Rob will be honored with the much deserved “New Hollywood Award” at the Hollywood Film Festival’s Gala Ceremony tonight. The event is at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills and if you get to go share the love and send us the pictures please :-)
Here is their official website.
Gozde---you're fast! I just emailed you about the same thing. Love it! I wish Rob was available on the NASDAQ, because, his stock is rocketing. Thanks for the updates!
Gotta love that uninhibited laugh!!
Hey Lynn, if they can sell pork bellys, they can surely figure out how to sell Rob zippers huh?
Bella's Mom - the way he rocks his head back and open mouth laugh's is one of my favorite things, Funny you should mention it - He is not ashamed to full out gut laugh...
Oh how I would love to share a laugh with him...
It does seem that Rob doesn't do anything half-assed.
Makes you wonder...
Wonder is just the beginning followed by obsessing and fantasizing!!! It's a sickness...
Sickness? Maybe... but one I don't mind being infected with! hahaha
I really hope someone is able to get some pics ans vid. Awe his laugh is infectious. Yay for talented Rob!
Zip zip zip!
There will be Red Carpet Photo's for sure... If not by us crazed fans and the papz then by this site: http://hollywoodawards.com/awards.html
Oh and there is a site for ya Godze in case we cant find any shots anywhere else...
I just want to eat him up for lunch.
Zip zip.... snap snap.... MEGAPHONE!
Oh my.
I so look forward to seeing fresh pictures of our beloved Rob.
How many do you think will have his wonderful fingers combing through his beautiful hair?
I wonder what he will wear. Any guesses? Something old, something old? Or something old with something slightly new or borrowed? Most def something black right?
Oh and how long do we think the sex hair can get before he cuts it? Wonder what he would look like all Jim Morrison.
Ooooohhhh so I am scouring the IMDB boards and someone posts a You-Tube vid of Rob in Mexico getting into the car after the event and if you pause it around the 5-6 sec mark...YOU CAN SEE A LITTLE BUTT CRACK...little scrap of flesh for all of you today
Forevereb - forgot to say thanks for the Little Ashes link last night b/c it took me a while to get my jaw off the floor. Gracias, merci and domo arigato!
Oh snap! Rob - pants are optional but please, please wear the suspenders and for pity's sake defend yourself with the megaphone.
LOL love the video with the butt crack:):):)
for tonight:
def something black
shoes- dr. Martens.
may be a tie?
and lot's of wild, crazy, sexy hair
Dani's link - Oh my, my, my. Crack addiction problem spiralling out of control across the world.
Bella's mom---zippers, megaphones, black jeans---mos def! LOL
Dani---ay, papi! I'd smoke that crack and then some....
I watched the vid about times and I am developing a kink in my neck.
I've been checking out the website for the Hollywood Awards Gala Ceremony and it's pretty cool. It will be fabulous to see what Rob's interpretation of black tie is and if the Docs make an appearance. My mouth is watering just thinking about it!
Fans of the flesh are we? I had to watch it like four times to really appreciate the buns. I'm a back girl. Love the lower back and now the crack.
Holy moly. His buns were right there! Little Ashes cannot come soon enough. Ah come! Ha get it? Oooohh I'm filthy today.
I'm thinking black pants. White shirt, open of course and maybe a loose black tie with a vest or jacket and def docs. We will see, but no crack tonight I dont think.
Tight and white---yowzah! Watched it like six times.....
Mmmmm, I'd love to see him in a smokey grey or black velvet jacket with an artfully unbuttoned white shirt underneath. Velvet is so touchable & soft, it just draws me in as if I need any more reasons to be drawn to Rob.
OK... I do not have time today to be watching his butt crack over and over again... but yet, I find myself doing just that. My neck hurts.
Aj - No problem, glad I could add something else to the list of all things Rob to look forward to.
I can already see I'm going to be hanging on the internet tonight waiting for Rob's version of "black tie"....
Black on White I predict - W/a tie... I think he might take this more serious... But if no Tie then his short will deff be unbottoned a few, It seems to be his M.O....
Wish we could all be there to support him, Dani may make him blush a little though and oh how I would love to see that fabulous face of his blush...
It has been a crazy 48 hours I say, Full of "Get in the car" K-Stew's fabulous behind, The dirt on full frontal for Little Ashes *sighs*, and of course you ladies constant humor and wit...
Zippers, Megaphones, And Suspenders to you All.
For Christmas I will be sending little golden zipper ornaments to you all with all my Love!!!
Woops, Typo, I meant shirt but really, shirt, pants whatever! preferably unbuttoned of course..
anyway... I am very curious to see how he chose to represent tonight... Imapatience!!!! Ahhhhh!!
It has already been a long day and this isn't helping...
Check this outfit out and I know what you are going to say, you don't have to thank me, because ZIP ZIP YOUR'RE WELCOME.
Oh please ignore the pretty girl who he is holding in the photo.
This is a black tie event? Hmmm...
I say he will probably wear something similar to the other day in Mexico, when he wore the tie...black pants (with suspenders hanging down?), white shirt...skinny black tie. The shirt will be a bit on the small side...maybe even a tad wrinkled...he will have the sleeves pushed up...
He will be as un black tie as he can get.
*I'll be your man
I'll understand
I'd do my best to
take good care of you
You'll be my Queen
I'll be your King
And I'll be your Lover, too*
Missing a letter/number... break it down pwease!!!!!!!!!!!
Thnx xoxo
prettyOk, I love that song, I am surprised you got so many of the lyrics because it's hard to understand... LOL...
may be he will wear his MTV music awards outfit or some of it..
Can't wait for tonight...
I think my son next word is going to be either Rob or zipper...
brooke, zipper ornaments from you and suspenders for presents from me LOL
Yes, it is a bit hard to understand...but the lyrics are out there, even though he changes them up a little...
I love the song...with his voice.
I'll be your man
I'll understand
I'd do my best to
take good care of you
You'll be my Queen
I'll be your King
And I'll be your Lover, too
Yes I will
Derry Down Green
Colour of my dream
A dream that's daily
Coming true
Oh, when day's through
I will come to you
And take you on
your many charms
Yeah, then you'll look at me
with eyes that see
And we'll melt into
each others eyes
You'll be my Queen
I'll be your King
And, I'll be your Lover, too...
Brooke did you see the zipper? Hello? It is wide open in that photo I thought you of all people could appreciate.
Ahhhh Sigh!!!!!!
Wow...that zipper is really OUT there!
Do you think he will stay away from the grubby converse shoes? lol
Seems like the zipper has been our friend and his enemy for a few years now as that photo was from 2006. Poor Rob and poor zipper, but yay for me.
P'Ok - I hope Not! LOL - I love them...
ok, here is another pic of the zipper, from dani's link (click for full image):
the zipper in all his glory:)
Geeez Dani - Those pants may be on inside out - That zipper is poppin... Or foldin, Or some other delightful term directed at that netheregion... Joy!
Eva - the eyes in that pic are fab, they look like lost, scared puppy asking me to take him home with me, I of course say yes and leash him by his suspenders...
Oh, how embarrassing, how did those pictures of Rob and I back in 2006 get on the webz?
LOL Brooke - you're killin me here and I'm trying to keep proper decorum at work.
ZIPPERGATE: Zipper predicaments seem to haunt him. I suggest he wear a kilt tonight. Skirt flip replaces zip zip.
Flip. Flip.
Flip Flip
That's Nice!
Ohhhhh, kilt. What a great idea... we should suggest that to his management.
He's so fricken attractive.. Have you guys listened to his laugh? It's hysterical.. it definitely doesn't match him, but adds to his "stock" thanks lynn
I love a dorky laugh on a gorgeous man. It's just gravy
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