Everybody believes in, worships, loves, admires, adores, desires or even goes cuckoo over some entity/person.
For us that person is Robert Pattinson and HIS birthday is very near.
That holy, blessed day...
Our Robmas...
The day HIS light was bestowed upon us...
For us that person is Robert Pattinson and HIS birthday is very near.
That holy, blessed day...
Our Robmas...
The day HIS light was bestowed upon us...
Too much? Yeah sometimes I go overboard but you know what I mean, right Rob?

Last year for Robert Pattinson's birthday we made a video with your pictures/notes to HIM (okay I'll stop).
It was cute, funny, crazy.
It makes me smile everytime I watch it:
If the video is blocked in your country click here to watch.
This year we'd like to do it even bigger!
So send us your pictures with your message to Rob on it.
You can see all the pictures from last year HERE and the birthday post HERE.
Look at the examples and you'll know what to do!
(You can also send us your song suggestions for the video)
Please send the pictures to birthday@robsessedpattinson.com by May 10th, midnight.
We'll make the video and we're sure Lizzy will make sure Rob sees it :)
Thank you!

Last year for Robert Pattinson's birthday we made a video with your pictures/notes to HIM (okay I'll stop).
It was cute, funny, crazy.
It makes me smile everytime I watch it:
If the video is blocked in your country click here to watch.
This year we'd like to do it even bigger!
So send us your pictures with your message to Rob on it.
You can see all the pictures from last year HERE and the birthday post HERE.
Look at the examples and you'll know what to do!
(You can also send us your song suggestions for the video)
Please send the pictures to birthday@robsessedpattinson.com by May 10th, midnight.
We'll make the video and we're sure Lizzy will make sure Rob sees it :)
Thank you!