Twilight reviews

Stellar review for Rob's performance.

"And Pattinson is good - close to a revelation, in fact. It's the silliest of roles, really, since Edward has to be noble, messed-up, dangerous, and a sweetie-pie all at once, but the young British-trained actor makes it work by letting us see the absurdity of this vampire boy's life. He knows when to step on the gas and when to hit the brakes - both he and Stewart underplay their lines to keep them from tipping into comedy - and he conveys above all the pain of being, literally, forever young. At times, Edward shivers like James Dean without his jacket. He's a rebel without a pulse."

Go HERE to read the full movie review


Jewels64 said...

Great praise indeed! Rob's getting major kudos! I'm so glad I set up my Rob Pattinson kool-aid stands at the critic screenings! Doing whatever I can to help him out! LOVE YOU ROB!!!

La Stella said...

Reading Stellar made me yell (in true Rob fashion) WHHAAT!

I'm really happy for the reviews, hopefully this means, amazing roles for him.

Tess said...

Ok. This phrase is just magic!

Edward shivers like James Dean without his jacket. He's a rebel without a pulse."

I need to go read the rest. wow!

bella's mom said...

I agree Tess!!!! That is the perfect line!

Tess said...

What fantastic review! I always try to explain this bit when I turn someone on to Twilight, but certainly not this well! This about sums of everyone's fascination for the books:

"Remember the first high school crush who crushed on you back? Remember trembling right at the precipice of desire, of being flattened by emotions for which you had no words?"

and the end. "as Howlin' Wolf once noted, the little girls understand" Well. I think the BIG girls understand as well!

Betsy said...

So happy to hear that there are good reviews. I'm not reading any of the negative ones.

Thanks Jewels for setting up the kool-aid stands - they are working!

Ellie said...

What a great review! I hope it stirs non-readers to go see the movie, as well. they've already got our undying devotion.

Can't wait!

(Hi, Tess and StellaLuna!) :)
and Mona, sweets, you too!

Ellie said...

He's a rebel without a pulse." lol
That would be a good line for a Twilight Tee.

La Stella said...

Hi Ellie :)

I'm glad he's bringing the whole James Dean sexyness back. That has always been my favorite kind of sexy.

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