Notice anything different?
The darker smolder, the slight smirk dimple on the left, more golden eyes...if you don't see it yet then look at what we've had so far:
Now you see?? They don't call us ROBsessed for nuthin'!
I love the new Robward expression. This one will pop up on those theater displays that we got a sneak peak of from @Twilight. There wasn't a HQ pic given of it so it wasn't as noticeable:
Where did I get this new promotional shot? It's on the back ground of the source link but that source link contains skeptical, leaked information. You can see what it is in the title. Enter at your own risk. Obviously I took the risk, looked, and came out alive with a new Rob pic. Not bad. :)
Source: OfficialTwilightBreakingDawnOST