"It sounds lame, but I was really concentrating on this job. It was my first American thing so I was pretty focused. I went to Portland for two months before we starting shooting, and I just didn't talk to anybody for ages during the beginning of the shoot. I never went out, but I kind of broke down half way through. I was like, 'Okay, people are starting to think that I'm actually out of my mind now.'"

"I've got a terrible memory—I end up repeating myself quite a lot. The only thing I can remember is that I'm going to repeat myself!"

"If I go and try to watch a movie by myself I'll be completely transfixed the whole time, concentrating one hundred percent. But if I'm with another person on a date or something, within two minutes I'll be like 'This is rubbish, this is rubbish. We should leave and do something else.' I don't really know why."

"I spent a long time trying to figure out how to play [Edward's part] without making a fool out of myself. The whole book is written from Bella's perspective and she's in love with him. I mean, the guy can be anybody — he could be an alien — and you see past everything if you're in love with someone."

"I was just taking out my trash and I had, like, 300 cans of Diet Coke. It was just like, 'How did that happen?' I don't even remember buying them. I also like Cinnamon Toast Crunch. My addictions are pretty much the only things I consume."
"I went to do my first big movie when I was 17. I was in South Africa for three and half months,
and I was by myself"
"I'm really afraid of getting hit by cars, like terrified of it. I'm terrified of crossing streets. I'm also very accident-prone...I think people aim for me."
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 507 Newer› Newest»No need to apologise Lynn - I think it's fabulous that everybody feels comfortable enough here to share.
Love you guys!
Stella---ahhh, that sounds so heart wrenching! I think it helps to find something that puts things in to perspective.
((((GROUP HUG))))
Stella hugs to you too! Sorry about your dad.
Tess - I completely agree with your last comment...exactly how I feel.
Well, time has been good. And most of the time I like who I am, so I guess it's just a matter of finding the silver lining.
((Love to everyone))
I'm a firm believer in "It really doesn't matter how you deal with it, what matters, is how you go on.."
Tess----I would love to be Reiki'd. Dude, that would be cool! Olive juice to you, precious!
Stella----yes, I honestly felt so defined by their deaths that it took me years to snap out of it. I am better now!
Stella - It's hard when you fall hard for a guy that you know is all wrong. I still am of the mind that it's better to have felt that deep kind of feeling for someone even if it ends up not working. And sorry about your father. Hugs and kisses to you girl. I'm glad you have your mom & sis.
I guess we can all relate to the pain of loss in all it's forms.
Tess - Nail on the head. We feel what Bella feels and that's why it's so captivating. And who wouldn't want a gorgeous Rob-like creature in love with you? (minus the vamp stuff)
Well I have to go back and do some work now.
Thank you all for sharing.
Things like that do mould you Lynn and make us who we are today!
It's funny how we all relate to bits of "Twilight" obviously without the vampires!LOL
Stella I went out with a guy who reminds me of the "Stalker" Edward and I nearly fell around the place laughing when I read in BD the bit where he bought her a new car to keep her safe because I was getting lectured about getting a new car becasue my one wasn't safe enough! And when we first started going out it was all so full on, I wasn't able for it because a friend of mine has said that I'm fierce independant, she reckons it's coz I don't have brothers and sisters but I do enjoy spending time on my own so I felt like he was smothering me. If he had his was he would have been doing an Edward and coming in through my window every night!! LOL
Tess---and this is why I think of you as Jasper.....you always can calm the situation.
Tess-- I don't think I ever felt that way. I mean, I do feel average, but I never got the hope that someday that would happen to me.
AJ-- I know, I'm glad I went thru that relationship, but it got to a point where it was so messed up I started feeling that I was less than what I really am. (I dunno if that makes sense lol). I just keep reminding myself "We accept the love we think we deserve", and well now I realize I deserve better than what I had.
Kate- wow!! I can imagine in the beginning it was flattering, but at the root, it's all about control.
Tess SO agree with what you said!!!
Lynn- Tess is Jasper!
Stella big {{HUG}} :-(
G'day Aussie! Tess - not sure if you saw my comment last night but when I read your posts i totally get a serenity vibe. Lynn - LOL very Jasper-like.
Stella---I think that you just have to remember that growth and acceptance are a part of life. You will move on and eventually time will let it hurt a little less.
Kate-- something like that happened to me too. I lost so much independence with that ex boyfriend, my friends were impressed I fell so hard. He did pulled an Edward and came for me every morning and took me to school, he constantly lectured me on being safe (although it wasn't about a car, more about my piece of mind) and even after he left me he still came to my house, because he was so worried about me.
Kate & Stella - smart girls for figuring out what was really going on in those relationships!!
I love this place. It's always so positive.
star- I've had relationships like this in the past. What you wrote is 100% true. Love should make you feel good about yourself, when it doesn't, it's not love, it's an obsession.
NOTE* My Rob Obsession make me feel really good though..
If, you all see me write Tas....that is Tasper for Tess.
Hey, let's make a guess at what is in Rob's bag!
A journal....very Kerouac (sp?)
aJ_ I did read your comment. Thank you very much.
I always laugh when Rob describes Edward as the perfect man. I didn't ever see him that way.
Mmm.. but Stella isn't it funny as independant as you are you start to get used to it. I bet after a couple of weeks you were looking to see if he was there every morning, even though at the beginning you weren't confortable with it!
Or at least that's the way I was anyway but then I realised that my gut feeling was the right one.
Lynn- Definitely a journal.. (what I wouldn't give to sneak a peak)
Anti-bacterial wet wipes.
A worst case scenario survival guide
a guide to crossing streets safely
Oh and yes Tess my ROb Obsession felt right from the beginning!!LOL
Shauna - still here? Why Your Loneliness? Does that refer to you or someone else? Only love here at the ROb-love hotel.
Why didn't he bring his new bag with him to carry his "Stuff"??
I agree with you Tess. Only the robsession is healthy (to a degree).
But I remember something AJ said about an airplane with a pole and TomStu in a wonder woman outfit with a whip (which he totally stole from me, betch).
Tas---LOL I cringe every time I watch Rob accept a Sharpie from someone on the street.
I want to throw him down in a shower and scrub him Silkwood style!
oh yes Kate & Tess. Robsession is not stalking it is admiring from afar.
Robsession is not stalking it is admiring from afar.
Robsession is not stalking it is admiring from afar.
Good. I've convinced myself. Besides this is therapeutic!
Well once Tyra's not on the plane then you can put the pole in there
Kate---that would be too metro! If, Rob could dump everthing in a garbage bag and get away with it. I'm sure that he would!
Stella! Hate to say it as you looked so bitchin in that WW outfit ... but TomFierce has those Beyonce legs ... Just sayin.
Lynn- I know! you're praying he doesn't put the cap between his teeth!
did anyone note on the Tyra show how he almost picked up the "bats" with his bare hands, and she shouted "NOT with your hands.. use the tongs" I have to like her just for that..
Wow...leave for a little while and this place blows up!
You guys are sooo sweet. No wonder this is the best place to be!
Kate-- it was my first real boyfriend, so I thought things were supposed to be like that, because I felt so much for him. Then I got so used to it, sometimes I felt like I couldn't have a good time if he wasn't around. Then to make things worse, he doesn't go out fridays due to his religion, so I stopped going out on fridays.
AJ---that's very Beetlejuice of you to say it three times! Love it!
I'm trying to read all your comments but you girls are on fire! All I want to say is THIS BLOG IS AMAZING, it's fabulous that everybody feels comfortable to share.. I'd like to give a big hug to all of you!
Lynn - I clicked my heels together 3 times as I said it.
AJ-- I know, he also has that cute little tush. That is why I couldn't take it away from him. He seemed really excited, like a kid on Xmas morning.
He might have the legs, but I have the boobs, and we all know Rob likes does.
I agree, Mich! I just want to hug each and every one of you!
Tas---I know! The fear of germs and cooties train left Rob's depot a while back. I'm sure that his publicist must have to remind him all the time to not touch his mouth after signing.
The Tyra thing with the bats cracked me....such a guy to just dive in!
Hi Rose & Mich. We're passing out hugs and kisses like Snapples & Hot Pockets around here.
No AJ we're not stalkers......
Stalkers watch every persons move,
find out where they eat, drink, shop, fly to on planes, look at every tv show and listen to every radio brodcast they make, watch the same movie over and over and over again and obsess about kidnapping them and taking them to remote irish cottages to do things with lingerie, feather pillows and headboards.
No we're not we're not atalkers!!!!LOL
Star-I missed you in a WW suit?
I'm so lost..
Mich---hugs to you, lovely!
AJ---break out the rubly slippers and count me in!
Tess-- it's all in your imagination babe ;)
Lynn- He's so paranoid, that it really surprises me when I see him do such obvious dumbass shit.
oops. I cussed.
Is cussing bad?
Tas---paranoid but very forgetful! I would imagine that in the frenzy of leaving a car that Rob's attention is like a Labrador Retriever. In his personal life, I would guess that he is so not a germaphobe!
Ok Sweet ladies.
I'm off again to see my sadistic dentist who looks like an Asian version of Michael Jackson... (and not when MJ was HOT)
gotta Jett.
Rose---well, as long as you don't say fuck.
Oh shit, did I just say fuck!
No, cussing is a good thing!
Oh best of luck Tess!!
Bye, Tess! Dr. Wacko sounds scary...think good thoughts!
Stella - I concede. Boobs beat booty. Let's get TomStu a naughty nurse outfit just like Rob's!
Kate - LOL! Please note the careful usage of the word "whisk" as opposed to "kidnap". "Whisk" implies consent (albeit the whisking might take place when Rob has his beer goggles securely fastened on.)
AJ--speaking about Hot Pockets, a girlfriend went to USA for Black Friday and she bought me a box of Chicken Fajita Hot Pockets!
In fact I'm eating one right now 'cause I cant stand due my damn injured ankle!
AJ-- yeah, I already have my doctor outfit. I knew going to med school would be handy one day. ;)
AJ - still lurking - doing ten other things (foling laundry, making the bed, painting my nails). If I didn't wait until the last minute to do everything.
Why Your Loneliness? I was trying to think of a name that describes me, so, nerd that I am, looked up words that might suit me. Lonely is one way I'd describe me, but it's a loneliness that I don't mind. I've always been a kind of loner, never really had many friends. I read a lot. *shrug*
Aah gotcha AJ "whisk" it is. You sound like you have experience in "whisking" :-)
What shall we do about Dean??? (It ws Dean was his name wasn't it?)
LOL Mich! Now you just need to have some Cinnamon Crunch cereal for dessert and you'll be in ROb-heaven.
Companies are probably just hoping Rob will mention their products - sales will go through the roof!
AJ---you are cracking me! I think of whisking as something good to do to Rob.
Aah Mich, hope your ankle is better soon{{Hugs}}
Now at the risk of sounding stupid again (but I'm on a roll so why give up now) can someone explain Black Friday to me, is that when the Americans got indpendance from Britain, oh no that's "Thanksgiving" isn't it!!!LOL
Lynn - well we can certainly take a 'whisk' to Rob and clean that dandruff off his black jacket.
Shauna - You and Rob have a lot in common. He describes himself as a loner too. No loneliness here though!
Stella - my oh my! A doctor's outfit is it? Stethescope check. Thermometer check. Naughty Nurse Pattinson to the supply closet on floor 8. Stat!
Kate - not sure who Dean is but dress him up in a nurse's outfit and we've got a date. Don't tell my hubby!
Good evening, Ladies of Robsessed.
I was out all day because it was so gorgeous here?
Lynn was your weather as good?
I'm laughing at Kate's comment.
and AJ I saw a nurses uniform but that's as far as I read, you have all been busy.
Kate---Black Friday is the biggest shopping day of the year...it's the day after Thanksgiving...hence, the word Friday. Shops will open as "early" as 10 pm with huge markdowns.
My BIL manages a Tommy Hilfiger store that took in over six figures in 24 hours. It's crazy!
Lynn I tried to be a vegetarian but I couldn't do it. I felt weak after not being able to, but I missed in & out, and steak.:}
How sad, I have gotten a ton of emails about Rob and almost all of them talk about his 'dirty hair, and lack of personal hygiene.'
The press is really glomming onto his comments from Leno.
didn't mean the question mark after gorgeous here. It was in the 70s here all day.
AJ-- Dean is the umbrella carrying bodyguard. Hmm, I want to guard his body.
Jov---evening, lovely! It was below 70...so, it was cold for me. But, it was sunny with a little chill....the way I like winter!
Don't worry Rose, look at Heath Ledger and Brad Pitt, those thing never hurt them. The press always do things like that they have to have something to write about and not someone down.
Jovie~ must be nice...we are getting 6-8 inches of snow as we speak!
wow Rose! I'm on the Monterey Bay in Carmel
went to the beach with my dogs today, it's a very dog friendly beach
I mean 'knock" someone down
Jov---I know it sounds so stereotypical Californian to be vegetarian...but, it has changed my life. I felt the weakness as my metabolism changed in the second month. I have never had bags under my eyes and I had them for a few weeks. Now, I don't crave meat at all!
I had to give up something and meat was easier then sugar and white flour.
the snow can be romantic.
Inside w/ a fireplace snuggle with someone you love
I admire you so much Lynn. I just couldn't achieve it. I so wanted to do it for my niece who is a veg. I know she was a bit disappointed in me. I do eat organically for the most part though, I'm pretty conscious of things.
Rose - Media doesn't 'get' Rob. It's not going to affect his popularity. We love him grease, dandruff, zippers, megaphones and all!
Stella - Oh yah! Dean be lookin' fine in a tight little nurses outfit. Throw in Rob's pageboy wig from Little Ashes and let the good times roll!
When I read about Rob eats, I don't go and eat them, because I don't have that type of diet. When I do eat I just make sure it's worth the calories.
Rose---ergh! I forget about snow...I guess the high 60's and low 70's doesn't seem so bad. I actually like the mild cold...but, ocean cold can be biting!
And, not in a cool vampah way!
Stella that's right Dean is the bodyguard and we all want to gurad Rob!!
Thanks Lynn, I had worked out that it had something to do with shopping but wanted to make sure I was on the right track.
Hi Jov!!
I'm gonna have to love ye and leave ye. It's 2am here, I don't know where the time went tonight but it was great chatting with all ye lovely ladies and spreading some Rob love.
Olive Juice to you all and to Rob too.Oh and can't forget TomStu and Dean ;-) LOL. Night
I hate to exercise hence the surfing and stripping pole and walking
I always miss ya Kate because of them time change.
good nite, sweet dreams
LoL Jovie...have a fire going right now!
AJ~ I know...no one gets Rob as much as WE do! I just hate how they focus on the negative.
I love your definition of cold, Lynn! hahahaha
Nite Kate! xoxo
Rob's diet is horrific! I know that Hot Pockets are tasty, but, the preservatives alone make me feel yucky.
I can live without Dean. Hmm, I'm happy with the Hobo love, and the fierceness.
Today someone sent me a flair that says I <3 (crossed out Robert's dog) TomStu.
Loved it! :D
My niece who is sixteen has been a beg for three years. She's a big animal activist and I was so happy when the animal rights prop passed.
AJ you always make me laugh. I love your sense of humor. Sometimes I'm driving and start laughing at things you've said.
I wonder if Cinnamon Crisp will fly off the shelves?
Rose---SoCal folks are major wuss babies, when it comes to the cold. We bitch like crazy when it hits below 70. And, to think that I almost moved to Cleveland. LOL
Good night, Kate!
Kate--thanks, you're so sweet. I'm asking God to be OK next Saturday 'cause I really want to play the Finals =(
Jovie--you're really lucky to live near a dog friendly beach. I live in a city and I need to drive 30 minutes to get my dog into a dog friendly park with open spaces. Of course there are parks in every suburb but they are small and you need to keep your dog on the leash.
mean veg not beg:}
Thanks Mich, three labs on a lease isn't a blast. Running and jumping in the ocean on Carmel beach is.
Jov---I did it more for the health reasons. I will still cook meat for my family and don't hold it against them. I have always been some what of an animal activist.
Good night Kate!
leash, sorry
I type really fast and don't prof.
My editing the book is always a lot of fun:}
Night Kate. Lovely talking ...er .. typing to you.
Stella. Rob is it for me. TomStu is too baby-faced for me - Nessie comes to mind. Oh that's brilliant! TomStu as Nessie in BD.
Jov---I have three labs, too! I have yet to walk all three at once. We have a decent sized yard for them...thank goodness!
Lynn she's super healthy also. I am but I just couldn't give up those two things. I started to crave them so bad. It's kind of like during that vid when Rob says "ambrosia" that's how I felt when I had an in & out again.
Also, being raised by the coast the seafood thing it's hard to give up, for me
Hi Jov. Bye Tess!
Mich---I missed the 411 on your ankle...break or sprain?
Lynn, I exercise them morning and evening.
Jov--oh, I hear you! I have not been near sashimi recently. I think that may be my major weakness aside for In and Out.
I love the Sam Bradley song "Too Far Gone" I've been playing it a lot.
He reminds me a little of this indie california rock band I like, especially his band mates, they look a lot like them
I let my labs run in the back yard. I try to walk them daily, but, I am challenged with the kids' schedules. I have my new year's resolutions!
Lynn, my niece has in & out and just asks them to leave out the meat. She makes me smile quiet a bit. She's pretty cute.
I kinda like when Rob calls himself "a tool, a big hard tool"
Kinda sweet.
I only have one dog...and she about drives me crazy! I don't know if I could handle 3.
AJ-- GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH! NOOOO, TOM IS GOING TO PLAY JANE AND ALEC. *rocks herself in a corner trying to erase the Nessie image*
I dunno, I love guys that have light eyes and dark hair. And he reminds me of a crush I had when I was a kid. But I won't try to sell him to ya.
If I didn't exercise them I think they would go bonkers. They get cabin fever easily like me.
I would be a horrible celebrity because I have to get out
Jov---I have had the In and Out grilled cheese with fries...it seems to work. Your niece sounds sweet!
Gotta go for a bit ladies! Hold down the fort and go for a record - we're already at 302 posts. See what happens when the cyber-parents are away!
BTW I totally sneaked into Goz's closet and tried on all her cute shoes while she was away. MMMWWWWAAAAH!
Rose, he gives us so much to work with doesn't he?
I love listening to him talk. I think when he says I'm boring, after he dated "his stalker" in Spain, and she didn't come back. I cracked up.
Stella---picture TomFierce as Nessie giving Edward/Rob the love bite!
AJ maybe when you get back we'll stop catching up with each other and be into Rob fantasies.
I hate to admit that I don't know all that much about Tom Stu...Basically that he's Robs friend...and hes pretty cute. Is there more? :)
I miss Goz.
Bye, AJ!
Rose, I don't really think of Tom.
I've really only had one celeb crush and I wish I never heard of Rob
Lynn-- NO! NO! NO! NO! *continues rocking herself in corner* JANE AND ALEC I SAY!
Rose-- they are just best friends, and I love to make shit up about them :), that's basically it.
Bye AJ:)
Lynn--first-degree ankle sprain. I'm going to walk with crutches for about 3 days :(
Rose---Stella has it in the worst way for TomFierce/Stu...she has a personal agenda for him after Rob (of course).
No, Tom does notthing for me, either!
This really isn't a great feeling, prob never meeting someone, especially since I'm single.
I was serious the other day when I said my life was better. I try to see the upside on the inspiration for my writing, but that's just about it.
Aside from every writer has a "irresitible distraction" for a lot it's cleaning or something.
My house is already clean, I've gone through that where I won't finish editing until blah blah blah is done. But that's just because I don't like the editing part. The writing is fun.
Mich-- te enyesaron? En verdad usa las muletas, para que no empeore nada :). Lo bueno esque tienes una semana para mejorarte. Estoy segura que vas a poder jugar el viernes :)
Mich---OUCH! I had a sprain like that back in high school (I ran hurdles in track) and it still pops 18 years later. Treat it well for proper healing!
Cyber hugs to you, lovely!
Remember, ICES:
Well, I was just curious about Tom...probably just cuz of his close proximity to Robert.
Yes it's true. I have it bad for TomFierce/Stu. Not as bad as I have it for Rob though.
Stella Tom & Rob. Isn't Rob's middle name Thomas?
I have a very active imagination but my mind doesn't go to the Rob & Tom stuff. I'm trying to picture it and there's nothing there.
Hope your sprain gets better.
Stella--no, sĂłlo me pusieron una fĂ©rula pero tengo que usar las muletas para no apoyar demasiado el pie. Yo tambiĂ©n espero poder jugar el sábado pero lo veo difĂcil porque no creo que me den incapacidad en el trabajo pues no fue una lesiĂłn laboral!
I meant never meeting Rob.
All I seem to do is picture Rob.
It's maddening sometimes.
It's time to see Twilight again.
Jov-- yeah, TomTom.
I don't picture them together. I never have, I just imagine Tom doing silly stuff like dancing like Sasha Fierce or shaving each other. I think that is the most I imagine them together.
Thank you girls, I'm feeling better because the medication, the Hot Pocket I'm eating and your cyber hugs :))
I hope you feel better, soon, Mich.
Sprains suck.
Rose---you need Rob to say, "say something to distract me"...I think that we all do!
Mich-- no creo que sean tan mamones en tu trabajo para no dejarte reposar un poco para que mejores. Pero usa lo que te dice Lynn, lo del ICES y las muletas. En verdad, creeme que mejoraras :)
LOL Hey, I know what you're saying about me!
I love to read your posts en espanol!
Lynn~ You always make me smile! Thank you!
Well, said British boy is quit the distraction!
I need to distract myself with my children...I hope to be back soon!
I meant quite and not quit.
Lynn--el idioma español es hermoso. siempre me ha parecido muy musical :)
Stella--yo tambiĂ©n creo que me dejarán descansar un par de dĂas, es sĂłlo que apenas tengo una semana en este nuevo empleo y todavĂa no conozco a todos los de RH. Pero supongo que entenderán ;)
"I'm honestly starting to feel bad for Tom. If I ever get to meet him, the first thing I would say is.. "Dude I'm sorry. But to be true I did it because I love you." Then I would hug him, and run away like Stewie."
LMAO! Me too. I love Tom though. Go to his IMDb page and the "we love you tom" thread and leave him a lovely message.
Ok, back to Rob - he's afraid of being hit by a car and he's accident prone. Poor guy. There's a little Bella in all of us I guess.
Thalia-- I have already gone and given my love to that thread quite a couple times. I was the one that asked Becca for the TomFierce .gif ;)
Mich-- tienen que hacerlo, no es como que te lastimaste para estar de floja.
Girls, I was wondering how did you see the other movies of Rob, TBMH and THA. Google Video or DVD? If DVD, where did you find them?
I've only seen the GV versions but they are crappy :(
I downloaded THA and watched TBMHB in youtube.
Hi again.
*rocks herself* LOL Stella!
Note to self: Never mention Rob or TomStu in the same sentence as BD or Nessie while Stella is on the board. Said word associations cause may cause severe anxiety.
Thalia - TomStu is a very talented actor. He's really very gifted and I admire him professionally. On the other hand, he has actually snuggled and spooned Rob which completely induces jealous rage on my part.
Oh, and he's prettier than I am. Damn you TomStu! *shakes fist*
Sorry, I left for awhile to listen to Sam's "Too Far Gone" and my mind left for awhile to imagine a jam session between him & Rob. I'm sure there has been some good music times with Rob and his musician friends. That's why songwriters are pretty deep because they are actually poets and the lyrics to Sam's version are pretty cool. I am grooving this song so much.
I watched both on Youtube and nearly blind in the process, but, it was so worth it!
Google Video isn't so bad! I have Robsessed friend that has tried to rent both without sny success. I would think that you would have to buy them if anything!
Only You Tube so far.
Sam's voice is wonderful!
I'll just have to be a musician's girlfriend.
last month I went to a Matt Nathanson concert and he was so tame, I heard he can be pretty raunchy and I was hoping for that. He is really funny though
Lynn & Jov - Sam Bradley has a beautiful voice and great interpretation of his songs. I'm very impressed.
I listened to some of Marcus Foster and Bobby Long too. Very talented group of British boys. They will go far. Especially now that Rob has put them in the spotlight.
AJ-- you know I love you more than I love Tom. Thanks for noticing how my anxiety kicks in when Nessie and Tom are related.
I recently found a cover Rob did of a Marcus Foster song, I liked it but it was so noisy lots of people talking :|
I'm currently in a KOL trance :)
Tess, you hopeless romantic you. I hear ya loud and clear. You are resonating through and through
I agree AJ. And Stella, Caleb's voice, you know how I love his voice. It's so haunting for me, hynotic. I play his music when I'm in the shower mostly.
I love Crawl. And Cold Desert a lot.
I haven't listened to Marcus Foster and Bobby Long. But, that Johnny Flynn is quite the musician and man....he is a looker!
Stella---I hear ya on the KOL trance!
Okay, I'm sure you are wondering what the hell I talking about. I just realized i commented on something tess said hours ago on the previous page!
I thought Tess went to the dentist.
Jules---olive juice, lovely!
Yes...and I've lost my mind. Never mind me...just trying to catch up. Y'all have been super busy again!
Johnny Flynn is cute. He reminds me a lot of my surfer friends. And I heard he's a couple with Laura Marling. I had a friend going through a breakup a few months ago and wore her music out.
Olive Juice to all you ladies, WOW!
Everyone is running kind of deep tonight. Must be something in the air. My mood is pretty much the same.....
Jules-- I understood :)
Jov-- the funny thing is, that one of my ex boyfriends loves KOL and he always tried to make me listen to them, but I just liked 'Red Morning Light' and now I hear them all the time. LMAO
Lynn-- I have no idea who Johnny Flynn is but I like his name.
Stella Star - hugs and kisses to you. And while we're giving those out I think we forgot to send some out to our favourite Hobo. Hugs and kisses (add a little tongue here) to you ROb!
I've listened to a bit of KOL and Van Morrison too. LOL! Rob's changed my life. And I recently started writing songs again (they suck btw) ... sample of one of my songs:
Rob I love you.
Will you marry me.
I'll ditch the hubby.
Hoooooot pockets and snaaaaaples! Whiiiip cream and megaphoooones!
The End. The voices in my head are applauding wildly.
I have secret passion for bluegrass and blondes....Johnny hits both marks well!
in the summer when i was writing my book there was a line in a laura marling song that inspired a whole chapter.
She's so young and so feeling
I think she's eighteen
Stella---Johnny's CD is the one that Rob mentioned in the Amazon vid....he's kind of folksy/jazz/bluegrass and dreamy as hell!
AJ LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You always do it for me babe
That song is epic.. can I sing in the back vocals "suspenders"???
Jov - I liked Laura Marling's music too. I've gained new appreciation for a whole new group of artists! Thanks Rob.
AJ---I am holding my lighter up for you and I will put on some Journey later and think of this moment!
Jules I was thinking the same thing.
I think for me it's because I thinking I can't have what I want.
I LOVE 70's music LYNN!!!
Checking in. I haven't been able to get on my computer all day so I'm poding it and our site is hard to connect to for some reason on my itouch. But I love you ladies and you all are seriously taking care of Rob lovin' business.
I will be on for a spell later. I miss you guys. Hopefully some of you will be on during the day tomorrow and we can chat. I miss you guys a lot actually....*sad face solitary tear*
I'm pensive tonight.
Let's try to break the 400 mark and freak out DAni!
Hey, Dani lovely! We're just having fun.
Sorry Dani didn't see you there
I'm always a troublestarter.
I'll put on my Soul Man song
Yeah, ladies, I'm not the best company tonight. I think I'll just blow kisses to each and everyone of you and bow out.
Olive juice and sweet dreams to all!
Jov - I'm game! 400+
Stella and Jov! We'll form a group! We'll be like Beyonce and what's-her-name and the other what's-her-name.
Lynn - I feel you swaying as we speak.
God I love the photo on my avatar. I think it's my favorite, no I think the sex drive photos,
no the staring head on, no, the interview shot, that one.
I want to photograph him so bad.
But that's not the number one thing I want to do first.
LMAO @ AJ, you're genius!
Jovie--musicians have a reputation for not being the best boyfriends. But all my boyfriends have been musicians LOL. And all of them were good.. verrrrrrrrry good!
Jules---I hope that all is well with you! Olive juice and "come back to me" (wink, wink) when you're ready.
Later, lady!
Why Jules, I'll cheer ya up
What happened?
XXXXOOO Jules! You rock!
I'll pour you a drink and put hold on for you, or your favorite song.
We don't have to talk deep, we can talk Rob
AJ---I sway and keeping licking my fingers to keep from burning them.
AJ-- I want to be what's her name that went from gospel to slutty in one album :)
Jules-- babe, I'm sending virtual hugs to you :)
Mich-- all my boyfriends know how to play the guitar and one of them plays the piano beautifully. But yeah, not the best boyfriends ever, but boy did they know how to kiss.
the best kisser I have ever had one time was yelling for me at my bedroom window drunk, he scared me and I broke up with him and then two years later ran into each other and such a great make out session in his car on the beach, man that was a great make out time
I love Beycone, her new message songs for young girls are so good.
Stella--Katy Perry? LMAO!
Oh yeah, musicians really know how to kiss.. and how to use his hands, :PP muahahahaha!
Stella there is nothing like a good kisser
and AJ I think I'm game we are up to 394
I need to go get a drink real quick, just a sec
Stella---I think that you're talking about Kelly Rowlands. You are so funny!
Thankfully, I married my "best kisser"!
Love that Mich, best kisser a musician.
naughtiest sex place?
Aww. Lynn that's so sweet.
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