1st pic from NYC

Keeping the thread for the comments, bumped the thread up


Dani said...

I spy lots of cameras that means yay to yummy pics all over the net later.

Anonymous said...

Yeh, Dani. And Holy Mother of God, is he actually wearing jeans??!!

Dani said...

holy moly! Someone on the imdb board wrote that in the QA session a fan asked about the similarities between him and Edward. And hold onto your panties he said....sometimes he gets a little carried away with kissing too. Big sigh.

Betsy said...

Ah man - just lost my panties.....

babbles said...

Anon ~ LMAO, I just love how we check out every detail in every photo, Hell I just love us....

This looks very controlled, i bet that was nice for a change...

D ~ I love the new avatar, I just love your cute mug better...

babbles said...

D ~ what thread was that on, I wanna read it lol

Amy said...

hahaha I LOVE this guy! OH RP and your witty sexy comments ;)

Emily said...

Jovie - I thought the same thing. Rob in jeans is something we need to see more of. I know he rocks the black pants and is possibly the only person I've seen who actually looks good in them but Rob wearing jeans is exactly what we need.

Excuse me, but he said he gets carried away with kissing? First of all, THAT is a lovely image to have in my mind and second, he HAS to know the reaction he's going to get when he says stuff like that. He's torturing us!
Shh...can you hear that? It's the sound of zippers all over the country going absolutely wild.

Amy said...

We need pics ASAP! After listening to that interview of him I'm kinda being overly greedy tonight...

Dani said...

Its on the Apple Store one. Has like 80 posts and it is toward the end on page 79 or something. Anywho it was hilarious. Someone described his entrance and it was funny. He came in so quickly fan girls ran from all sides screaming only to have the Apple doors close 3 seconds later. They no doubt gave an audible sigh at the best 3 seconds of their short little lives and promptly cried afterwards. At least that's how I imagined it.

Hehehehe! I'm all giggles this evening. Thanks B my mug needs a break. I'll be back with another pic sometime.

Jewels64 said...

I don't even know if i want to try Dallas. I tend to get panicky in crowds and this is not really a good time for me to have to deal with that...

Amy said...

He is such a TEASE with comments like that! Of course saying that to a room full of females would make everyone swoooooooon like crazy! Bad boy RP, you are bad. Not to mention everyone on blogs and wherever else who also heard the comment via text message, email, forum board, blog comment...haha - His comments spread like wildfire and make everyone *thud* simultaneously!

kristen said...

Emily - LMAO!! I'm listening really closely, and I think I can hear the zippers... oh wait, that's mine, whoops!

You are totally right though - with a comment like that, Rob has GOT to know the fangirls are going to freak out. Oh boy, I'm excited to see all of this unfold :)

P.S. YAY JEANS! Love the black pants, but they needed a much deserved break.

Dani said...

Ha Goz awesome for posting that! Killing me. Yay I just saw the newest TV spot! Charlie is a sexy beast. There is a neat part with Edward moving super fast to open the car door for Bella. Love that part.

I really hope some more pics come out soon.

Dani said...

Goz part 2 of audio is up. Check the imdb board for the youtube link. I'm on my pod and can't post it yet. Chick from twilight poison posted it.

Emily said...

Agreed Amy. Rob is teasing and he knows it. He's probably thinking "Let's see how many girls I can get to hyperventilate with my next answer." Make us proud, Rob.
Lyla - I adore Rob in the black pants too but you're right, they definitely need a break. They have racked up some serious frequent flier miles.

Eva said...

Hahaha, I thought that Bella gets carried away in the book and Edward is the one always in control...oh, technicalities.:LOL: we all know that he felt out of the bed :), so I can totally picture him that he can get carried away...lovely vivid picture:)

Is he wearing grey jeans? I hope he does, he is not blue jeans guy, at least not in my head;)

Dani said...

Lyla and Em the poor zipper on those black jeans is wearing out big time and so I must request that he wear them more often. Watch that inseam bust. *raises hand to be in the audience for that show*

Emily said...

Good point Dani. Threadbare jeans and worn out stitching in the zipper area are not necessarily bad things in this case.

kristen said...

Ohhhh so true, Dani. It's really a toss up then - seeing Rob in new clothes or seeing the famous zipper explode... Okay well that settles it - bring back the black pants pronto, Rob!!

Gozde said...

Added new updates and bumped the post, go to the next thread :))

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