Gorgeous New/Old Pic Of Robert Pattinson (12th Nov 2008)

I love this new/old B&W Pic of Robert Pattinson from back in 2008 (and look who's keeping a close eye in the background)

Imagine being the person in the crowd that he's pointing to with his eyebrow quirked up like that and .......and..........and look at the way he's holding that microphone..... gah. Ok I'm rambling now.......

If you want to see why he was pointing check out the beginning of the second video below and then prepare to get jealous!


The photograph is by Nicole Peterson of Monsterbrand
Here's what she said about it:
"Shot this photo a few years ago at a promotional event for the film known as "Twilight". I am by no means a fan of the franchise, but I thought the event would be a good photo opportunity, so I attended. Boy, was I floored (and sometimes frightened) by the enthusiasm of the fans. Twilight itself is too flat and one-dimensional for me, but Robert Pattinson, the actor seemed an all-around cool guy, had a good head on his shoulders. A very funny individual. You can count me as a Pattinson fan, but not a Twilight fan. Overall, just a great photographic learning experience for me. Also! I'm also very excited to hear he was recently cast in "Lawrence of Arabia".
 If you are reposting this please make sure to credit Nicole and link back to her ;-)

And just in case you had any doubt about what Nicole said about about the enthusiasm of the fans check out these vids from the event (the Hot Topic Tour In Chicago)
Turn down your volume!!!

And here's one of him off stage where you can actually hear what he's saying ;-))
Mmmmmmm you know that bit about knowing at the end of that week all those people wouldn't be waiting for you anymore, ya, you we kinda wrong about that!

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