Australian Magazine scan

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Amy said...

"I was supposed to get a six-pack, but it didn't really work out."


ahahahahahaha, I love him more and more everyday. His quotes kill me.

Rose said...

Is there a list somewhere of all the magazines that will feature Rob and Twilight in the coming weeks?

Amy said...

So far,

Vanity Fair - Comes out at the beginning of November, so by the end of this week, possibly Friday. Could be different depending on the distribution and where you live.

InStyle - Usually comes out at the end of the month. So the Dec '08 issue will be out near the end of November because the Beyonce cover just came out last week. I've been hearing Nov 21st. Same day as the film's release date.

EW - November 14th issues. 3 different covers.

It's good to keep a look out for other magazines though, because they could have articles or small photo shoots in them. Sometimes the weekly's like People do stories spontaneously.

Dani said...

I will take a look, but the word on the street is a few more EW covers, most def one with Rob only suppose to come out very soon. Then an Instyle spread in their December issue, and Vanity Fair spread this week sometime I think? I imagine they will flood the entertainment mags very soon. I saw Rob in people the other day, calling him the next big thing and all that.

Amy said...

Hope that helps :)

Rose said...

Thanks Amy and Dani:)

I am sure there will be a flood of interviews and photo shoots...I just don't want to miss any!!

Amy said...

Dani, heads up...Kristen, Rob and Stephanie will be on Moviefone's Unscripted!!!!

Oh I'm so looking forward to this. Those candid interviews are always so good.

Scroll down a bit :)

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