Ask a question to Rob #2

Moviefone will have an interview with Rob, Kristen and Stephenie. Go HERE to submit a question for Rob. The interview is on November 8th.

Thanks to Amy for the tip :-)

Edward's played by Robert Pattinson, a young actor who's clearly on the cusp of massive stardom, if those screams are any indication.


Dani said...

YAY Amy thank you for the news, Goz you might want to post that it is on Sat Nov 8th so we can look out for the vids and what not. So excited that Rob is getting all this buzz and Twilight too. This is awesome, any opportunity to hear him say....well say anything is great. And the fan questions! Super times.

Dani said...

Nevermind i didn't see that. Thanks for all your quick work Goz you're fantastic as usual.

kristen said...

Ohhh I'm excited for this!! The Moviephone interviews are usually pretty good. I did notice when I went to the site that it said this: "Then check back here on November 17 to see if your question made the cut."

So, I think they are going to be in the studio filming the interview on Nov 8th, but Moviephone won't have it up on the website until Nov 17.

Kat said...

Ladies... help me out before I spontaneously combust! I’m trying to locate the photo shoot video that you posted a few days ago and I can’t (too many posts – and I am NOT complaining!!!).


Zip, drip, zip, drip!

Gozde said...

which photoshoot? The empire magazine?

Amy said...

This article is hilarious and insightful...check it out!

Does The Twilight Series Promote Abstinence?

I wonder if the person who wrote it has read Breaking Dawn?

Amy said...

This is funny - from a comment under that article...

"And it made the story a lot more juicier for me. The waiting and the wanting, the longing! It was toe-curling!"

So true!

Kat said...

The one with the behind the scene footage set to music....

Gozde said...

It's here:

Kat said...

I love you Gozde.

Rose said...

That is my favorite video so far...I watch it a zillion times a day.

Jewels64 said...

Yeah, the Empire behind the scenes does it for me too. They're all so freaking beautiful, well then there's baby face Taylor who has potential if he would only grown 6 inches. Taller. I'm not sure about the other thing....

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