this is why he shops the thrift stores.
ok the waist is.. um.. one arm-span around that makes it.. luscious. The tush is, EXTREMELY tight, the zipper is.. um.. zipperific! And well, I think I need a shower already and we just got started. Care to join so we can share water and save the eco?
Lynn - they are close to British chips, but not quite... need to be greasier :-) Probably one of the reasons Rob likes it so much though.
Only one week until I'll be tucking into proper British fish and chips. I wonder if a F&C shop is Rob's first place to visit when he goes home too?
"Rob eases IN to the jeans AND back OUT"...like his burgers.
Okay, that was just plain stupid.
lol yep gotta serve them in the newspaper to catch the grease right?
Mona.... LMAO....
Good catch Ellie!
Kathyrn---very true...CA also has the laws on transfats. Dammit, they take the fun out of food! I was guessing on the chips...but, you will never see fries like that anywhere else. Grease is good!
Mona - EXACTLY... chips in newspaper... nothing better. Actually... a chip butty is even better. Yum!
The thought of sharing a chip butty with Rob is making me tingle all over...
I can't be funny ALL the time...too much pressure! hahaha
And yes, I guess Rob doesn't use the washer machine to clean those thrift clothes, huh...
Oh Lynn Darlin, you just need to come to Texas, we can grease up any food.. lol Everything around here is deep fried!
Kathryn, what's that???
Kat----the idea of newspaper soaking up grease freaks me out...does it affect the food? I would probably eat it regardless.
Ok Kathryn I gotta ask... What the HELL is a chip butty???????
Lynn, it was a good guess... they're as close as you're gonna get this side of the pond. red Robin has "almost British chips" too... but again, not enough grease!
No Lynn it doesn't affect the food at all. Been done that way for years.
Mona---my MIL's family is from Alabama and the food that those ppl consume SCARED me. I remember seeing my husband's aunt cook eggs in bacon fat.....bleh!
OK... a chip butty is: big old greasy British chips on a bread bun. The hot chips make the butter melt making it even greasier. A squirt of ketchup and some salt and malt vinegar tops it off nicely.
Lynn, they normally use newspaper without any ink on for the layer that actually touches the food. It's not right if it's not in newspaper :-)
With Rob loving his fast food I bet chip butty's are high on his list of yumminess. It's also the typical "meal" to get when you're drunkedly making your way home after a pub crawl. Tastes even better drunk!
Wow, that chip butty explanation just made my lack of a gall bladder suddenly apparent...
OK... visual: http://picasaweb.google.com/chamonix44/MiniBreakInUKFirstDayAlbum2EmotionalTimes#5222201663097138354
Ellie... gall bladder? Who needs on of them anyway???
Exactly! Prilosec works just as well...lol
Wow, that pic says it all.
Kat---my heart started to ache after reading that....fried and bread!? Yes, you would need alcohol to absorb all that!
I'd be up until 2 am after eating one of those...Oh, wait, I already stay up that late, writing with all of you girlies!!!
LOL Leave it to the Brits to invent fried potatoes on bread...the idea of carbs on carbs is killing me.
My mouth is watering... I am so craving one right now. It has been over a year. I'll have to get a countdown widget like the Twilight one... 6 days and 12 hours until my next chip butty...
Yup Lynn. Carbs on carbs :-) We don't have much in the way of good tasty food, I'll be first to admit... but this, this is good!
LOL When, my sister went to Europe back in the early 80's, she said they lived their week in London on pastries and ale. Luckily, they walked a lot!
Well, the good is that the chip butty appears to be vegetarian...I wonder what it's fried in?
Okay, next subject: Spotted Dick.
Say what?
I hear crickets after my last comment...:)
Eurgh... my Grandma used to make spotted dick and we were forced to eat it. Yuk. As I said, British food does not equal good food! :-)
Lynn, it's something British, with raisins; like a pudding, Kathryn??
Oh, I must hear this! I love the quote from So I Married An Axe Murderer, where Charlie (Mike Myers) says that he thinks that most Scottish food is based on a dare. I would imagine that most Bristish, Scottish and Irish is like that.
Yes, it's like a cake type pudding with raisins... not good. Usually eaten with custard.
And yes, Irish, Scottish and English food is mostly based on a dare!
Spotted dick visual... http://homepage.mac.com/laddie/orangepeelmorris/spotted_orange-peel_dick.jpg
"spotted dick visual" that could SO be taken the wrong way :-)
Well, I think that I would have to do some research before visiting the UK...or just stick to chip butties and come back with high cholestrol.
Wow, spotted dick sounds strange...
Haggis; anything made of intestines is a no-no...
OK ladies... I'm off to get some stuff done while Havi sleeps. Off to see Twilight again tonight with some "first timers" so won't get much done then!
Later all, enjoy what's left of the long weekend...
Ellie---or made with no-nos is a no-no, too. I do not trust any sausage...except for vegan sausage.
Bye, Kathryn! Have fun tonight!
With the spotted dick reference, my mind keeps going back to that vid or Rob saying, "Don't go out with me, because I'm a dick!".
See? Everything said here can be linked back to Rob. This is fun!
Thanks and I'm SURE I will... Rob is involved :-)
Bye, Kathryn.. enjoy!
Hello all! Just caught the tail end of your conversation, and I was thinking WTH did I miss? "Chip buttys" and "spotted dick"? This must have been good!
And Lynn - I LOVE "So I Married an Axe Murderer". By far my favorite Mike Meyers flick. The whole part where the Dad is talking about his sons head is seriously hilarious (if a little sad) haha.
Hi, Lyla--yes, we got a little out of hand, as per usual... :)
Yes, it's always good to get a little out of hand... I blame it on Rob - he inspires us to get a little carried away sometimes :)
Also, I love how Rob is holding his bag in the first 3 pics. He's totally ignoring the handles and holding it like a sack. Why is it that I even find the way he holds a bag cute and endearing?
Lyla, BRB...
Okay, back.
Lyla---agreed, Rob looks a man with a mission....bags are only functional!
Love how those grey pants are barely on his hips...
Re; holding the bag...I think most men carrty stuff like that.
Just a random thought, but, Rob fits in with the casualness of LA with his hobo chicness. He's probably more San Diegan style then an Angeleno. Ppl around here dress very sloppy! I try to stay out of the norm myself.
Ellie---yes, love the low riding pants, too!
Yeah, I'm sure he just picked out some stuff, shoved everything in the bag, grabbed it in his fist, and got the heck out of there as fast as possible. He doesn't strike me as an enthusiastic shopper :)
Okay, I'm going to go look at the past couple days of posts. It's been a very busy few days, and I didn't have a chance to check in here much... It looks like there was a lot that I missed out on! Check in with you all later!
Lynn--I've heard it's so much more laid back out by you guys than here. Lots of hustle and bustle on the east coast. That's why we moved out of the NYC suburbs and into the sticks (we're about 35 miles from the city).
Catch you later, Lyla!
Hot, hot, hot. I love him in those second hand gray pants that hang just right on his hips. If only he would reach up over his head we'd get a lovely shot of tummy and perhaps a glimpse of underpants waistband.
In that last picture, I imagine the kid being like, "Rob, seriously, back off the 13 year olds. I don't need the competition. They are mine!"
"Rob, seriously, back off the 13 year olds. I don't need the competition. They are mine!"
hahahaha, Emily!
And, yes, we need to see the Hanes...
Bye, Lyla!
Em---if the arms went up, I am sure that Rob would be showing off much more then that! LOL
Remeber, the LAX vid...intrusive but eye enlightening....Rob was just over the MOON!
Ellie---SoCal ppl define casualness to the core...lots of sweats and pajama bottoms at the stores. I got made fun of recently because I wore high heeled mules to the Little League park. A fellow mom said something about Victoria Beckham. Seriously, it can get really bad!
Eww, did you stomp on her foot with the heel??
She deserved it...
Regaring arms up:
And yes, agreed, much more of said British babe would be revealed.YUM!
Edit again...*regarding
Ellie---she's actually a good friend of mine. LOL I just told her that I needed a change...see I wear trainers and tennies to work. So, the weekends at the ball field are my heel days.
Cool. Sometimes a little changing up is good for the soul.
If I were watching Rob on the street, I'd probably be silently praying for him to drop his bag so he'd have to bend over. You just know he's never worn a belt of his own free will and that is definitely not a bad thing. We need to see more of that sexy tush.
Hey, Lynn, forgot to tell you...
My school's going on a "Santa Train Ride" this Friday. We were invited, along with other spec. ed. schools, to go, by the NJ Railmen. The kkids all get a gift (up to $75 each...) and a box lunch. Santa's there, along with other winter and holiday characters. They have one car just with a cold cut spread for staff. Over the years, I've gone about 4 times (we're asked every 4 or 5 years. They rotate shcools in the area. I'm so excited; the kids have so much fun. But it is exhausting...
Emily--I'm so with you on that.
He needs to spread a little cheer (no pun intended...well, maybe a little). :o
Em---I can picture a text coming from mum saying, "WTH, were you thinking and invest in a belt for Godsakes"!
I am all in favor for seeing some booty any day!
Damn! *schools
Or he could connect the Doc Marten laces and use that as a belt. He never ties them, anyway,
Oh, Ellie! That sounds like so much fun...and exhausting indeed as all field trips are! It sounds very Polar Express!
Very much so..."I believe!" (hear that jingle bell??)lol
No, no, no....laces stay in the Docs! They are purely for esthetics...my dh used to wear his Docs the same way.
I'm back...okay, laces stay in.
Ahhh, I just saw the pic of Rob exited an Arco with a Heinekin twelver....is there anything sacred?
Lynn--busy week with p-t conferences, also, and evals due, and H.S. concert on Thurs., and highlights tomorrow afternoon, and book fair at work, and the dentist on Tues., and, and, ROB, TAKE ME AWAY FROM ALL THIS MADNESS THAT IS MY LIFE!!!!! (a dip in a jacuzzi with you would about do it, among other delights...)
*wicked smile while raking that sexy mop of a head of hair...
I love Heineken...it's the only beer that I like aside from Hornsby.
Lynn--Where? Where's the pic???
Kathryn he's on GMTV on Thursday not tomorrow.
I thought he looked kinda sad in these pics!:-?
I can't wait for him to get home either, I could be wrong but I don't think the paps are as bad in England:-?
Hope you're all well today!
LOL Your life mimics mine! I just chaired my eighth bookfair (I think I may have lost count...) and we just had our PT conferences. We're having our final family night for the year in a week.
Kate---LA paps are notoriously the worst....TMZ, X17 Online, they lurk everywhere.
Lynn--I salute you! I couldn't deal with all the politics of PTA's and bookfairs and some ladies who can be pusy.
The p-t conf I wrote about are for my kids. Almost all during my prep periods in the day time. Had to do that so that I could go to Katie's concert. She's in two choirs and I did not want to miss her.
But I miss my prep periods; that's when I try to sneak on here and play catch up...I'll be incommunicato during the day, for a bit this week...DAYANNNMMM.
I'll just have to burn the midnight oil in the evenings, instead..oh, wait, that's right, I already do that.
I'm just reading what ye were writing about food back up the thread and I just had a chinese and made a chip buttie with my chips {blush} it was gorgeous!!!
Oh and I love spotted dick!;-)
LOL I love this comment from TMZ.
"The only scandal in this photo is that it's light beer."
I forgot that Heineken Light does exist....the Germans must cringe at that.
Poor Rob, can't catch a break even with his ale choices!
OOPS!!! meant PUSHY...
Ellie---I have to watch my limits with PTA...since I willingly chose to be in the "inner realm". It can be tough sometimes but I have scaled back as much as possible. After the kids are out of elementary school, I will have been at the site for 14 years...crazy, huh!
Lynn, you're right. Rob's life is no longer his own.
Kate--You're back!!!
Lynn--You've earned your place in heaven!
Yes Ellie, I'm here!
Ellie---I love back to school night...ppl are always amazed that families actually have been at the same site for so long. I started there at 25 and exit at 40...it's like going through school all over again. Oh, and then there's still middle and high school.
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