UPDATE #4: More under the cut in the gallery
UPDATE #3: From SocialiteLife
Over 50 pics after the cut!
UPDATE #2: Nick is there :)
UPDATE: Over 30 HQ thumbnails added in the gallery below for your CSI beard & body analysis. Where's Dean? Where's Nick? Think they're joining MountainManRob later? Will Parisian stylists give him a shave? The questions never end in the D.R.
There were lots of questions about where in the world is Robert Pattinson but here in the dark recesses, we had other pressing questions:
How long is the beard? Will we have sexhair for promo?
Rob, always the giver, has answered.
I like his socked foot, twisting kinda wonky on his toe. That's my fetish reveal for the day.
Update #2
Updated thumbnails
Click and save!
HQs: Source