"Ok be honest, how many of you are counting his chest hairs?!"
"Hot Damn!"
"this isn’t exactly a mind-blowing edit. i made it last night because i wanted a new wallpaper but it’s my fave of the moment. i had just finished up some other edits prepping for the RobHoliday and was a little lazy when i decided i wanted this. this image didn’t need any work other than scaling the size and changing the location of the Robs so the main DiorRob was on the left, where i wanted him. not only do i find him crazy sexy in this picture, it feels very holiday-ish to me…in subtle ways - the dark wood in the background with the touches of light. the gorgeous suit with the shimmer on the lapel. his dark, strong features against skin reflecting the cool of Winter. DiorRob is going to a holiday party and he stopped in the hallway for this picture. next up for DiorRob, entering a ballroom filled with tray passed bubbly, cheerful laughs, seductive gazes, christmas trees, sparkling lights and an orchestra. LOL see? my imagination makes this edit come alive."
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