Twilight' stars: then and now
Robert Pattinson (Edward Cullen)
Then: Before playing dead heartthrob Edward in "Twilight," Pattinson played Hogwarts heartthrob Cedric Diggory in "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire." Pictured at left, the actor attends the 2005 premiere of "House of Wax" with the same crazy hairdo.

Now: Between photo-ops -- on the right, at the Young Hollywood Awards -- Pattinson is busy promoting a pair of new films, the independent coming-of-age comedy "How to Be" and the Salvador Dali-Luis Bunuel biopic "Little Ashes."
Wow, what a difference three years make....his 5 o'clock was mos def early pubes there. Love the rosy cheeks! Rob's hair has gotten much better over even w/o product.
Weird I know, I am in awe of Elizabeth Reaser she is gorgeous, such a unique beauty she looks exactly how Stephanie described Eseme. And holy moly Jackson, okay my crush is still in place but WTF was that? My goodness they caught him on a really bad day in the before pic. Kristen is a gem so young, and Peter is a dish best served smoking hot.
Elizabeth Reaser is totally pretty and she is Esme to the core.
Okay, Cam dressed better back in the day---he needs to quit channeling his inner lumberjack and go around shirtless.
Ashley and Nikki have never had an ugly moment---maybe they are really vampahs!
Jackson's so delicious in both of those shots. My crush is also renewed.
Poor Kristen, can they find any early shot, where she doesn't look like a boy? She has definitely blossomed and then some.
And, Peter Facinelli....ay, papi! Jennie Garth is one lucky lady to have produced three babies with that specimen. He is totally Carlisle!
Are we here now? Holy all these new posts, I can't keep up!! Ahhhh
I will say that Rob def needs more sleep. You can see the heaviness under his eyes now and in most of his pics. He def needs to chill out after all the Twilight promo ends around the Holidays and take a Vacay or something ...or else he will be worn out.
Amy---I couldn't agree more! I am certainly not an advocate of presciption drug abuse, but, I hope that Rob has a physician that can dispense a few Valium or Ambien. The boy needs sleepy!
Dani- I believe the pic of Jackson is from the episode of The Cleaner that he did.
Lynn you are so right regarding Cam hello gorgeous. I am loving me some "Vampahs" right now. Ashley Green is my jam and I want to invite her over for spaghetti. (ps I always say that when I love someone and you all are welcome for some Italian treats at my house too).
Amy Im getting confused too, just so much out there today, but relax we are still around, catch the zipper!
Dana not a fan of that photo and hey when he was on that beautiful people show, he was GGGAAAGAA GORGEOUS...bad photo still have an unrelenting crush.
Poor Rob is tired as Hell can you blame him, so much promotion and flying and jet lag, lack of sleep, waking up early getting screamed at everywhere he goes. Then the cameras going off in his face all the time. It is a wonder to me that he still looks so damn good considering what he is going through.
The crazy thing is, the worldwide promotion hasn't even really kicked into gear yet...or the talk shows and interviews and stuff. I mean he did Mexico and went to Austin, but that's not much compared to what is coming...with Rome, New York, and all the other places. I'm sure he'll be asked to do the UK promotion too?? Well I would think he would be the one doing it ...either alone or with Kristen...
GOZ!! stop.. I need to catch up, you're killing me with all the posts. It's like I'm at Nordy's during the sale, and don't know which rack to hit first...
so, I'm just spreading my love all around
My eyes are glazing over..
I just hope Rob doesn't wind up like a Tyler Durden (a la Fight Club). Seriously, I hope to God that he's taking time to care for himself. Exhaustion is terrible!
Air kiss, air kiss to Tasper! Nordy's sound great, when are we going?
SO SORRY I keep sending Goz new stuff and I just found a bunch of Robert's music on myspace. There is this one profile with this wonderful piano solo. I wonder if it is the lullaby or something? I dunno sorry about all the craziness but there is a lot out there today.
You are so right Tess. I have a massive headache right now. But these girls keep sending me new stuff and I can't NOT post them :-) I will keep Rob's music for tomorrow. Something to look forward to eh?
This site still doesn't show up on google search :-(
Love y'all!
I think what I see in Robert's eyes is Panic... he looks wary. (and I don't blame him)
Kristen's photo was like a my 8th grade school picture (oh the horror) what a swan she's grown into!! (how funny am I)
Lynn, Lynn, Lynn... what I wouldn't give to go to Nordy's with my own personal stylist.
d-can you download from the Myspace?
AND is anyone else having slow loading issues?
Dani---never be sorry! Any Robgasmic news is noteworthy. I am trying to work off a carb overdose, so, the typing is helping me out.
Tasper---zip over to Rome and offer Rob a Reiki treatment. Is it required that patients be naked> Because, (dare I say it) that would sweet!
How is it now Tess? I removed the TV spots from sidebar and I will reduce the number of posts on the first page to daily posts.
I feel bad for Goz. But I told her to save some goodies then we can relax and reflect. Here is the link if you want it. I can make it clicky on Imdb but not on here for some reason.
Have you seen this one? Myspace music profile of some of Rob's stuff, fan opperated.\
I dunno if you can download from myspace....hmmmm. But no I am not having slowing issues over here. But my comp at work is kinda nice so no biggie.
I will continue to send goodies to Goz but she can post them as we need new material okay. Sorry Goz not meaning to bombard you.
Gozde--easy, girl! I had no clue if anything was truly wrong. I figured it was my computer. You are doing a fab job and the sidebar does look better!
Oh no don't stop Dani and all of you! I couldn't keep this site up without you. I made this site for you in the first place anyways.
Your wishes are my command :-)
New MTV article and Little Ashes photos...
Goz- Speed has already improved.. Looking forward to tomorrow's posts.
Lynn- I would love to be in Italy when he's there.. I'll be there over Christmas/New Years (in laws live there) so I was already aw shucksing that the promotions would be already done with... Maybe I'll luck out and be around for the shooting of the next movie?? I could be in the background of the Piazza scene?? ;)
Tess that would be wonderful, but if you get to go can I? Perhaps we can get some robes and sneak up on Rob. And since we're already in robes, could he refuse a rub down from two very capable ladies? Not to mention attractive ladies...well Tess for sure so we are a shoe in.
D-I don't think I would have the wherewithal to even approach the man.. I'd probably pull a 'Tess' and look the other way.. that's what I usually do to men I crush on.. I look the other way and ignore you out of extreme embarrassment.
haha, Tess that's exactly my "flirting style". Make sure they have no idea you exist by completely ignoring them.
Yeah I'm still single, lol.
It's an illness & probably why I was never asked out in High School..
I don't know how I would fair with a celebrity given my history of embarassment in front of them. But I have asked out every man I have had any long term relationships with so I will work on it. But I would pale in comparison to Rob's unbelievable perfection I would probably pass out.
I can't open my space link with Rob's music:(
Tess--I was the same way in high school.....I finally had to ask a guy to the prom. He could have been Edward---mystical, musical, beautiful...don't know what he saw in me. I guess I was the quinessential Bella.
You can download three of Rob's songs on Project Playlist. The downloads are actually pretty good.
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