CBS News Coverage Vid w/ Rob @ San Fran Hot Topic-CLICK ME

For the CBS News coverage of last nights suddenly un-cancelled event in San Francisco click the headline above to be directed to their site. Rob mentions his mum text him to ask if he was okay. What an awe moment! 


Nena said...

This is very sad, I feel for all those people that were there earlier. Not their fault that it was so unorganized.
Now, back to the news report... Where in the world do this people live? Robert Patterson?????????? Hello! you are reporting a story of a man that just caused a mayhem at the mall for crying out loud. You would think that they would give him the proper coverage by informing themselves who Rob is. You are doing it wrong CBS SF!

Anonymous said...

Hi it's Jovie. I am going to be a bit winded like SM but I have a bit to say.
First I want to quote Gahndi. He said "I believe in equality for everyone, except reporters and photographers." I want to change it a little bit for me to "I believe in equality for everyone, except children and teenagers." for what I might say.
One thing I like about this blog is that we all seemed to be mature women. Goz, the goddess is a PHD, Danie a nurse, Tess a reiki master, etc. You know what I mean.
We're sophisticated with a nice dose of Rob lust.

Rose said...

LOL Nena! I know...they couldn't even say his name right.
I think it says a lot about Robert...that he even showed up after all that, and then stayed for SO long to continue to sign autographs. Man, he is working his ass off for this movie. He still is so baffled by this whole thing.
At least this time he was better protected.

Anonymous said...

But I like the vibe here, I landed her because there are not teenagers here.
I admite RPattz Daily things like that are funny, some of their icons have made me LOL like the one where Edward is showing Bella their house for the first time and the icon says let me show you where I'll be eating your uterus.

Anonymous said...

Also, Dani I need to add before I forget because Goz and I def. seem to be on the same page concering S.M. although I was not a fan of Breaking Dawn, but I'll get back to that,
But the thread where they show photos of Rob outside of Comic Con and the break down of Breaking Dawn, with photos of Rob, it's about 30 photos of his expressions and commentary under of the breakdown of the book, it was a bit raunchy and I thought it was hysterical and showed it to a friend and they thought it was so crude and didn't laugh.

Anonymous said...

anyhew, to get to my point, sometimes we talk sh*t here, with the f bomb, sucking dicks, making sweet love to Rob, you know repeating things he has said, and I don't feel comfortable doing that with teenagers. I wouldn't talk that way unless I was with a group of adults. Also, all of us being grown women we know that anyone could read this. And you all know my things about privacy so I am hesitant what I am about to say.

Anonymous said...

Let me first say yesterday as I was driving to SF, I heard on KGO it was about 8:00a.m. that the SF police cancelled the signing event.
Someone broke their nose they said as thousand of girls stormed the doors when a security guard said okay doors are open now to the mall.
KGO said it was for actor Robert Paddington, like Paddington the bear. Then they said a few minutes lagter Patterson. They had never heard of the actor.
I'm driving thinking what the hell am I doing I'm not a teeny popper.

Anonymous said...

Then I call KGO which I only blame myself for not calling first, I know better and they haven't heard of him and don't have him in the line up they said.
I am not at the Front Street studio location at this point and there's a parking space right in front just like that. I park, this is also the studio where The View by the Bay is filmed.

Rose said... does seem unreal for anyone not to know who Rob is. Even more so for news reporters not to do their job well, and at least learn who he is and how to say his name. And these are professionals?
The closest Rob is coming to my area is Chicago, and there is no way in hell I would subject myself to that screaming, screeching throng of people. I prefer to worship Rob from afar...and quietly. I mean, it would be cool to meet him and all...but not worth it to go through all that.

Anonymous said...

I didn't get any word that he would be on The View by the Bay, I was listening to KGO, where they said the event was cancelled.
So, basically I did my stuff in SF, thinking to myself maybe he hadn't left LA yet and never came up. So I did my thing there.
So sorry ladies I have no Rob news for ya, you had more than I did.
I left the city by the bay stopped off at Santa Cruz had sex with an old surfer boyfriend and on the way out of the city stopped at In & Out.
I listened to the song Never Think quite a bit on my drive home and realized why it has been haunting me so much, it would fit perfect for a scene I wrote when my male protagonist has to leave.
It wasn't a fruitless trip, I got a lot done.
And two guys made passes. One said I looked happy when I was really pissed inside, it was right after I heard he was in SF and jus t did A View by the Bay.
I had some nice conversations with them and a book idea for Rob to be in uniform, possible a white naval uniform but he had to keep the hair so maybe like A Few Good Men, but he's a military doctor that is charged by a family when someone he worked desperately to save, dies and the nurse that assisted him defends him and stay by his side, all the while she has cancer and dies at the end, which during the process they of course had fallen in love. He does everything he can to save her and doesn't.
Goz, I will be thinking about you all day on your thesis defense.
Good luck, intelligent, beautiful goddess. You deserve everything you've worked so hard for.
And Dani you rock, always.

Anonymous said...

I wondered why Rob kept saying he hated his name and wished he could change it. Now, I get it. It's because no-one pronounces it correctly. Poor Rob!

Rose said...

It's pretty hard to screw up Pattinson. I think people who are on TV should at least LEARN who they are talking about. Isn't that a basic part of the job?

Just want to say GOOD LUCK to Goz with all that is going on with her life these days. Very impressive.

And again, much thanks and gratitude to Dani, Goz and everyone else who makes this the BEST ROB BLOG online. You guys work so hard to keep this place up to date and its a great place to hang out. THANK YOU!

Anonymous said...

I know I just gave away a good story line but I'm just in the mood today. I have to finish editing this 300 and something page manuscript and I went to SF instead to try to run into a 22 year old that no one in my life I would tell I have a crush on.
Sad hun?
I wouldn't even want his autograph. Like what would I do with it? I'm not into autographs.
I loved that his mother texted him to ask if he was okay.

Dani said...

I don't know why it is difficult for people to pronounce his name correctly it is not that hard. Media people and interviewers and holy hell the paps constantly get it wrong. Im surprised with all the screaming fans constantly going hysterical at the sight of him that he can even hear at all. It is a miracle.

Anonymous said...

Like Gahndi said about reporters, pretty OK. Yes, they should of got his name correct but then I have a lot of compassion and I look back at my posts, and I have a lot of typos.
We're all not perfect.

Anonymous said...

I would of had a PERFECT stage name for him.
I wish I could tell it,but it's in my manuscript.

Anonymous said...

WTH - Dateline Hollywood is saying Twilight release date has been delayed.

This has to be a joke!

Anonymous said...

Dani, I think I would wear ear plugs. It wouldn't be rude. Then take them out when things settle down after a few minutes.

Dani said...

Oh I just caught all the blog love, thanks so much guys and I know Goz would really appreciate the well wishes.

Rose said...

If I were his mother, I would be living in California for a while. I would be worried sick about him getting hurt. I think some of these fans are very scary, and it would be hard to take being so far away in England.

And yeah, I know he's a grown man and all...but the Mom in me would still want to be close by through all this madness. For my own sanity as well.

Anonymous said...

It's Bogus.

Anonymous said...

Another Rob interview:

Anonymous said...

He must be mentally exhausted. Also, when I travel sleeping in a different bed every night...
The tour, a different city everyday...
He'll probably hold up because he's ambitious like he said but this is quite an adjustment for him.
I think this all does a head trip on you, makes you feel phony.

Anonymous said...

Pretty Ok, I'm sure his mother is pretty concerned right now. She probably thinks about him all the time.

Rose said...

lol Jov...I'm not his mother and *I* think about him all the time!!!
I'm also so very worried about him...I can only imagine how she feels, so far away. But it does seem as if they talk a lot, which is good. He's a good son. :)

Dani said...

Hey AJ I can't access you tube at work but if you can email me the embeded code and the description of the vid I will post it.


And yes that hollywood report thing is bogus meant to be funny.

Jewels64 said...

Spoke with my friend who lives in Dallas. She said the situation there was pretty much the same. She said it was pretty awful. It was not handled well and they stood outside in the pouring rain since 3 a.m. this morning.

This was really poorly done, but Rob is just a super nice guy who realizes that his fans are some of the greatest in the world.

Dani said...

Sorry AJ still won't let me post the video! Damn firewall. Anywho I posted the link instead and will update the post later.

Betsy said...

I was all set to go this morning to the Galleria but when it was pouring down rain I decided to stay in bed. I'll just live vicariously through this site and see the photos from the people that braved the elements and insanity.

Anonymous said...

Halleluha to ya Betsy!
Also, pretty ok I agree about his mother being far away, it must be difficult for her, I bet she is worried. Your child never stops being your child, even when they're a grown man.
Sorry about the long time post, I was being good and editing.

Anonymous said...


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