"It sounds lame, but I was really concentrating on this job. It was my first American thing so I was pretty focused. I went to Portland for two months before we starting shooting, and I just didn't talk to anybody for ages during the beginning of the shoot. I never went out, but I kind of broke down half way through. I was like, 'Okay, people are starting to think that I'm actually out of my mind now.'"

"I've got a terrible memory—I end up repeating myself quite a lot. The only thing I can remember is that I'm going to repeat myself!"

"If I go and try to watch a movie by myself I'll be completely transfixed the whole time, concentrating one hundred percent. But if I'm with another person on a date or something, within two minutes I'll be like 'This is rubbish, this is rubbish. We should leave and do something else.' I don't really know why."

"I spent a long time trying to figure out how to play [Edward's part] without making a fool out of myself. The whole book is written from Bella's perspective and she's in love with him. I mean, the guy can be anybody — he could be an alien — and you see past everything if you're in love with someone."

"I was just taking out my trash and I had, like, 300 cans of Diet Coke. It was just like, 'How did that happen?' I don't even remember buying them. I also like Cinnamon Toast Crunch. My addictions are pretty much the only things I consume."
"I went to do my first big movie when I was 17. I was in South Africa for three and half months,
and I was by myself"
"I'm really afraid of getting hit by cars, like terrified of it. I'm terrified of crossing streets. I'm also very accident-prone...I think people aim for me."
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 507 Newer› Newest»Aah I love that top pic <3
I have the same problem as him, when it comes to movies.
I really can't go with company to movies I'm really interested in. They are never as good as when I see them for myself.
Stella---I am the same way, too. I think that's why I have such an addiction for indie films, I usually have to watch them at home and by myself.
Kate---I am lovin' on the top pic, too.
Ya it is really hard to concentrate especially if it's a date!
We have a new one, girls! Cinnamomn Toast Crunch! Wonder if Rob puts it in a bowl and pours peach snapple in it???
"My addictions are pretty much the only things I consume."... So adorably adorkable.
And at least we know he takes the trash out once in a blue moon. TomStu probably keeps crushing the cans with is feet when dancing around the apartment as TomFierce...lol
I've gone to see Twilight by myself for that exact reason. I don't want to be distracted.
I might even have to go at least 5 more times...just to make sure.
Dani--thank you for these...they and he are priceless!
Ok we don't have cinnamon thingys over here are they a breakfast cereal??
I'm laughing that he was surprised at all the empty coke cans, he mustn't realise how much of the stuff he drinks!
Kate---it's a breakfast cereal and it's gross (sorry, Rob!).
Think of Chex cereal coated in cinnamon and sugar....my kids hate it! We eat a lot of Lucky Charms and Captain Crunch.
Yes, very gross! Too sweet...
LOL Lynn! Both of my boys LOVE that cereal...maybe its a male thing.
Oh right Lynn;-) ya it doesn't sound too nice at all! For me cinnamon is best kept for Chirstmas cake and Pudding!
Gotta love Lucky Charms.
"TomStu probably keeps crushing the cans with is feet when dancing around the apartment as TomFierce."
Amm, well I didn't have problems with watching Twilight with my family because I gave them strict rules about not talking to me, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to see Little Ashes by myself a few times, and then convert people.
We don't have Chex cereal either LOL Are we blessed or are we missing out ???
My fave ATM is cheerios, can't get enough of it!
Dani---your brilliance becomes you! Love the newer pics and the cute quotables!
I can't see Little Ashes beng shown around here somehow. Will probably have to wait for the DVD!
Kate---breakfast cereal is an American passion...I was never a fan until I became a vegetarian and now it's another food group for me.
Stella---I was picturing TomFierce doing the can-can.
Kate-- I'm actually hoping they play it in Arizona, then I will have to convince the family to go shopping so I can see it. LMFAO.
If that doesn't happen, I will kidnap my threathe and show the version I download. PEOPLE HAVE TO SEE THAT MOVIE :|
Lynn-- OMFG, I laughed so hard my belly aches now. Now I'm picturing TF dancing like the Rockettes.
Stella---I so cannot wait for Little Ashes...my BFF who narced out my Rob fancy to my dh wanted to see it only after I said the words, "guy on guy scenes". And, she claims that I'm the bad one!
LOL@ Lynn (Cereal a food group)
Stella yes peole HAVE to see it!! ;-)
I'm kinda wondering if Ashes will be shown in my neck of the woods.
I hope it is...
About the cereal, I'm partial to Honeycomb and Golden Grahams, myself...
Lynn--The can-can...love it!
And I guess I'm the weird one; don't like to go to movies by myself.
I was seeing a sort of documental today about Dali. I honestly admit that I first I just wanted to see the movie for Mr. Pattinson, but after reading last night about Lorca and Dali, I just want to know more. How it all went down. I dunno, I'm actually thinking about buying Ian Gibson's biography on both of them.
Ellie, I understand the reluctance of going to movies by yourself. I was that way, too. But I had to see Twilight...so...
It wasn't so bad. It's amazing how many other people go alone as well.
I just never noticed before.
"I'm also very accident-prone...I think people aim for me." LOL! Okay, it is quotes like this where Rob is truly at his most adorkable best. He is so damn quirky and cute.
Also, Ellie, Stella and Lynn - your images of TomStu dancing around the apartment gave me a serious case of the giggles. It's a little TOO easy to imagine :) So funny!
Stella---I think that biopics always deserve some research...I think that ppl tend to appreciate them more. Take the Marie Antoinette movie with Kirsten Dunst, I loved it...then again I had a sister that was obsessed with Marie Antoinette and I knew everything about her.
Dali is just freakishly fascinating, I will be doing some reading myself.
Lyla-- I'm honestly starting to feel bad for Tom. If I ever get to meet him, the first thing I would say is.. "Dude I'm sorry. But to be true I did it because I love you." Then I would hug him, and run away like Stewie. Or the security guys with Rob are going to take me away. One of those two. Hmm
Lynn-- watching MA without doing some research was the worst thing ever. Also I was in pain, because I had kidney stones, man it sucked. I loved the photography, but to this day I can't see the movie again. I just remember how much pain I was in.
Rose--I should try it..it's just that I like to bounce my thoughts off the person I'm with...(quietly, of course).
Lyla---I imagine that the antics that TomFierce and Rob get in to must include some kind of dancing.
Can you imagine a good hula??
Greco-Roman wrestling, anyone??
...or Sumo?? (somebody, please stop me!)
Ok, that greco wrestling thing, just brought images of my exboyfriend fighting my friend's boyfriend in school grabbing each other in the groin. :|
Stella---I am also a huge Sofia Coppola fan, so, it made it even better. But, SC's version made the French look really clean and the men even lovelier. I love the musical anachronisms!
I come here to bounce my Rob/Twilight thoughts. No one else seems to understand as well you ladies!
Stella---LOL That sounds painfully funny!
Lynn--How do you think Rob can do a lady's high voice so well? He and TomStu have had a lot of practice!
No, you guys are too funny. And I'm sure both Rob and TomStu would appreciate your humor and creative imagination if they knew about this :)
Oh, yeah, you know those two partake in some crazy shenanigans and tomfoolery. They must be a hoot to hang out with!
Lynn-- it wasn't. :| My exboyfriend got all excited playing and then he would want to play wrestle me (and not in the good way) and once he almost broke my arm.
Ellie-- I think TomFierce comes out and teaches him how to do it.
LOL They could do a rendition of I've Got You, Babe. Cher would be so proud!
Okay, alter-egos can be good...
Lynn--Which on'e Cher? I'm thinking TomStu
I know what you mean Rose!
I was visiting a friend today and she said what's this "Twilight" thing about over on your blog. I think she was sorry she asked in the end LOL
And to top it off I had the Soundtrack on the Sat Nav coz I wanted to play it in the car so I took that out ant started playing that for her too.
So now i think she could answer "any" question about "Twilight" but I don't know if she actually wants to read the books or see the film :-}
Oh, no, now we can think of famous duos and name which is which! lol
Stella---OUCH! Guys tend to forget that females lack upper body strenght and have higher pain receptors...dorks!
No, Rob's slightly more built as Cher and he has auditioned in drag....
Sad, but true, Kate. I have no one in my 'real' life to share my Robsession with. I don't think they would understand. Hell...sometimes I don't understand.
Thats why I'm so grateful for this wonderful blog.
Don't know what I would do without you guys.
You're right, I forgot about that ...Cher's more masculine that Sonny, anyway...
Ahh... love it when guys call things 'rubbish'. That's like. Sexy.
Rose---my friends think it's weird...I finally outted myself to dh and he was a bit miffed...but life will go on!
Oh ya I forget that ye say "trash" not "rubbish" LOL
Rose--I feel exactly like you. No one around me feels the love, either...My assistants in my class laugh every time I sneak a peek on my computer, on here. You ladies are a wonderful sounding board and it's so comforting to know that I'm not alone in this. and I've made some fantastic friends, as well. We may not ever meet in the flesh, but you all are special to me.
Lynn-- the only good thing that came out of that incident, was that I saw him crying with me. Dumbass.
Ok, so now we have Tom as Sonny and Rob as Cher? Hmm, well Tom does know how to grow a beard.
Rose-- I also didn't have anyone to share my Robsession with me (just my best friend,and he was starting to get jealous). But I have converted one of my closest friends. I sent her this blog for her to see the LA clips, and she called me emo for my comment of being more excited than Britney with a frapucchino and cheeto bag.
Lynn he'll get over it and sure maybe there's someone he's obsessing over and not admitting it ;-)
Rubbish rolls off the tongue better...I also like basura.
Okay, I'm stupid...what's basura?
See? This is why Olive you guys! You totally understand me!
Kate----dh has never really had anyone to be jealous of...it's a bit different now with my weight loss. He still makes fun of my blogging. It does help to be "out".
That's for Stella!
Basura is trash/rubbish in Spanish.
My husband just thinks I have a thing for Vampires...he hasn't really connected it to Robert (yet).
Little does he know! :D
Lynn-- you make my language sound better than what I feel it is. LOL.
Hi Ladies. I had to catch up on my reading. Famous duos huh ... I'm thinking about that one.
I love using Spanish randomly, it helps me to remember things. I want to take classes to become a more fluent speaker. Then, Japanese will be my next challenge.
TomStu as Ginger Rogers and Rob as Fred Astaire ????
Do you think Tom is a sensitive guy? I wonder if his feelings would be hurt reading this. Naaaah! He has Rob to cuddle with should that happen. We should all be so lucky.
AJ-- now I want to cuddle Tom for making him into TomFierce. :(
Hmm, how about Marilyn Monroe and Kennedy. Tom can sing happy birthday to Rob in March.
Lynn-- I'm going to upgrade my four year old level of french starting january.
I LOVE that he would prefer to go watch movies alone. Rob honey, I think we are meant to be ;) haha
Anyway, I'm the exact same way!! My friends always make fun of me for it too.
Thank God someone else asked what basura was coz I didn't have a clue and didn't want to sound really stupid LOL
Rose will your DH click when you suddenly get interedted in Salvador next??;-)
AJ I think Tom would find this really funny or if he didn't I'd say Rob would anyway !! LOL
Isn't Robs Birthday in May Stella???
Amy - he makes a lot of comments about him being alone doesn't he? All these women dying to spend time with him. (Yes - I would be happy just to talk to him).
Stella - TomFierce is Bitchin!
LOL Kate! I doubt he will figure it out. Even though I have a HUGE pic of Rob as my desktop background...and "Never Think" is always playing on my car stereo and ipod...and I have endless magazines with Rob on the cover...
Kate-- you are right, it's in may. LMAO.
AJ-- I just want a reason to cuddle with Tom.
Kate - Yay! So it's a GO on the TomStu jokes. I'm a happy woman!
Bert & Ernie. Sylvester & Tweetie Pie? No, not bromantic enough. How about Bogart & Bacall?
Aah Stella aren't you afraid Rob eill get Jealous if you're cuddling Tom??
SHould have been will not eill but you probably worked that out.
I can't type tonight :-}
I'm with you on that Kate. Rob jealous - we know what a fighter he is ... the whole scratch and bite and pull down the pants thing he mentioned in an interview.
Laurel and Hardy?
AJ I missed that interview :-?
Kate - what's life like in Ireland? I've been lots of places, but never there. Is it fast-paced or easy going?
You guys aren't seeing it the same ways as me.
Yes Rob will get jealous, but Tom would love me so much by the time Rob figures it out, he will make Rob join in the cuddling and extra activities ;)
Oook, that last comment of mine makes it sound as if I believe it. :|
Aw Rob is so great. Love all that alone time. I picture that he spends time alone, and then goes to the pub and and chats it up a bit. Or a lot. Depending on the company.
Kate - interview where he mentions fighting:
MTV interview
MTV: By now, we've all seen these clips of you fighting Cam Gigandet, who is such a bad-ass in "Never Back Down." Did he try all those mixed martial-arts moves against you?
Pattinson: I kicked his ass, because I don't hold back. I fight like a little bitch. I'd bite and pull his pants down and stuff.
LOL Brilliant plan Stella PSML
AJ it very slow paced especilly where I am in the country. I always thought I'd like to move to a city but have started to realise that in my heart I'm a townie!
But ya it's very slow paced here ;-)
You should visit, I'm sure you'd like it! I sound like I'm working for the tourist board!
And a couple of days ago someone posted on one of the threads about wanting more rain, well come here we have plenty to go around!
Kate do they eat "toad in the hole" over there like they do in England?
Stella - never stop believing it. Dreams can come true!
Disney movie alert! Do I hear birds singing in the background?
Thanks AJ ;-)
Love the "I fight like a little bitch" Brilliant LOL
Hi Mona! Kate - one day I'll save up my pennies and come over there. It always looks so beautiful in films.
I'd also like to go to Australia - never been there.
lol AJ...thanks for that. It's always good to remember classic Rob.
No Mona we don't. It's funny as near as Ireland and Englad are there are differences, even in the language and sayings.
AJ---I just got the funniest image of Rob pantsing Cam....alright, that just sounded really homoerotic!
Kate---do you live in a town or village? I have this Americancentric idea of most of Ireland having cobblestone roads...I have seen way too many movies!
AJ-- I think I just saw a deer passing thru my window. Is it normal for mice to start talking to me and demanding me to clothe them?
Kate-- I'm from a small town myself, and about two months ago I came to Mexico City. I still can't get used to it. I'm moving back home, this place is too much for me.
It's so bizarre that all the places that speak English have such different versions - Ireland, Scotland, England, US, Australia, Canada, New Zealand.
We can hardly understand each other sometimes. Rob-love has brought us all together here though!
Oh I know. I used to love hearing my Great Grandfather when he would get upset. You couldn't understand a word he said lol. His Irish Brogue was so pronounced. He was such a huge influence on my early years.
LOL Stella! I think squirrels were holding up the hem of your dress while you walked!
My husband would LOVE to go to Ireland. We were in London/Paris last summer...and had a great time...ADORED London. Too bad Rob was in Oregon at the time.
Where are you AJ?
I'm in a small town (pop just over 7,000) no cobblestone roads around here LOl although you can find some little country roads with grass in the middle and only room for one car so God help you if you meet a tractor coming the other way LOL
But the nearest big town is only 20 mins from me!
lol Kate we have roads like that all over Texas.. lol
I would love to go to Ireland, England and Scotland. My husband has a thing for South America...weird. And, he's the one with the European ancestry.
I vote Party at Kate's house in Ireland! I'll bring the Peach Snapples & Cinnamon Crunch. Did you see that movie The holiday with Jude Law, Kate Winslet & Cameron Diaz. I'm picturing Kate's cottage that Cameron visits as your house.
Mona - I'm from Canada.
Hey lovelies. Just wanna let you know I will be back in action tomorrow the weekends are hard for me to getvon and chat and post stuff. But I will rock and roll tomorrow.
You ladies are taking care of business that is for sure.
Muuuuuaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!! Kisses to all!
I'm laughing at Lynn's idea of the cobblestone roads here but I'm as bad because my idea of America is all big cities and I don't think of there actually being countryside. LOL
Fangs Dani. Love ya! And you too Goz ... wherever you are.
I loved England. I have a thing for the Beatles (had to do Liverpool and Abbey Road).
The trains were the best...Everyone I know who has been to Ireland absolutely loved it.
Kate-- I used to have that idea of US cities, until I spent a week in Philadelphia, and noticed that we were surrounded by the wood.
Lynn, my sis in law has an exchange student from Brazil living with her.. Pala is adorable! She is a beautiful girl with the sweetest disposition! We have told her we would love to come visit her later after she goes back home and gets out of college. She is going to be a doctor. Wants to help the little village where she grew up. The way she describes it, it must be amazing.
Kate---I told you that my Americancentric idea was funny and possibly antiquated.
America is vast and different everywhere. I love how most American teen girls think that everyone that lives in Southern California are like the girls on the Hills.
Ha ha I haven't seen that movie, I must get it out on DVD to see what my house looks like!!
My cousin has a cottage he moved over from England. It's in the middle of nowhere and there's woods all around. It's gorgeous in the summer but this was the first time I saw it in the winter and seriously they could film "Twilight" there. I went down one day and I was waiting for vampires to jump out of the woods, it was all misty and creepy !!!
I only wish I brought my camera with me yesterday it was SO beautiful there because it was so frosty!!
OOOOOOOO why don't we have a Robkats world visit in a couple of years, we can go to each country where Robsessers live and visit and see what everyone lives like. Top it off with a stop in London and surprise Rob at home.. lol
Mona---we have a lot of Brazilian ppl living in our area....they are very beautiful ppl. I would love to have an exchange student...I just don't have the time.
*face palm* Lynn - so you DON'T like wear designer designer dresses like every day and totally go out to clubs every night? Who knew?
Stella - I hear Mexico City is a bit scary/dangerous. Are you safe, girl? Do you have your pepper spray?
Everyone thinks of Wisconsin with cheese and cows. Well...OK...I happen to live in an area of a lot of cows...but its not the norm...Really!
Oh Kate. I'm falling in love with Ireland even more. We need to whisk Rob away to this little cottage in the woods and have our evil way with him.
hey AJ I actually know some people from Moosejaw, Sascatchewan. lol
AJ---~*~*~*~yes, and my daughter's going to live in some phat apartment that has a $4000 per month rent and plans to intern for Seventeen~*~*~*~*~*~LOL
Rose---you forget the accent...I love the Wisconsin/Minnesota accent. My BIL did say that he never drank as much fresh milk as he did in Wisconsin.
Sorry went off to look for this. Just to give you an idea, this is 8 miles from me. When I was small we used to go here every Sunday in http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j129/peilow/Dromineermay077.jpg
AJ-- yeah, it is a very insecure place, but I don't need pepper spray. I have become a shut in since I came to live here. One of the many reasons I'm moving back home. It's not safer over there, but at least I get to party.
Stella---I would trust Mexico much more then say Sao Paulo...I think that South America is way more scarier.
Ooh Mona love the idea of the world tour and AJ loving the whisking away idea even more ;-)
The paps would never find Rob at this cottage, seriously you would need a really good map, even the sat nav doesn't pick it up !!! LOL
Mona - I'm in Alberta. The joke about Moosejaw (or any other prairie town for that matter) is that you can watch your dog run away .... for three days.
It's very flat and sparsely foliated.
I meant Mexico City.
Kate~ I couldn't see the pic :(
Lynn~ I remember you loved the accent! Hahahaha.
Rose---dontcha know? I would listen to that all day long.
AJ---my husband spent a lot of time in Canada as a child, he played hockey and would go there to buy equipment.
Lynn-- that's because of drug lords and stuff, my hometown is in a very scary place right now because of that. And well, Mexico can be scary. Taxi drivers creep me out, and I dunno.. even though I live in a "safe zone" about two weeks ago, they killed someone about two blocks from my house :|
Kate - couldn't get the link to work. Can you break the link into pieces on separate lines so we get the whole thing?
Are you serious Stella :-0
Rose try this link
Pics are at the bottom of that post!
Kate~ It worked! GORGEOUS pics!
Stella~ That sounds scary :(
These quotes made me laugh!! I really laughed at the Cinnamon Toast Crunch quote. I've been seeing this commercial on TV with a woman talking to her dog and eating CTC and I'm thinking that it sounds good, so I buy some today and then I see the Rob quote! Funny. To me anyway.
I don't post here very often, but I want you all to know that I read all the comments and you all make me laugh! You guys are so funny! This blog is usually the best part(s) of my day (as I check it many times). Thanks!
Hi Shauna , Wlecome, this blog is addictive!!
kate-- yes, the governor of my state is a drug lord, and things are getting pretty ugly :|
And well, Mexico City has always been like this. Too many people in a "small" place.
Hi Shauna! The more the merrier!
So beautiful Kate! I'm hoppin on the next plane. I'll have to hide in the baggage dept though cause I'm short on funds.
Mona - brilliant idea! The Rob Pattinson world tour. Hey Mama and Papa P - company's coming!
Lynn - A hockey hubby huh? Go Calgary Flames!
Stella - My heart goes out to you. What a way to live. I'll bet your parents worry about you.
I live with my mom and sister here, so she only worries that I don't go out much. *shrugs*
AJ hitch a ride in one of Robs bags when he flying home and you can hop across! One condition you have to bring Rob with you. I'll e-mail you directions to "the cottage" and meet ye there!! LOL
Isn't is amazing how women can carry on 5 separate conversations all while answering the phone, fixing meals, typing on a blog and solving world peace. Women are born multi-taskers.
How did you all come to admire/lust after/love the Robster aka His Hotness?
Stella I don't think I could live there! Where I live seems so "safe"! I know nowhere is 100% safe anymore but compared to that :-0
AJ-- I saw him on flair in FB, remembered him from GoF, looked the trailer up, read the book.. and found out he was going to be in Mexico City. So I went to meet him.
Kate-- I don't think it would be that bad if I had friends here. Since I'm not in school, I don't have a place to meet people.
Well AJ I'm a pretty new stalker, I mean admirer!!!
I was never into the whole "Harry Potter" thing so it's really through "Twilight" I guess!
AJ---funny that you mentioned multi-tasking...my older daughter and I have been cooking the pumpkins from Halloween, that is what I have been doing in between checking in!
I was never a Potter fan and I paid little attention to GoF. I actually read the Twiseries back in July and made it a priority to not put an image of Edward in my head. I looked up Rob during Comic-Con!
I'm glad that I didn't know of Rob prior to Comic-Con, otherwise, I would have tried to go and I normally would never go! The crowds would have been a total turn off!
See I never had a problem with him as Edward coz I saw the trailer before I read the books so all the characters were perfect for me and SM never actually describes exactly how they look anyway so even if I had read the books first I don't think I would have had a mental image
Kate---I got way in to the whole Edward enigma thing....my daughter was worried for a while. J/K!!
One thing I did have in my head was how Charlies house looked and the kitchen is wrong. I know she never describes it but the house in my head is different. Stupid really.
And, findling out that Rob was playing Edward was like Christmas in July. I was gobsmacked! I have not had a celeb crush like this since my dearly beloved, River Phoenix!
Aah I remember River Phoenix!!
That was tragic :-(
Kate LOL on the "stalker" comment.
Lynn - I'm with you - read Twiseries in July and looked up the movie on the web. Heard Rob's interviews and went "Wow! An intelligent and hilarious guy who is humble and preposterously pretty!' This is interesting. I have never had a celeb crush before. I remember peeps talking about RP when GOF came out - 'he's so gorgeous etc.'. I just rolled my eyes and thought he was probably vacuous. Surprise! NOT!
If it wasn't because Rob played Edward I wouldn't have read Twilight. Maybe if TomStu had been like SM wanted.
Kate----River Phoenix can never be surpassed as my forever celeb crush...I cried the day he died.
AJ----all I thought was PERFECTION and that was just for looks! Then, I started reading articles and blogging on RPL in September. It's been my life less ordinary ever since.
That's interesting Stella. Did you like the Twi books when you read or did you just picture Rob as Edward and that influenced your reading?
I thought Edward was overbearing and bossy but I did love the whole gentlemanly thing.
Lynn - Oh yah. PERFECTION! Silly me not to have mentioned that tiny little thing about Rob.
I started reading RPL about September but was hesitant to post. Started posting a few days before the KOL debacle.
When I read "Twilight" I thought it was so sweet how Edward cared so much for Bella nowwhen I think back on it's almost as if he's stalking her and the romance is nearly gone out of it for me :-0
That's Robs fault he put that into my head in one of the interviews that he did!! LOL
AJ---I am total Anglophile....while I read Twilight all I could think of was Edward being British (the whole gentleman, turn of the century, Mr. Darcy thing). I didn't care if he was Mid-West or Chicago...Edward was always some dreamy Brit in my twisted mind.
AJ-- I pictured Rob as Edward. I still do whenever I read any kind of fanfic. I guess that influenced my reading.
I did like the books, but I honestly can say that they are way too cheesy for me. I usually preffer books like the ones Chuch Palaniuhk writes. Twisted and sick, so reading the Twiseries was like indulging in chocolate.
And I'm sorry if I offend anyone, but BD is BS. Honestly I have read fanfiction that would made a better ending to that Edward and Bella story.
Kate---I was so down on the whole, young/first time love thing that I saw past all Edward's "imperfections". I think that it has a lot to do with being a SAHM like SM. You tend to have time to think of nonsense stuff with the kiddos running around.
Lynn-- for me too! I have said it before, Edward is british for me. Don't care what SM says.
Kate-- I know. I started reading New Moon again, and while reading it I did felt the pain Bella was going thru (because I went thru a nasty breakup that had me feeling that way) but now I'm like, BELLA COME ON, HE IS JUST A GUY! That is thanks to Kristen.
I'm only on Book 2 (Jacob) of Breaking Dawn and I'll never finish it if i find out what happens at the end.
I alreadythink I won;t like this book because so many people have said they don't like it !!
Stella---BD is the bomb because it breaks all the rules and constantly jumps the shark. But, as a young one, I can see how it may have been a let down.
Kate-- if you are already in Jacob's book, then you have already passed where the BS started for me.
Can I love this guy anymore?
I love seeing movies myself too - I want to see Twilight by myself so I can drool in private.
Rose check your comments section.
Kate - have you read Midnight Sun? Edward pretty much does stalk Bella. I'll forgive him though b/c frankly that girl needed a little help what with vamps after her and all.
Lynn & Stella - Edward has taken on a new attraction (and British accent for me now). I can't read those books now without a whole new perspective on Edward's shmexiness.
Stella - I liked BD for the shock value. I was completely not expecting stuff (no spoilers Kate) to happen as it did.
You know while readin "New Moon" I hated it. I said it here and now I've come to realise that the reason I hated it was because it made me "feel the pain". I read over on SM's website that she has told so many people to read it twice because people tend to skip through reading Jacobs bits seaching and waiting for Edward to come back but that when they read it the second time obviously they know what's gona happen so they relax more with the middle section in the book!
I mean can I love him anymore than I already do!
I went through several years of Bella's numbness/depression....it was carthartic to read NM. I felt less lonely knowing that I wasn't the only with lost time.
Hello girls!
It's been a very busy weekend and I didn't have a chance to check in here.. I missed all the fun in the blog and also I will miss the Finals of my local basketball tournament 'cause I got my right ankle injured while playing the semis :(
Buahhh, I want Rob to give me a "sensual massage" like the one he had when his infamous groin pull.. maybe Rob is right, sports are stupid, they can kill people, bwahahaha!
Thanks AJ for not spoiling ;-)
Have midnight sun downloaded and gonna read that last!
Kate I would have to agree completely. The first time I read New Moon I was waiting for Edward to come back but the second time I really enjoyed it and really felt Bellas's pain.
Hi Aussie! We are all coming to your house to watch the Twilight DVD when it comes out. Love Australia.
Lynn & Kate - yes New Moon was a bit hard to take. Made me re-live every relationship break up I'd ever had.
AJ--I would LOVE you all to come and Twilight at my house.
What fun that would be!
Stella---the perv in me wanted more of the incubus description of Edward....I was really in to the whole vampiric sex thing, too. I kept thinking how cold things would be....I know...pervy, pervy, shame, shame....
Come and watch Twilight! I have to type really fast to keep with all you guys.
AJ-- I don't know. It is shocking and the natural way to go from SM perspective, but I wanted some things to be more detailed (and I'm not talking about the sex).
Kate--yeah I read that too, and I'm trying, but I don't want to relive the pain I felt when I first read it, remembering my own experience :(
AJ---Bella's NM depression mirrored my time after my parents' deaths. I could not imagine a loss of love like that...
Woohoo! After we whisk Rob off to the Irish cottage we'll have him on a plane to Australia! Mich can give him a sensual massage on the way. Do they have stripper poles on planes these days? TomStu will have to come of course. I hope he brings his Wonder Woman costume and whip!
Lynn-- exactly, I remembered when my Dad died, and that was like 16 years ago.
And, well I still haven't healed from my almost two year relationship with the first guy I truly loved.
Stella---there were characters that needed more care and that is all I will say. BD was a bit rushed...but, I still liked it!
Lynn--New Moon took me back to a very painful relationship break up. Absolutely nothing would compare to the pain of losing parents though - it must have been a horrendous time for you, I'm sorry for you.
OK.. I'm just popping it to wave, jump up and down and shout Good Morning to all my lovelies in here... Then, I'm going to catch up on all the other posts!
WTH hell are you guys talking about that's worth 179 comments?
Oh ri-ight.. this is a Rob site.
Lynn - I'm so sorry to hear about your parents. You are pretty young not to have a Mom and Dad to call when you need emotional support. I've never felt that kind of pain. Kisses and Hugs to you!
Gosh can you imagine when "New Moon" come out in the cinema especially after the hospital scene in "Twilight"!!
Hi Aussie and Mich!
Oh ya let's go to Australia on the world tour!
Lynn :-0 LOL Well the ripping up the lingerie on the honeymoon was what did it for me!!LOL
Thank you, Kay! Yes, I was mad crazy for a few years...lots of lost months. It's been almost ten years, but, I can replay those early days like a DVD. It was the months that followed that were the worst.
I admitted to my husband that Twilight put a lot of perspective on mortatlity for me and he actually thought that it made sense.
Kate - Hellllo! Are we going to take lingerie ripping and feathers? Somebody get out the firehose cause it's gonna get hot in here!
What is it about the Twi books that make them so addictive? For me, it's that I can relate to everything Bella went through - crush, breakup pain, cold dead men (what? did I say that out loud?)
Thank you, AJ! It was tough (I was 26 and it was a car accident). I grew up real quick...I am blessed with an amazing husband and inlaws that embrace as their own.
AJ & Kate - Thanks!
Sorry to jump in late...
I just wanted to add that I knew who was playing the characters in Twilight before I read the book, even though I was aware of the books before the movie. I never have and probably never will see the characters as the actors who portray them in the movie. I don't even know if I can describe them, I just know that Rob and Kristen don't match up in my mind. Kellan probably comes the closest to matching any of the Cullens.
edit *talk* not *take*
Comments crossed (I hate when that happens,) I feel your pain about your parents too Lynn.
I lost my Dad 5 years ago and my Mum was diagnosed with dementia 6 months ago. It's all developed so quickly that she's now at the stage that she doesn't know who I am so in a way even though she's there, she's not IYKWIM.
Kate---the best part is putting Rob in to the lingerie/headboard thing and then BD is damn good!
Hi Kate!
Lynn sending you lots of cyber hugs and kisses from Australia (I'm almost in tears reading your comments)
AJ apart from what you already mentioned it's also that Bella's a bit of loner and then she finds somebody she really connects with - reminds me of when I first met my husband.
God Lynn 26 is SO YOUNG and both of them together {{HUGS}}
And ya lingerie + headboard + feathers + Rob = very big firehose LOL
Kate---wow, that must be so hard for you. My sister has just begun her journey with elderly parents and I am still not yet there. But, we are thankful that we will only have to do it once (so to speak).
My strength and thoughts are with you and your mum!
AJ-- I had an Edward. A boyfriend that knew he was bad for me, but who wanted to stay there as long as it was good for me even if he was hurting me more for when he leaved and I was deeply in love with him.
This is the first time I accept it, but I was so caught in the story, because I read it, as if that would have happened to me if he had come back to me. (Obviously without all the bampire stuff)
Ah Kate! So sorry to hear about your parents too. Hugs and kisses to you too girl!
Isn't it weird when you go back and read the comments to always have the conversation a bit off?
Aussie - YES! Love the connection. That happens sometimes when it just clicks. Amazing!
Kate--hugs and kisses to you too.
Kay---yes, it's quite the downer, huh? Sorry, I had to lighten the mood...it just seems that my parents' deaths have molded a lot of who I am that I forget how shocking it must sound to others.
Lynn-- I understand you. The same thing happened to me with my Dad. I know that if he hadn't died when I was younger, I wouldn't be the person I am today.
Lynn- If I could see you, I would hug you.. then Reiki you.
AJ- I always think the every female who reads this book superimposes herself onto Bella. Bella is very average. And we all think that we're average. part of the magic of the books is that this very average girl, caught the heart of this magnificent guy. He'd been around over 100 years, could do anything, and have virtually anyone and he chose HER. It makes you think that if it can happen for Bella, it can happen for me. Does this resonate with anyone else?
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