7th Twilight TV SPOT- HQ


Gozde said...

Dani you rock :-)

Kat said...

You DO rock... I have yet to see one on my TV, but I've not been watching TV - guess that could be why!

Also, that is SO my husband when Havi brings home her first date! I do not envy that boy!

Anonymous said...

Charlie and the gun scene is hilarious. I'm still laughing.

Dani said...

Someone on IMDB said they saw it when they were watching Gossip Girl on the CW. And since I have a strange affection for that show I hope to see it live and in living color tonight at 8pm West Coast time.

Lynn said...

Dani---who loves ya babe, we do!

Yes, Charlie cleaning the shotgun is so daddy cliche---lol.

Kathryn---all fathers claim that they will have a shotgun for potential suitors, but, you will be surprised that good parentting does really pay off (this is coming from the mom of a 15 y/o girl).

The tv spot was superb---not too many give aways---just more Rob lovin'.

Dani said...

"I will take good care of her" YEAH YOU BETTA! Rob delivers the safety lines so well I almost believe that his skinny butt could protect me.

Tess said...

I loved this..

As already said..

The gun scene
What's he like? is he a jock?
I'll take good care of her.

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