ANOTHER Rob interview

The interview is REALLY long so I can't post it, HERE is the entire thing :-) And below is some parts I selected. Enjoy!

You and Kristen have a great chemistry, but you also have great chemistry with your family in the film. Can you talk about that dynamic both onscreen and off?

Robert Pattinson: "It was strange. Like, I definitely had a thing with Kristen like that. I mean, all the scenes are pretty intense and when you're working with one person most of the time, especially on a relationship that seems impossible when you first start it, you get like a little bubble. But with the family, they're just really funny people and so I just got on with them. It wasn't really acting. I just had an American accent. Peter [Facinelli] is one of the funniest people I've ever met. Is the line in there where Rosalie breaks the bowl and Peter says, 'Oh, Rosalie always busted my bowls'?"


Robert Pattinson: "It's cut out? That was literally my favorite line in the whole movie."

What do you think is the secret to the chemistry that you and Kristen developed and shared throughout the movie?

Robert Pattinson: "I think it was just doing the opposite of what the actual story is, thinking about it in the opposite way. Right from the beginning in the audition we did the meadow scene, which isn't in a meadow in the film, but it's supposed to be about, I guess, him trying to intimidate her and her looking at him with nothing but love and adoration and awe, as if this god has just come down to meet her. But I really thought and I played it as this god is broken at this normal girl's feet. Even the position that we were in…at the end I was literally kneeling at her feet. I can't remember what happens in the movie, but that was in the audition. She was doing this mothering thing as he's looking to this normal girl for support. I think that really works. She's very strong. She's not a damsel type girl. It's weird. They just cast the opposite people. I'm a wreck and she's really strong and it's supposedly the other way around. I think that's why it kind of worked."

What was up with you proposing marriage to Kristen? Was that just a rumor?

Robert Pattinson: "I can't even remember when this happened. Kristen is like, 'Yeah, you did.' I was like, 'Oh.' I think that someone else sent me a text the other week saying, 'Are we still on for our marriage?' I think it was yesterday that I was supposed to marry someone else."

Is this a regular thing with you?

Robert Pattinson: "I guess it must be."

Are you still doing music?

Robert Pattinson: [Laughing] "Not so much anymore. Since I was on the soundtrack I've given up."

If they want to do a Twilight sequel, it'll take time to get it all together.

Robert Pattinson: "Yeah. The thing is that I have to stay the same age unless they recast me. So they'd have to shoot it quite quick because I already look about three years older than I did then. So they can't wait too long."


Dani said...

Okay I had to check back because of this interview and MY GOD is he honest, read the last bit for sure about Dali and his mother or what Rob read in an biography about him. Thank you Goz cause i was about to post this and im glad you cut it down cause damn it is a long interview but a good one. HOLY MOLY he resisted the Hell out of media training, I think he said dick, fucking, and shit a few times in that interview. I imagine Rob as a chew using, skull cap wearing, cig smoking foul mouth sailor and I kinda like it.

Why can't I get away from our blog...this is terrible I think I am addicted to it!

Gozde said...

Me too Dani, I am not sure if I'm addicted to Rob or the blog! Argh :-)

Tess said...

another great interview. But parts of it really broke my heart. You can see where the recognition that comes along with a film like this would open lot's of doors and firmly close others.

Amy said...

He is so honest and so candid. He doesn't BS about anything and it's awesome! I like people who are real and just say it like it is.

I love this part...

"But I really thought and I played it as this god is broken at this normal girl's feet. Even the position that we were in…at the end I was literally kneeling at her feet. I can't remember what happens in the movie, but that was in the audition. She was doing this mothering thing as he's looking to this normal girl for support. I think that really works. She's very strong. She's not a damsel type girl. It's weird. They just cast the opposite people. I'm a wreck and she's really strong and it's supposedly the other way around. I think that's why it kind of worked."

Omgosh, Awe. :$

Gozde said...

I was thinking the same thing Tess.

Dani said...

It is an addiction to both I think...sad but true. I think Rob is set, he is most def going to get a lot of doors closed in his face but that is the stigma of an actor. I think he will choose wisely and with Little Ashes and How to Be his acting chops will be proven readily.

Amy said...

I'm kinda addicted to this Brit ;)

Tess said...

I'm robsessed and blogsessed.

I'm naturally a very restless person. I find it difficult to stay at home, to take a nap or just sit still.. If I'm home, I'll clean or re-arrange something, so I'm out all day doing random things.. since I found this blog, I find myself in one place for more time than I'd like to admit..

I just can't quit you guys... ha ha

Nena said...

Nice resisting to the media training Rob!
I actually like how honest he is. He doesn't really care to impress people, he just wants to work and as long as he doesn't get stabbed or shot, he is ok with all the attention.. Lol.

now, I wonder who he was supposed to marry a few days ago? lol

Amy said...

All these interviews are coming in because of the press junket this weekend. So lots more will be posted I think as the days go by...we may even get more tonight.

They are probably all super exhausted from doing interviews. Press junkets are like one right after the other and go on for hours. Not to mention being held up in hotel rooms all day doing them...

Dani said...

Blame Goz for starting the amazing blog where we are liberated and our freaky Robsessed flags fly high. And then blame me for joining the team and having a damn good time. Ah and thirdly blame Rob for being wonderful and insightful, brave, mysterious, funny, witty, honest and unbelievably blessed in the looks department.

There ya go. That's who truly is to blame for all this. ROB!

Anonymous said...

Such an interesting character. I hope his performance as Dali when him an European Oscar nod. What award would he be nominated for. It sounds like this performance is going to get some nominations. I can not wait to see it. Again, I love how he reads a lot and researched tremendeously for the role. I would of done that. I also like how he read all three twilight books in one weekend. Kristen only reading, Twilight, and not the others, personally that just sets wrong with me.

Anonymous said...

The being shot or stabbed part. Unfortuantely with that one obsessed fan who killed that actress, it's something they have to think about and I appears he might have tendencies toward some phobias. I would hate fame. Absolutely hate it because it's just too high of a price to pay. I know I keep saying that but it would be death to me to give up moving around like he did before, open mic nights, being able to meander the streets...etc.

Kat said...

Dani and Goz... you guys continue to amaze me with this blog. I can not stop coming back for more. We had power outtages yesterday and today, both times at Havi's nap time, which is my "blog" time... I felt so lost not being able to sit down and catch up. Yikes. Addicted much?

Tess said...

Ok I really have to get going.. BUT after I read Jov's comment about obsessed fans, I immediately thought of the obsessed fan in "Blades of glory" (he was obsessed with Jon Heder's character)

"I sent you a cup of my blood! Did you get my blood?"

It's funny, but so not.

Anonymous said...

He is mesmerizing, compelling, sexy.
He is shy, but has to do things that challenge that.
He doesn't care what people think, but then of course he does.
He has such sould for a 22 year old. What 22 year old would know Martin Amis's money book and say he you could say what literary character you relate to the most, the male protagonist of Money, who would say that? The guy is an asshole, on the verge of suicide, writing about his episodes with prositutes and flying back from London and Manhattan making money.
Then, who would say about Dali's mother in interviews. He's deep ladies, a lot to think about here.

Lynn said...

Wow, I love, love, love that interview. It's refreshing to read how Rob speaks entirely through stream of thought, (and yes, Dani) he is mos def not afraid to reveal anything at all. It does make you think how much might be censored for American "ears".

Anonymous said...

If he did agrue with SM about Edward, that is beyond funny.
She created Edward for godsakes.
Twilight really essentially is her baby. He is then being too intense.
(you can jump on me for this)
especially if CH had to highlight all the passages in the book where Edward was smiling. He got Edward, yes, that he was lonely and what the hell did Edward really do with his life except update his medical degrees? He got that all was not okay with unhumanely beautiful Edward.
But, agruing with SM, that cracks me up.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Lynn, I like the f bombs and sh-t. I would love to sit across from him and listent o him talk like that and smile and then he sees me smile and we crack up together. I want to her him in his sexy accent cuss also. May fav is when he comes out of Apple that one evening slightly slurring his words walking down the street with his hands in his pockets. I wrote tons after that vid.

Amy said...

So I finally listened to that EXTRA video's very hard to hear everything that is being said. But I got some lines I think...

K saying at some point, "I had people from London come to visit me and they said they heard girls were talking about my hair..." - not sure if that is exact, but it sounds something like that when he answers a question about the fuss over his hair. I heard him say he's been in LA for 5 months, and every time he is here he is in work mode and waiting for the phone to ring. Um he also mentions Kristen & the proposal stuff, haha and is just is really giggly and laughs loudly a lot as well - as always, which is adorable. The interviewer says something about that like "doesn't she have a boyfriend?" and then he says "Yeah, what about her boyfriend!" haha all sarcastic like.

Wow this is hard listening to that audio. Trying to make out sentences is not easy!

Anonymous said...

I hope my comments make sense I am just typing away with frenzies fingers here. I wish we could sit in my living room with a glass of wine with all my new friends and have a great evening of Rob discussion and other good stuff.

Lynn said...

Jov---I know! Rob is finally seeing that Americans can be uptight but don't necessarily need to be reminded all the time. I loved it at the VMAs, when Rob was asked his favorite curse word and he said, "tike" and you know he wanted to say "fuck". C'mon. said British boy was being a little too Brit polite.

Anonymous said...

Amy, I wonder if Ks boyf can not stand him...

Anonymous said...

What a great interview! - I'm glad he doesn't give pat answers (media resistance alert!) and sprinkles in the curse words too! So real!

Love this blog!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Lynn sometimes we are just too uptight! I love British humor also, Just absolutely love it.
And he is very British.

Anonymous said...

He's probably just thinking all I really want is to have some good sex and make some good money finally. He's at that cusp where it's all the crud without the big money yet to make it semi-worth it.
Then the sex thing...I don't know, I think he also wants love, snuggling, like on the radio show he said he was still waiting for the snuggling.
I would be so good at that. lol

Rose said...

LOVE this blog, too!!
Did you guys listen to this interview? There isn't anything cooler than hearing Rob say F*ck! lol.

I found this on Pattinson Online about the EXTRA interview:

It’s a little difficult to hear, so here’s a few quotes from the interview:

Terry: “Are you and Kristen getting married?”
Rob: inaudible
Terry: “She has a boyfriend”
Rob: “Who cares?” laughs “It took me two months to stop introducing her as my fiance.”

Random Quotes:

On whether he really went six weeks without washing his hair:
“I don’t see the point in washing your hair. I don’t clean my apartment either.”

On what he thinks about living in LA:
“I’m always waiting for my phone to ring. I’m always in work mode. I don’t really feel like I live here. I like LA, it’s sunny all of the time.” Laughs.

On fame:
“I don’t want people waiting outside of my house, I don’t want that. I don’t have a home right now…“

Lynn said...

Hello, Rae! Welcome to Robsesed!

Jov---I wonder about poor Michaal Angarano, I loved him as Sid in The Lords Of Dogtown (one of my top ten faves). I'm sure that he is a secure guy and he certainly gives Kristen her space. But, as Rob being the "other man", Michael has got to be very confident with Kristen and their relationship.

Anonymous said...

Love is the end all.
Like Mother Theresa said people need bread but they would travel for love longer than they would travel for bread. Or something like that.

Amy said...

If anyone is interested, this is Kristens interview with Collider...

Lynn said...

I know this sounds terrible and it's coming from a mom, but, fuck is a great word (Fornication Under Carnal Knowledge) and Rob should say it more often and without being bleeped.

Gozde said...

Okay I didn't read any comments 'cause I really have to prepare my defense BUT he said "His mother sucked his d_ck" while doing a press junket for a basically teen movie.
I don't know how I can love him more :-)

Lynn said...

Jov---you mention Mother Theresa and I say how much I like the word, f*uck.

Geez, you gotta love this blog! LOL

Rose said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

He wears his heart on his sleeve and says what he thinks, like me so I relate.
I would wash his hair for him and he would love the sensation and see the point to
I used to be a massage practitioner, but not reiki, tess.
Also, I'm sure sunny la is nice for him after a lot of grey London days.

Lynn said...

Goz---Rob is getting really close to being so over Twilight. Little Ashes was his cue to exit to the next level.

He has to shock the TwiMoms!

Rose said...

I can't stop laughing..lololol
This place kills me.

Anonymous said...

I know Goz, like I said he's mesmerizing. We keep coming back for more.
And Lynn, LMAO, at your comment. Yes, you got to love this blog. I thank Goz everyday for starting it.
And Dani too.

Lynn said...


Say it! Say it outloud!

Fuck, I mean vampah!

LOL like crazy.....

Anonymous said...


Lynn said...

Goz and Dani--you guys are rockin' it hard here (that sounded bad, huh)! I meant you two are fabulous and fast. Let me know if my proper crassness is getting out of hand.

Anonymous said...

Pretty ok, that was pretty ok!
And Lynn LMAO

Anonymous said...

I'll be right back I have to watch Rob part in Rome

Rose said...

LMAO! I felt bad so I deleted my fuck comment.
But I truly am laughing out loud!

Is it wrong to fucking love Rob Pattinson? Sounds wrong, but then again, sounds right...

Hope I'm not offending anyone...

Anonymous said...

Party in Rome

Aussierobfan said...

You guys I am LMAO.

Lynn I love it!!

Lynn said...

Pretty0K---hardly, I grew up with my sailor mouthed aunties, who dropped the F-bomb regularly. I just hope that ppl read these comments with an open mind and for the love of Rob.

Good times....

Lynn said...

Aussie--it's all in the name of fun!

Anonymous said...

From his expression I thought I was going to see some PARTYING but it was just polite restraint. I personally give him a dance like right in front of him, but I'd need a couple of drinks first.

Anonymous said...

I personally think I would be funnier if I profread.
I want to give him a dance like he wouldn't forget, but it has to be right in front of him and he's laughing and then grabs me after and hugs me.
Kind of mesmerized like in my best friends wedding and Cameron Diaz is singing and what's his face says,'That's terrible. Just terrible. But he LOVES it.
(But my dancing wouldn't be terrible)
He's want to take me in his lair or what does he call it...his den of sin.

Eva said...

I think he was too intense just because right before Twilight he played Dali and Art.

I think it's good that Rob and Kristen was able to speak up and try to find the best way to play Bella and Edward.

I don't think I would be that excited for the movie if it was pure teen movie.

I love the interview, it's so refreshing to finally hear someone who is not rehearsing media training situations and it's real.He is a deep person.

I love his proposal problem LOL
I think when he drinks(or get drunk) he gets all lovie-dovie with some chick and at the end he propose. He really need a good girlfriend.

Anonymous said...

See I freaking typed He's instead of He would take me in his lair or den of sin.

Anonymous said...

Amen to that Eva. I sign up first.

Anonymous said...

And I agree with your comment about Dali and Art. Also, the proposal thing. I want him to get lovie dovie a lot, but with me.
Like I said he wears his heart on his sleeve...
He needs to be treated right by the right woman.
Also, He needs the love of a good woman and have someone so devoted like Charlie Chaplin had in Neva, or whatever her name was.
He might give her a roller coaster ride.

Anonymous said...

Looks like he has the same shirt on at the Rome nightclub as he did in the Variety interview.

Anonymous said...

One of my favorites of how he looked and acted was Comic Con, he was so funny. And of course his LOVE comment, just the way he says love, has been in my head ever since.
Goz the Goddess of this blog.
I miss ya.

Gozde said...

I skimmed through the comments and thank you guys so much! YOU are the life of this blog. Without you there is no blog :-))
And Dani baby, you rock :-))

Eva said...

Jov, he needs someone who can understand him and be with him in all of these.

I love how you compere Rob with Charlie Chaplin, he is one of my favorite in the movie business.

I notice the white shirt too:)

Aussierobfan said...

I think one of the reasons people love him so much is because through these interviews you feel as though you are getting to know him.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Eva. Sorry I left, I read the InStyle thing when they asked him what makes him blush.
Hi Goz.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to take a bath, lovlies.
I'm off to San Fran in the morning to see Rob.
Wish so much you were with me.

Aussierobfan said...

Good luck Jovie.

I am green with envy.

Have a fab time and I realy really hope you get to meet him.

Gozde said...

Eeek Jovi! Good luck! Don't forget to put batteries in your camera :-)

Anonymous said...

Thank you Aussierobfan.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Goz. Done and I'll take photos if there is a will there is a way. And I'm on a mission to see a gorgeous sexy guy named Rob Pattinson, even if he does hate his name. I wish I could tell you the name for my male protagonist in my manuscript for me book.
It would be a gorgeous name for him.

Dani said...

Holy cow! I just read all the comments Goz I love that you quoted the sucking dick comment that Rob mentioned in the interview. I could not love him more for his dirty mouth.

And truly love the love that ya'll are throwing out for the blog. We do it for you guys and I think I speak for Goz too when I say thanks to you guys for making this blog what it is. For throwing up the links and all the comments. Ya'll rock this blog daily.

And for Lynn. FUCK *in my best Brit voice*

Jewels64 said...

FUCK YEAH! Rob do it your way. Indies are where you need to be. You do not need to be pimped out like you are now. I think you are finally getting your say and being able to be yourself even though Summit has you doing the dog and pony show!

Rob will always have my support as long as he stays true like this. Flat out blantant honesty with a little chain yanking! Building a mystery.... DELICIOUS and oh so naughty!

AS for him dropping f bombs, and other words, I want him whispering them in my ear as that scruffy chin of his leaves scrape marks on my cheek! Lovely thought that!

Robsessed and blogsessed and oh so blessed to be with ladies who understand. Jovie, I'm down with the glass of wine and lovely convo about Rob....

Tess said...

Amy & prettyOK is there audio of what you've typed anywhere.

My heart breaks a bit for him. He's jonesing for K..

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