robertandkristen.org has a Kristen Stewart interview up and the parts that concern Rob are below :
Q: Kristen, in first place I wanted to tell you that you’re a very good actress, and I think that the rol of Bella fits you very well. I’d like to know if you were fan of the saga before making the movie and if there’re gonna be movies for the 4 books. Kisses, Maria.
K: No, I didn’t know about it before. And we don’t know if the four are gonna be made into a movie, but it’s almost sure that we’re gonna make the second one. They were going to merge the second and the third into one movie, but they’ve changed their minds. I think we’re gonna make the third one too.
Q:How was it working with Robert Pattinson?
Very intense. He contemplates the infinite. He has a very focused energy. We spent three months together in the shooting with what we have known each other very well and he has become a great friend. And he’s hot.
Gozde---you're in my head. Love the article! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
A combo of New Moon and Eclipse would have been cool---more Rob scenes!!!
But, I see why the decision was made to split them up. Because, Breaking Dawn will be a magnitude of mayhem to make and it could take years.
I agree Lynn but do you really think they can pull off Breaking Dawn? I dont know. New Moon and Eclipse for sure but they. Have got to get cracking. So neat to hear some substantiality to the rumors though.
Yay Gozde as usual up with news.
I know that SM feels really strongly about BD. She's not convinced that computer technology is developed enough to make Renesmee seem real. But, I think that it can be pulled off with the right script. Renesmee would have a lot of scenes where she talks telepathically.
"and he's Hot" You have to Love her for that one!
I agree with all. I think the only people who would "get" a screen version of BD would be true fans of the book. A person seeing it without the emotion attachment to the books might think WTF? It's going to be rather gruesome, and a bit freaky. If the first book had started off with that, would any of us continued? we'd been thinking... OH COME ON!
Now SM could serve me up almost anything pertaining to the saga and I'd be like "alright"
KStew is awesome. Love in the interview how she says she would not have a choice, if someone like Edward came into her life. And that we are presumptuous to assume the afterlife is better than this one. Smart girl. Also, 'he contemplates the infinite' how cool, what a smart girl.
...and he's hot. You got to kiss that face, put your fingers in his hair, hold him close to you damn near everyday?
KStew you are a consumate professional! I would have constantly been a puddle. Hell he turns me into a puddle now and I've hadn't had the chance to get up close to him. You lucky bitch, ForeverEB!
...and he's hot...
AHAHA! "And he's hot"
Well what can i say K. Stew...When you're right! You're RIGHT!
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