"It sounds lame, but I was really concentrating on this job. It was my first American thing so I was pretty focused. I went to Portland for two months before we starting shooting, and I just didn't talk to anybody for ages during the beginning of the shoot. I never went out, but I kind of broke down half way through. I was like, 'Okay, people are starting to think that I'm actually out of my mind now.'"

"I've got a terrible memory—I end up repeating myself quite a lot. The only thing I can remember is that I'm going to repeat myself!"

"If I go and try to watch a movie by myself I'll be completely transfixed the whole time, concentrating one hundred percent. But if I'm with another person on a date or something, within two minutes I'll be like 'This is rubbish, this is rubbish. We should leave and do something else.' I don't really know why."

"I spent a long time trying to figure out how to play [Edward's part] without making a fool out of myself. The whole book is written from Bella's perspective and she's in love with him. I mean, the guy can be anybody — he could be an alien — and you see past everything if you're in love with someone."

"I was just taking out my trash and I had, like, 300 cans of Diet Coke. It was just like, 'How did that happen?' I don't even remember buying them. I also like Cinnamon Toast Crunch. My addictions are pretty much the only things I consume."
"I went to do my first big movie when I was 17. I was in South Africa for three and half months,
and I was by myself"
"I'm really afraid of getting hit by cars, like terrified of it. I'm terrified of crossing streets. I'm also very accident-prone...I think people aim for me."
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 507 of 507 Newer› Newest»Hmm, I couldn't say who is the best kisser I have ever had. They have all been very good. Well most of them. Hmm *goes down memory lane*
Jules--cyber hugs and kisses to you!
I have a girl crush on Rachael Yamagata. Seriously, that girl is pure genius. Her songs are beautiful.
Jov---thank you! You hit 400 on the nose!
I think I play Too Far Gone fifty times now
Yeah we're up to 405
Noooo, it's the Michelle one. I don't know her last name. She did a gospel album, and now she is slutting it up. True fact.
And I don't have a naughty place. Unless his parents bed counts as naughty hmm.
Thanks Lynn, Goz and Dani are going to flip!
Mich---Japanese girls will do that to ya! LOL I will have to look up her music.
Michelle Williams...?
Akward, I'm the only one that answered Jov question *blushes and hangs head*
Oh, Stella!!!His parents bed?
Mine is a rooftop. It was so much fun.
Yeah.. Michelle Williams. LMFAO!
One time while driving, I mean acutally driving.
That was scary
he was driving
I wouldn't ever say that was fun
In Coronado, back of a dh's old Chevy....wow, that takes me back!
Michelle Williams? Heath Ledger's wife/girlfriend? Don't know.
Naughtiest place? Muahahaha.. backstage while he's waiting to play with his band :P
I just have that one experience. LMFAO
Ok, driving sounds so dangerous. :|
Jov---no, Michelle Williams of Destiny's Child.
But, I'm sure that she gets the mix up all the time.
Jov-- this is Michelle Williams http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4p1qUVEO2-A
Mich---I am lovin' you even more...that is hot!
Sex on Fire brought back some memories. on the car thing.
One time in the back of a pick up during camping in the morning.
I was so worried someone would hear though.
Goz & DAni are really gonna flip when they see how we passed the 400 mark with best public places for sex
Backstage? Okay, the best so far!!!!Mich!!!
I am going to go find me a musician, for sure now.
I think I hit the 100 mark for the "Hold On" song now.
I get a little obsessive about songs.
He so has it going on!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't sleep around, I know it seems like it but I don/t
You said Sex On Fire and I had to go and admire the loveliness of KOL. They are a fierce looking group...!
Don't do it in water. It just never works out. The sex scene in Breaking Dawn the first in the ocean. That just wasn't the best.
It's really not good.
Lynn, Caleb'e eyes. They are incredible aren't they?
*blushes and hangs head*
Yep, it was only a quicky but guys, when you're seeing your man playing guitar and singing in front of a crowd just after having sex with you.. wow.. that's awesome.
I'm sorry I'm posting a lot about sex, Goz and Dani are going to kill me.
Jov---we all have our experiences...I even have quite a few and I was married at 20.
I'm currently in play number 30 of Soft by KOL.
MICH I am so Jealous!
Lynn, okay water question. Everyone here know my love of my whirlpool tub, but I only fantasize about making out with Rob in there and shampooing his hair and doing stuff to him in there but sex in water, just never works out great? Your take?
lmao, i hope i don't get in trouble for this
Lynn--you're my favorite Japanese girl and Rachael is the second. Both of you are awesome!
Look up Rachael's new album: "Elephants...Teeth Sinking Into Heart". It's really good.
Of course Mich, I'm playing Sam belting out "Hold On" while you're telling me about the backstage thing so I'm really feeling it here!
"Soft" is about erectile dysfunction.
Jov---quickly....no, it doesn't work well! I would choose ocean over hot tubs anyday.
That is all I will say!
I think we should try for 500 and then call it a nite.
Jov-- I know, whiskey d! This is the song for my last ex boyfriend. LMAO.. bad boyfriend.
Pacific Ocean Monterey Bay, no you have to have a wettie
doesn't matter the temp
it's all about physics
Ahh, Mich! You're so sweet! I am a reverse egg....yellow on the outside and white inside, that's what most Japanese Americans are!
I'm picturing Goz reading this and going WTF!!!!!!
married people get even more inventive and I would never put you on the spot LYnn, I like your dh already
Hot tubs are cesspools....go natural and save yourself the germs!
I don't think Goz or Dani are going to read this comments. They will probably just skim over them and say that we were certainly busy. LMAO.
I'm thinking of meet the parents 2 and how embarassing they were for ben stiller
Thank God I hope they don't read this.
I'm thinking of Rob and his favorite use of "Jesus Christ!"
Lynn, I don't have a hot tub. I have a two person whirlpool tub
Sam is singing "Save your soul, before it's too far gone." I think I should take that advice.
Rob would probably use that expression of he read of all of this. First seeing 455 comments on what the hell is this thread Seventeen comments?
Jovie--you're right about "Soft", but KOL are like Woody Allen, they create transcendent work from what many might call whining. So I dont really think is an ode to erectile dysfunction, LOL :D
What happened to my girls? I thought we were trying for 500? Do you think they'll say what are you trying to do?
I don't know Mich, that info was out of Caleb's lips....
Sorry ladies. My computer had a myocardial infarction and I had to re-boot. I see you've been busy!
I think it was from one of his drinking binges and he was writing this for all the guys
Mich-- come on, you know that song is totally about a whiskey d*ck.
Hi AJ, were trying for 500!
Just googled two person whirlpool tub.. now I know what it is :P
whiskey dick, lmao.
He has done his share of wasting
Jov---my sister has a tub like that! Yes, I think that will be a part of our eventual bathroom remodel....whirlpool and two head shower.
Mich, it's fantastic. I can fit Rob in there even with his tallness.
I just had to share that. LMAO
Amm, boys shouldn't attempt to do anything to girls if they have whiskey d*cks. Honestly, it's not fun. :|
Mich---two person tub with jets...no chlorine or cesspoool and generally en su bano!
It has bubbles, jets, shiastu neck stuff, therapy lights...
Stella---Beastie Boys rock!
Wo Nessie (sorry Stella Star). I see you are onto sex talk! Keep in mind I'm a 12 year old virgin here. (My husband finds that really annoying!)
waterfall fill
Licensed to Ill is one of the best albums ever!
Ok, I had to google that thing up. I had no idea that was its name.
Man, I seriously missed the Beastie Boys. I wonder if Rob likes them. Hmm
I cannot even fathom the words erectile dysfunction after working in a pharmacy!
Stella--I know, I know, I'm just trying to forget that Rob said he can really relate to the lyrics of that song.. :S
bubbles from the bottom of the tub. It's awesome. See why I want Rob in there and shampoo his hair.
Can you imagine him with wet hair and it's back after I wash it with scruff on that jawline. He has his eyes closed and opens them and his blue eyes and hair looking so good.
AJ, yeah sex talk, can you believe it?
I started it. I know it figures.
Licensed to Ill? Oh man, you are making me feel old!
Mich probably after drinking
I posted another mundane photo just for you crazies! Seriously!
AJ, put my shoes back! :-)
I love his comments relate to the lyrics but don't really know what they are about"
He cracks me up always.
Brass Monkey was my ringtone forever! I just may have to listen to that!
I'm sure that Rob likes the BB...he admires Jay-Z for goodness sakes!
No Goz we're trying for 500!!!!!!
Goz, where the hell ya been???
Lynn-- NOOOO! I love the beastie boys, I mean the whirlwind tub or however you call it.
Mich-- I know, but hey, he is a semi-god not a complete god.
AJ-- I can handle the name Nessie, as long as if its away of Mah Boo's name.
Jov-- nice image of Rob.
* hangs head in shame * Sorry Goz. I have a thing about shoes. It's the girly-girl in me!
Lynn-- I had Girls for quite a long time, my friends took a liking to it, and it became our song :D
LOL I am getting whiplash here trying to decipher posts....ay, dios mio!
It's okay AJ, I understand :-) I bought 2 new pairs today! It's a sickness!
I'm still in NYC and am going out now. There is no way I can read 500 comments!
Love y'all, keep the crazy flowing :-)
You Gotta Fight For Your Right was my freshman year theme song...ay, for the love of God...Rob wasn't even born yet!
Did Goz post a photo?
Cheer up, we're close to our goal.. 500 comments, go go go!
10 posts to go! *waves pom poms in background*
Yeah, I wasn't born yet either. I remember my brother and sister love the Beastie Boys, so I kinda grew up listening to them.
Yes Jovie, is a photo of Rob buying light beer :P
Can I say I love his taste in beer? Pacifico and Heineken, yummy!
I've never understood, why do women wear things like that?
Men don't need help to "get excited"
a photo of Rob buying beer???
and how did you direct that to me Mich did I miss something I was too busy cracking up and listening to HOld on
Why in the hell is it always just me commenting? I know I type fast but that can't be it
You asked if Goz posted a photo, then I answered YES, a photo of Rob buying Heineken.. :)
I wish it was 500 days Rob and I have been together or the 500th time we made love, lol
503 comments! We're officially nuts!
I'm running out of steam here. Good night my lovelies. It's a true testament to Rob's talent that he attracts so many talented (I'm talking about me and my song-writing here) beautiful, intelligent, articulate (those are for you guys) women. OLIVE JUICE! Good night.
Thanks Mich, I'll go see it.
Olive Juice AJ! Nite nite!
AJ-- how rude, that you didn't include your back up singers and dancers! :P
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