VIDEO: A look into Robert Pattinson's character in 'The Rover'

VIDEO: A look into Robert Pattinson's character in 'The Rover'

UPDATE: Videos were removed from Sam's vimeo page so if you wanted the spoiler, I hope you caught it. The scenes played like an interrogation and a confrontation.

This is VERY cool. The Rover is a tight ship. Not much info about the film coming from that front. We know how Rob describes it:
"It's a kind of a western," Pattinson explained. "It's very existential. It's really interesting. I couldn't really explain to you what it's about but it's sort of about how much pain can the world take and how much disgust and cruelty before love dies. I think that's kind of what it's about."
And we know he's proud of winning the role of Rey.

Now we have Sam Claflin's (Finnick in the upcoming film Catching Fire, of The Hunger Games series) audition tapes for the film playing Rob's character! Check out the videos to get a little more insight into Rey:

Source: THE ROVER - Scene 1 from Sam Claflin on Vimeo | Via: The Rover Film
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