Robert Pattinson talks about the pressure of not being Edward and how he hopes that the film doesn't get eclipsed by the Twilight connection.LOL "Eclipsed" get it LOL
He also talks about Pierce and what he learnt from him.
Rob talks about how crazy it was filming in New York, the cab "incedent" and he tries to explain his allergy to vaginas! Oh Rob you're hilarious.
You Tube Version. Thanks to
Access Hollywood Talks To Robert Pattinson About "Remember Me",Getting Hit By Cabs & His Allergy To Vaginas
Robert Pattinson Interview with HitFix at the Remember Me Junket
Robert Pattinson reveals 'Breaking Dawn' hopes, 'There Will Be Blood' regrets...

“Breaking Dawn” was the longest book in the “Twilight” series, but Robert Pattinson doesn’t “really mind either way” whether its film adaptation should be one long film or two.
“If they can make it one script… It depends. l wouldn’t know where the first one would really end and the second one would begin. I mean, either way, there’s [more] movies to do, and people like them,” said the 23-year-old English actor, who plays Edward Cullen in the movie franchise.
Pattinson made the comments during an interview with HitFix as he’s promoting forthcoming drama “Remember Me,” co-starring Emilie de Ravin, due in theaters March 12.
As previously reported, “Twilight” colleague Kristen Stewart said that she thinks “the story absolutely warrants two films. But I think you could do it with one. It just depends." She also told HitFix in a video interview that it wouldn’t be a bad idea to make “Breaking Dawn” in 3-D, either.
Pattinson not only spoke on films to come, but also ones that passed him by. When asked if he’s ever been offered a script or role that he turned down for feared of not pulling it off, Pattinson revealed that Academy Award-winning “There Will Be Blood” “will always be one of my biggest regrets.”
“I remember reading the script and thinking it was the best script ever. I just couldn’t do it. And I was so pissed off afterwards. I was gonna go into the audition, but I was just, like, I can’t do it,” he laughed. “Also ‘The Assassination of Jesse James [by the Coward Robert Ford]’ -- that was the other. I don’t know why I’ve pussied out of these things. I wouldn’t do it ever again.”
Lucky for him, Pattinson has at least a couple projects to keep busy, with “Bel Ami” currently lensing and “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse” due June 30.
“Breaking Dawn” was the longest book in the “Twilight” series, but Robert Pattinson doesn’t “really mind either way” whether its film adaptation should be one long film or two.
“If they can make it one script… It depends. l wouldn’t know where the first one would really end and the second one would begin. I mean, either way, there’s [more] movies to do, and people like them,” said the 23-year-old English actor, who plays Edward Cullen in the movie franchise.
Pattinson made the comments during an interview with HitFix as he’s promoting forthcoming drama “Remember Me,” co-starring Emilie de Ravin, due in theaters March 12.
As previously reported, “Twilight” colleague Kristen Stewart said that she thinks “the story absolutely warrants two films. But I think you could do it with one. It just depends." She also told HitFix in a video interview that it wouldn’t be a bad idea to make “Breaking Dawn” in 3-D, either.
Pattinson not only spoke on films to come, but also ones that passed him by. When asked if he’s ever been offered a script or role that he turned down for feared of not pulling it off, Pattinson revealed that Academy Award-winning “There Will Be Blood” “will always be one of my biggest regrets.”
“I remember reading the script and thinking it was the best script ever. I just couldn’t do it. And I was so pissed off afterwards. I was gonna go into the audition, but I was just, like, I can’t do it,” he laughed. “Also ‘The Assassination of Jesse James [by the Coward Robert Ford]’ -- that was the other. I don’t know why I’ve pussied out of these things. I wouldn’t do it ever again.”
Lucky for him, Pattinson has at least a couple projects to keep busy, with “Bel Ami” currently lensing and “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse” due June 30.
Remember me Press Junket,
Robert Pattinson
Interview with Robert Pattinson From The Remember Me Press Junket
A few people have pointed out that this interview does have a couple of indirect spoilers... so if you want to stay spoiler free I suggest skipping this one. Kat
Exclusive interview with Robert Pattinson! Rob talks Remember Me, Bel Ami, and what makes him happy!

Yesterday I attended a roundtable interview with Robert Pattinson for his upcoming romantic drama Remember Me. I’m a new writer at Collider and it was my first time attending a press junket and participating in a roundtable interview. Let’s just say it was an interesting experience. Anyway, in the coming days, expect more from the junket and I’ll also be contributing TV and film news.
Since Rob was there to talk about Remember Me, I was only able to get a small bit of information for you Twilight fans. But about Remember Me, Rob was very passionate about the film and seemed very eager to dive deep into his character, Tyler Hawkins. He spent a lot of time unfolding the elements of Tyler, and discovering how much he had in common with him. Hit the jump for everything Rob had to say. Remember Me gets released March 12.
Was there a time where you were sitting with Alan Coulter and the producer and something clicked for you? Can you talk about why you were attracted to this character, and about taking that step to produce?
Robert Pattinson: Well, the producing thing. (laughs) I’m kind of embarrassed about the producing thing because I wasn’t really acting like a proper producer. I only really came on after the shoot just to kind of help Alan and Nick make sure that the product was what the product in which we all wanted to make in the end. It was the summer after the first Twilight thing. I read it then and I met with Alan and Nick. I thought they were really great, and I talked to them for hours about it. I think basically what I commented to them about was, what shocked me was I was reading a ton of scripts and it just didn’t fall into any, the way the dialogue was written and the plot was structured, it didn’t fit into any kind of normal category. It didn’t seem very formulaic. I had just read tons and tons of formulaic scripts in one genre or another and it was just such a relief to find that. There was also something about Tyler, the way he reacted to things seemed very relatable to me, and I hadn’t seen another character like it in like 100 scripts. So that’s why when the period came up betweenNew Moon and Eclipse , we only had two months, you can’t really do that much, it’s difficult to find a movie which can fit in such a short period. It seemed like the perfect fit.
He’s a rebellious character, especially against his father. Were you attracted to that idea?
Pattinson: I mean, I don’t know if it was so much about just the rebellion that interested me. I liked how it seemed like Tyler didn’t really know what he was rebelling against. It seemed like no matter what his father was like, no matter what everyone around him is like, he’d still be rebelling. There was one interesting thing, I liked how he wasn’t fighting against everybody, he only chose to fight against his father. I think it was a pretty broken family to begin with, and I think he just takes out all of his rage on his father because his father is the only one who can take it. I mean if he tried to attack his mother, she’d probably end up killing herself or something. She’s too wounded to be able to take that. I don’t think it’s particularly typical rebel. It just comes in fits and starts all the time, so I think he’s kind of faking it. I think what he’s really rebelling against is himself.
Exclusive interview with Robert Pattinson! Rob talks Remember Me, Bel Ami, and what makes him happy!
Yesterday I attended a roundtable interview with Robert Pattinson for his upcoming romantic drama Remember Me. I’m a new writer at Collider and it was my first time attending a press junket and participating in a roundtable interview. Let’s just say it was an interesting experience. Anyway, in the coming days, expect more from the junket and I’ll also be contributing TV and film news.
Since Rob was there to talk about Remember Me, I was only able to get a small bit of information for you Twilight fans. But about Remember Me, Rob was very passionate about the film and seemed very eager to dive deep into his character, Tyler Hawkins. He spent a lot of time unfolding the elements of Tyler, and discovering how much he had in common with him. Hit the jump for everything Rob had to say. Remember Me gets released March 12.
Was there a time where you were sitting with Alan Coulter and the producer and something clicked for you? Can you talk about why you were attracted to this character, and about taking that step to produce?
Robert Pattinson: Well, the producing thing. (laughs) I’m kind of embarrassed about the producing thing because I wasn’t really acting like a proper producer. I only really came on after the shoot just to kind of help Alan and Nick make sure that the product was what the product in which we all wanted to make in the end. It was the summer after the first Twilight thing. I read it then and I met with Alan and Nick. I thought they were really great, and I talked to them for hours about it. I think basically what I commented to them about was, what shocked me was I was reading a ton of scripts and it just didn’t fall into any, the way the dialogue was written and the plot was structured, it didn’t fit into any kind of normal category. It didn’t seem very formulaic. I had just read tons and tons of formulaic scripts in one genre or another and it was just such a relief to find that. There was also something about Tyler, the way he reacted to things seemed very relatable to me, and I hadn’t seen another character like it in like 100 scripts. So that’s why when the period came up between
He’s a rebellious character, especially against his father. Were you attracted to that idea?
Pattinson: I mean, I don’t know if it was so much about just the rebellion that interested me. I liked how it seemed like Tyler didn’t really know what he was rebelling against. It seemed like no matter what his father was like, no matter what everyone around him is like, he’d still be rebelling. There was one interesting thing, I liked how he wasn’t fighting against everybody, he only chose to fight against his father. I think it was a pretty broken family to begin with, and I think he just takes out all of his rage on his father because his father is the only one who can take it. I mean if he tried to attack his mother, she’d probably end up killing herself or something. She’s too wounded to be able to take that. I don’t think it’s particularly typical rebel. It just comes in fits and starts all the time, so I think he’s kind of faking it. I think what he’s really rebelling against is himself.
Robert Pattinson Day 2 Junket Pic
Em Rob what's with the hair?? For some reason "Something About Mary" comes to mind, I wonder why??
Source AndreaMineocnn
Source AndreaMineocnn
*New* HQ "Remember Me" Stills & BTS With Robert Pattinson
Pics have been resized to fit the screen. Right click and save, they will save to full size.

Source Collider
Head over to to see other stills without Rob.
Source Collider
Head over to to see other stills without Rob.
*New* Robert Pattinson Pictures From "Remember Me" Press Junket
Gah tags on the face, why the face? The face and hair are off limits, do you not know this by now?

Source Pattinson Ladies. Thanks to Kim and RobstenLovex
Source Pattinson Ladies. Thanks to Kim and RobstenLovex
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