Robert Pattinson New Moon Press Conference Audio -Part 1
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart on Access Hollywood
Access Extended Part I: Kristen Stewart On ‘Twilight’ Mania & Robert Pattinson Dating Rumors: Kristen Stewart sits down with Access’ Shaun Robinson to discuss the mania surrounding the “Twilight Saga” series. Does Kristen regret doing the series due to the invasion of privacy? Plus, what does she say about the rumors of she and Robert dating?
Access Extended Part II: Kristen Stewart On Hot Shirtless Co-Stars & Marrying Robert Vs. Taylor: Kristen Stewart chats with Access’ Shaun Robinson about all the hot, shirtless werewolves in “New Moon” and whether or not you can love two people at once. Plus, who does Kristen think would make a better husband — Taylor Lautner or Robert Pattinson?
Thanks to Access Hollywood for sending us the videos :)
Live Tweets From The Press Conference with Robert Pattinson
From Celebuzz:
Taylor Lautner says Robert Pattinson does a lot of boxing in his time off.
Taylor and Rob have argued between themselves who would win in a fight, Jacob or Edward. Taylor says that it's still up in the air.
Robert Pattinson is drinking a coke out of the bottle. Wearing a red plaid shirt and leather jacket.
Rob on the scene whr he comes 2 the light: I guess its kinda 1 of the clsest momnts Ive rly felt 2 ppls emotnl attchmnt 2 the char.
How has regular life changed for Rob: I don’t know what that really is like bc I have not had a sustained period where I’m off.
Would Rob fight Taylor? "Maybe if I had some kind of weapon" Hahah! #newmoon
Rob seems very confident answering questions, and his hair is only moderately messy today. :)
Robert Pattinson connected to New Moon the most out of the Twilight series. #newmoon #robertpattinson #rpattz
On Rob's appearances in New Moon: I was so worried that it was going to be random scenes. #newmoon #robertpattinson #rpattz
Who is ready for DVD extras? Rob said "There have been loads and loads of the apparition scenes cut out." #newmoon
Robert says his heart has never been broken like Edawrd's when he has to leave Bella. #newmoon #robertpattinson #rpattz
Rob on serending someone: You need to have so much balls to do that, Jesus Christ. #newmoon #rpattz #robertpattinson
Robs most romantic move: I put a rose on a girls locker when I was 15, or maybe I was 14. She thought it was someone else, and he claimed it
Rob's favorite vampire: I really like Wesley Snipes, I think Wesley Snipes is great (Bladerunner) #rpattz #newmoon #robertpattinson
Recently some magazine reported that I was pregnant, without a hint of irony or anything. I don’t even know what 2 make of that one. -RPattz
Robert Pattinson - I’ve got to stop being so self deprecating bc people are starting to believe it. #newmoon
"I don't know bwn me and Rob. He does a lot of boxing in his time off, so it might be a good matchup." - Lautner v. Pattinson?
Some guy named "Pattinson" is up next. Y'all probably don't care, right?
"He is like a saint. He's one of the best people I've ever met." - Pattinson is a big Chris Weitz fan.
"It's not Edward you're playing. It's a manifestation of Bella's loneliness and desperation." - Rob on being an apparition
Pattinson says that he's had three days off all year long, so he doesn't know how the "outside world" has changed.
"Looking at Taylor's martial arts videos from when he was like 9, I wouldn't want to do anything." Rob vs. Taylor?
"I think it's actually a *fact* that Edward would win. If I read the books correctly." Rob on Edward vs. Jacob
I do not believe that my hair would do what Rob's hair is currently doing. Nor am I certain I'd want it to?
"You've just got to remember that you're being paid." - Rob on distinguishing between on-screen love and off.
Rob says that loads and loads of apparition footage we shot and have been cut out. And he's happy with that.
"No, I don't think so." - Rob on whether he's ever had his heart broken like Bella's is broken in the movie.
"I actually can't think about a single romantic thing I've ever don." - Rob
"I really like Wesley Snipes. I think Wesley Snipes is great." - Rob struggling with his favorite movie vamp
"I've got to stop being so self-deprecating, because people are starting to believe it." - Rob
Rob says he things "Breaking Dawn" is tentatively scheduled to begin shooting next fall. But he isn't sure.
That's all, folks. WHEW. Thanks for following along.
Robert Pattinson Access Hollywood Interview
Los Angeles, Calif. --
Robert Pattinson doesn’t need to show his six-pack, the star joked with Access Hollywood’s Shaun Robinson at the “New Moon” junket in Los Angeles on Friday.
“I don’t walk around with my shirt off all the time!” he joked, poking fun at the often bare-chested “New Moon” wolf pack. “It’s like driving a fancy car – you’re insecure about something.”
Robert, who plays vampire hunk Edward, said he’s more worried about his famous hair.
“I’ve actually just got rid of my dandruff, which is great,” he laughed.
Jokes aside, Robert was serious when it came to “New Moon,” where he takes a secondary role to Taylor Lautner’s Jacob Black.
“It’s my favorite book,” he said, adding that the Stephenie Meyer novel influenced how he approached his performance in the rest of the “Twilight Saga” series as well. “I really connected to [it] really quickly.
“It think it’s an improvement [on ‘Twilight’],” he continued, noting that he was able to make some changes to Edward’s character, being out of the spotlight. “It was nice not being the lead.”
Less nice however, has been dealing with the tabloid rumors that seem to crop up every day, including one that linked Robert to a traffic accident.
“I may have just walked into a cab,” Robert explained. “That was so innocuous – there were no fans there. It was 4:30 in the morning.”
But it was another movie set rumor that scared his dear old mum.
“I had a heroin overdose in New York as well, that was an exciting one for my mother,” he said of another false report. “I’d been working so much, I didn’t answer the phone. I’m so ignorant. I don’t think it had set in that anyone read [the tabloids].”
And while he wouldn’t comment on the rumors swirling about the status of his relationship with co-star Kristen Stewart, Robert did answer an Access fan question about dating older women.
“I’m open to pretty much anything,” he said.
Robert Pattinson in Ritem & Plus Magazine (Solvenia)

Translation of the interesting parts:
New Moon, the Twilight sequel is finally here. Love between mortal Bella and vampire Edward is put through a big test: will they manage to overcome irreconcilable differences?
Robert Pattinson on fame: I am a simple guy and as every 23 year old I like to go out to drink. Lately I do that less often, because I am always surrounded with huge amount of fans. Of course it is great to have so many fans, but I still haven't get used to not have any privacy outside my home - except when I disguise myself.
Kristen Stewart on Bella: I am completely addicted to Bella. When lights go off and the shoot is over for the day, I can't say good bye to her and she is accompanying me even when I'm alone. No doubt she owns me.
Robert and Kristen on making the movie:
Even though the actors became friends while making Twilight, there was some angst making New Moon. The story has more dramatic turnouts, and we felt a responsibility towards fans - we didn't want to disappoint them, because they liked Twilight so much. First responses say we did a good job.
Thank you to the fabulous Darja for sending us the scans and doing the translation.
HQ Harpers Bazaar Scans With Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart
Simon Fuller to be Executive Producer on Robert Pattinson's "Bel Ami"

The impresario Simon Fuller, who created the Spice Girls and now works with Victoria Beckham in fashion and her husband David in football, is to make his move into the Hollywood film industry. Fuller will be the executive producer of a feature film starring the young British heartthrob Robert Pattinson, known to his legion of young female fans as "RPattz".
Fuller will oversee the film adaptation of Guy de Maupassant's erotic novel Bel Ami. Pattinson will star as a young man who rises to the top of Parisian society in the 1890s, via the bed-chambers of the city's most powerful women. Pattinson is best known for his appearance in last year's romantic fantasy Twilight and for the part of Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
What People Magazine say are the top 5 best things about New Moon
Because The Twilight Saga: New Moon is probably the most highly anticipated movie of the year, fervent fans – whether on Team Edward or Team Jacob – are practically salivating at the prospect of seeing their favorite heartthrobs on the big screen once the movie opens Nov. 20.
And since PEOPLE has gotten an early look at the film, now we can report on the top five aspects to New Moon that fans can eagerly anticipate. (Warning: Spoiler Alert!)
Robert Pattinson to appear on French TV November 10th
Rob will appear as a guest on a news show with Laurence Ferrari on TF1 channel
The show will air live at 8pm (GMT+1) .
Robert Pattinson and New Moon in AcciĂłn Magazine (Spain)
These are just the parts where Rob is featured. To see the rest go to the source
Source TodoTwilightSaga
New Moon Press Pre-Screening Reactions
From TwilightLexicon
Looks like we have a winner folks, here’s what press that saw New Moon at a pre-screening are saying on Twitter, and mind you they pretty much aren’t allowed to say much. Off the record, we are getting thumbs ups!
“I was very impressed not only by the visual effects and the movie, but by the acting itself. Chris Weitz is bad ass.” (Kate:Yes he is)
“Just saw New Moon. Better than Twilight and crowd just applauded at end. Leaves on a soap opera sting….”
“I’m not allowed to say anything! But be sure to follow me tomorrow at @celebuzz – Big day for RPattz news!”
“I enjoyed it more than Twilight, lot of frenching! RT @mytwitherapy: @JasonKennedy1 so….how was the new moon press screening?!?!? ”
"@shaunssanctuary just came frm seeing NM.I guess it’s every girl’s dream to have a vampire & werewolf fighting over her!”
“One word: amazing! I was very impressed all around – visuals were stunning. The underwater scene..le sigh. And Summit was fabulous!!” (Kate: Emmmmm... no comment)
“ @LarryCarroll: “New Moon” was genuinely awesome. A lot of people are about to be very happy.”
Kate: So it looks like good news reviews all round.
Robert Pattinson in Jeune & Jolie Magazine(France) with Translation
Thanks to or affilate "Thinking Of Rob" for the translation.Please source then if you repost.
Within a week (right after Twilight came out), Robert Pattinson became a star who attracted hordes of fans everywhere he went. In person, wearing a discrete black & white stripped polo shirt, the actor is as charismatic as Edward Cullen, the vampire who stole Bella Swan’s heart (Kristen Stewart). Ending each response with a heartfelt laugh, Rob Pattz keeps running his hands through his messy hair, which contributed to his legend. Exclusive interview with the star for the release of New Moon on November 18th.
Interview: Mathieu Carratier. Photos Stewart Shining Art + Commerce
We tend to forget today the fact that fans were very hard on you when the casting of Twilight was announced.
Yes, that’s why I didn’t want to play Edward at the beginning. I felt that no one could be up to the standards of the role for the fans. I had no clue what Twilight was before going to the audition. I didn’t know if they were going to take me, but I really liked Kristen Stewart in “Into the Wild”, so I told myself “Why not try it out”, and I got the role… It’s only when we started filming that I started to realize how popular the novels were and I started to panic (laughs).
9 Minutes of New Moon...
via TwiCrackAddict who truly rocks my socks :)
Robert Pattinson : New Moon is Sad, There's a lot of Pain
Also Why would anyone talk over Rob? Huh huh? :)
I do love hearing all the names pronounced in Spanish though. Sounds so cool :)
Thanks Robert Pattinson Source :)