We're giving you a rare glimpse behind the scenes here at ROBsessed! Now ROBsessed is a well organised team. Your mods all come from different time zones. We're lucky to have video skills, banner skills, wordsmiths amongst us. You'd think we have schedules, spreadsheets, plans .... (well we do but this is what happens when Tink is asleep)! So here's our late night/early morning planning session .... (names have been removed to protect the guilty)
So the plan is, each day in May your mods are taking turns to post one thing that we think is awesome about Rob. We're not telling each other what we are posting and so each day will be as much a surprise to us as to you!
And we're asking you, our readers to join in the fun. So what do you think? Can you name 30 awesome things about Rob to celebrate his 30th?
Let us know in the comments section of this post and we'll add your ideas to ours! Just include a list of 30 awesome things about Rob in your comment and at the end of the month we'll post your ideas as well. Let us know if you want be anonymous. It can be arranged!
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