ROBsessed 30 Days for Rob's 30 Years: Robert Pattinson - The Awesome Storyteller
With nearly every interview we get a little bit of crazy, a little bit of something you're not sure whether to believe or not. Truth or tale... either way, the stories are always awesome.
Like this one for example...
... or nits, no thoughts and ballet dancing!
Or how about super heavy saliva?
I miss these interviews! Memories.
Join in and post what's on your list of awesomeness for Rob's 30th in the comments below!
Robert Pattinson Birthday Countdown: Robsessed/BagItTotes Scavenger Hunt ~ Round-Up
One more day to Rob's Birthday!!!
AND one more day till we announce the winners of our Scavenger Hunt, so we're giving you a little refresher of the questions.
We've had LOTS of entries so far but this is just a reminder that if you haven't sent in your entry yet that you have until 11:59PM PST Tonight to get it in to us!
So here are the questions again Click on each question number to go to the original posts because some days there were hints!
Question 1: Head over to the website & find the tote that we're giving away. We want to know what the tote is called.
Question 2: Who is the 5th musician listed under the ARTIST category on our post titled, The Robert Pattinson Music Club: Rob's musical picks find a home on the blog
Question 3: What is the 13th book title on our post titled: The Robert Pattinson Book Club: Rob's Reading List Finds A Home On The Blog
Question 4: What is the name of the moderator who posted our first Happy Birthday Rob post in 2009?
Question 5: What day of the week was Rob born on? (we don't want the date we want the day)
Right you should now have a total of 5 answers.
Here are the details you need to send in your answers to us.
Robert Pattinson Birthday Countdown: Rob is a giver and so are we! "His fans care about his causes and it showed."
The ROBsessed/BagItTotes Scavenger Hunt is over and you guys are busy pulling together your answers to send to us. We'll post a recap for the questions later but in the meantime, we wanted to supply a "Rob is a giver" wallpaper that was requested during the ROBsessed Holiday Season and spread some awesome news from one of Rob's previous charities.
If you guys recall, the artwork displayed in the wallpaper is Rob's original artwork titled Unfinished City. Rob drew this piece on a home plate for the Home Plate Project of the Arizona Diamondbacks. Click HERE to relive what the Power of Rob brought to this charitable auction.
Tim and Cory from the Home Plate Project reached out to us recently in hopes of contacting Rob to participate in the 2013 Home Plate Project. They said Rob's contribution was amazing:
"[Rob's] impact, heavily aided by the support you provided us, was amazing. His fan base is passionate, you care tremendously about his causes and it showed big time."
Tim and Cory told us Rob's involvement ended up generating over $12,000 for the charity and their team won the first year of the Give Back league volunteer competition! This honor was announced at their holiday party in December and the whole team reflected on the great experience they had from Rob's lending hand and his impactful fan base.
While I would have rather enjoyed writing them back and saying, "Why yes, Tim and Cory! I can help you. Let me cc Nick in this email and we'll set up a lunch with Rob to discuss his next one-of-a-kind, home plate masterpiece," I had to instead wipe away a sad tear and explain that my connection with Rob is merely in my dreams. *sigh*
The silver lining is we do have this blog and well...this.... there's a slim chance we can help them out and get the message out there that Tim and Cory from the Home Plate Project of the Arizona Diamondbacks want you, Rob! Slim is better than nothing, right?
What do you guys think? Would you like to see Rob flex his Picasso muscles again and sketch another metropolis on the brink of completion? Maybe he'll finish the town with chimney'd roofs and plentiful greenery?
Fingers crossed and I can't wait for us to have another CharityRob post! If you'd like to contribute to a Rob charity in honor of his birthday, here are links for a few:
Robert Pattinson Birthday Countdown: Party like its 2009! ROBsessed/BagItTotes Scavenger Hunt Question #4
It's Day 4 already! One more day to go hunting then it'll be time to head back to the campsite and gather your answers. I'm letting my imagination run away with me for the scavenger hunt.
Ok this miiiiight get a little tricky for you BUT the tools to find your answer to the next question are all on the blog. Specifically....the side bar. Enough clues!
Question 4:
What is the name of the moderator who posted our first Happy Birthday Rob post in 2009?
Yup. Strap on your gear and start huntin'! Stayed tuned for your final question tomorrow! If you missed the logistics:
The contest is WORLDWIDE!
Final hunt is on May 11th and you'll have May 11th and 12th to submit your answers to 5 total questions.
Have you missed any questions? Click HERE to catch up under our scavenger hunt tag.
5 winners will be announced on Rob's birthday, May 13th!
The prize up for grabs: Valerie from Bag It Totes has given us these fabulous, one-of-a-kind ROBsessed totes (worth $28 each)!
Robert Pattinson Birthday Countdown: Rob the Book Worm! ROBsessed/BagItTotes Scavenger Hunt Question #3
It's Day 3! How are you guys doing so far?? Finding those answers? This day gets a little tougher because you have to SEARCH for the post title since it hasn't been updated recently. I also included another quick way to the answer in this post. A quick way to find what you're seeking....
Anyway, let's get to that 3rd question that focuses on the well read, Mr. Pattinson.
Question 3:
What is the 13th book title on our post titled: The Robert Pattinson Book Club: Rob's Reading List Finds A Home On The Blog
We picked the 13th because that's Rob's special day! Unlucky to many....but holy to ROBsessed.
Stayed tuned for Question 4 tomorrow! If you missed the logistics:
The contest is WORLDWIDE!
Final hunt is on May 11th and you'll have May 11th and 12th to submit your answers to 5 total questions.
Have you missed any questions? Click HERE to catch up under our scavenger hunt tag.
5 winners will be announced on Rob's birthday, May 13th!
The prize up for grabs: Valerie from Bag It Totes has given us these fabulous, one-of-a-kind ROBsessed totes (worth $28 each)!
NOTE: Birthday messages to Rob for his tribute video are due TODAY! Submit by 12pm PST May 9th. Click HERE for details if you want to participate!
Robert Pattinson Birthday Countdown: The rhythm is gonna getcha! ROBsessed/BagItTotes Scavenger Hunt Question #2
It's Day 2 for our Robert Pattinson Birthday Countdown and time for Question 2 in our ROBsessed/BagItTotes Scavenger Hunt! Are you a player?? I wish I was a player but that wouldn't exactly be fair since I know all the answers. *pouts*
This question is going to have you guys searching on the blog. You shouldn't have to search toooooo far since the musically inclined information you're seeking was recently updated. ;) Ready??
Question 2:
Who is the 5th musician listed under the ARTIST category on our post titled, The Robert Pattinson Music Club: Rob's musical picks find a home on the blog
You guys know Rob is a huge fan of music and we have a regularly updated music club featuring known songs, artists and concerts that Rob has mentioned or attended. Once you find the 5th musician under ARTIST (5th in honor of the 5th month of Rob's birth), jot it down with your Question 1 answer. If you have time, browse the rest of the list to see our favorite guy's eclectic taste. Maybe make yourself a playlist for Rob's birthday. Can you imagine if we ever got to see his iPod library??
Stayed tuned for Question 3 tomorrow. It's for the book worms. Lastly, a few more logistics in case you missed them:
The contest is WORLDWIDE!
Final hunt is on May 11th and you'll have May 11th and 12th to submit your answers to 5 total questions (birthday month!).
Have you missed the first question? Click HERE to catch up under our scavenger hunt tag.
5 winners (there's that birthday month again) will be announced on Rob's birthday, May 13th!
The prize up for grabs: Valerie from Bag It Totes has given us these fabulous, one-of-a-kind ROBsessed totes (worth $28 each)!
NOTE: There's only one more day to submit a birthday wish to Rob on our tribute video! Click HERE for details if you want to participate!
Robert Pattinson Birthday Countdown: Welcome To The Robsessed/Bag It Totes Scavenger Hunt ~ Question #1
In case you're not aware it's Rob's Birthday very soon (we may have mentioned that a few times already ;-p) and what would a Birthday be like without PRESENTS, right?
The lovely Valerie from Bag It Totes has given us 5 yes FIVE! of these fabulous one-of-a-kind Robsessed totes (worth $28 each) to giveaway. This tote is available (in limited quantities) to buy on the Bag It Totes website but does NOT have the Robsessed Banner on them so these ones are extra special ;-)
Want to know how you can win one ? Read on............
Starting today up until the 11th May we'll be posting a question for you in our Scavenger Hunt.
Just collect the answers to the questions posted each day and keep them in a safe place.
On the 11th May when we give you your last question we will also tell you where to send your answers.
You'll have the 11th & 12th to send your answers into us and on the 13th May (Rob's Birthday) we'll announce the five winners that will be randomly drawn from the correct answers. The competition is open Worldwide!!
Are you excited!?!?
Ok Let's Go............ an easy question to start you off ;-))
Question 1: Head over to the BagItTotes.comwebsite & find the totethat we're giving away. We want to know what the tote is called.
Keep your answer in a safe place and come back tomorrow for your next question
Don't Forget There's still time to submit a birthday wish to Rob on our tribute video! Click HERE for details if you want to participate!
What better way to kick off a week of birthday celebrations for the muse of our little blog that could, than to celebrate the birthday of the one that made it all happen?
Goz, thank you so much for starting the blog all those years ago, probably not knowing how many people you would bring together and how many friendships would be made. All in the name of Rob.
Raising a glass, or two... hell, three or more on your birthday. May all your wishes come true.
We love you,
Kat, Kate and Tink xoxo
Because we love to share the love... here's a wallpaper gift for all.
And after the cut... a trip down memory lane with a 2008/2009 picspam... the Rob that inspired the blog in it's first year.
The money from donations will be used towards purchases for the blog. Not a single dime will go into our pockets :) Help us bring you better content/pictures by donating. Every little bit helps!
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