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Thanks a Million to Fritzerina
for translating this for us!
Robert Pattinson, the vampire in the twilight saga, looks tired but has a huge smile on his face because right now he is promoting his new movie "Water For Elephants" and he is ready to talk about everything besides kristen stewart, who everyone claims to be his girlfriend. Everyone but him who doesn't even want to talk about it.
Q: Lets talk about water for elephants,as soon as the movie start, on the screen we see a phrase about your character and the fact that he is still waiting for his life to start, that since that moment nothing important has already happen to him. Have you ever had this same feeling? Moreover for you what really was the turning point in your life?
A: My life already started but i didn't reach the turning point yet. Even if i think i reach the turning point every 2 years. Let me explain..every 2/3 years it feels like my life is moving in fastforward and everytime i find myself thinking: What's going to happen now.
Q: So what is going to happen now?
A: I don't know. I think i'm reaching the end of something
Q: Work or personal life?
A: Both. Work in some kind of way is an influence in private life. It's like every 3 movies something in my life changes.
Q: What would you like to do now?
A: I would like to be able to give something more during the production of a movie. After the Twilight Saga I have another project. Cosmopolis, with director David Cronenberg I believe it's going to be fun and a completely different work from the one on the Twilight Saga. And after Cosmopolis i think i want to start something new. I already have some project in mind.
Q: Are you talking about music? Still thinking about being a musician?
A:Yes even though I haven't played in long time. To be clear I don't play every day anymore. For example recently i was in New Orleans and I played piano with a local band in a pub. It was fun and I asked myself: "Why did i stop to playing the piano?" It was incredible and I had so much fun. However working with music needs a lot of time and to do it i would have to leave everything else, take 6 months off just for playing and learning to play piano and guitar again. But at this time in my career i can't afford to do it.
Q: Right now you are working only on you movie career: What does it feels to be the guy who every women of every age feels in love with?
A: I can't explain what I feel. Yes it's good, but I hope all the love depends on my work and on me and not of the image that people create of me. I hope they like me for who I am, and not for what the people imagine me to be and want me to be. I'm happy for all this love and I appreciate it so much and the only thing I can do is thank the fans by doing my job well and hoping that my movies are going to be loved. I don't know any other way to thank the fans.
Q: You seems so modest. But when you look at yourself in the mirror you have to recognise that you are handsome and that you are loved even for this reason
A: Yes i realize that. But it's funny how before Twilight I never had the part of the good looking guy.
After Twilight everything changed and it's weird because all of a sudden everyone started looking at me in a different way.
Q: I read that one time you went out for dinner with a fan..true or false?
A: It's true, it happened in Spain. But it was before Twilight. The girl was a fan of Harry Potter and she recognized me. I was in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenyx and the Goblet Of Fire.
Q: Where in Spain?
A: Barcelona where I was filming Little Ashes. I was filming in that city and this girl was always waiting for me asking me for an autograph outside of my apartment every single day. I didn't know anybody in Barcelona and she knew English and she seems like a nice normal girl. (Kate: Yeap she sounds like a nice normal stalker) One night while i was going out for a dinner alone, as usual, she was there outside my apartment so i asked her "do you wanna come to dinner with me?" We had dinner together and after that she didn't wait for me anymore. (Kate: The word idiot springs to mind! ) She went with me to her parent's restaurant so they pay the bill.
Q: Congrats! Lets change subject:what do you to relax?
A: I don't relax, I can't. It might sound pathetic I know. I would like to organize a trip on a plane just so i can have time to sleep.
Q: What do you do when you are not working? Do you have a special day?
A: When I'm not working i often just sit down..I'm pretty boring. I try to watch a movie, but my attention doesn't last long, so after 20 minutes i get distracted and I start to play with my cellphone. It's an easy game i don't have to concentrate i just have to move a ball. I can play with this game for 16 hours. (Kate: I think this is that game "Falldown", which I have to admit I have downloaded on my phone and it is addictive though I don't know about playing it for 16 hours!)
Q: Almost like meditation...
A: Exactly. And it's all I do when I have free time: I sit and's frustrating.
Q: You have a pretty stressful life?if this is the case, do you play this game to relax?
A:I'm more tired than stressed. It's strange feeling always tired, always exhausted. I can't even rest. It feels like I'm running even when I'm not moving.
Q: You could always go to the gym. Do you do it or you keep yourself in shape in other ways?
A: Unfortunately i had to workout at the beginning of breaking dawn's shooting. I didn't want to, but I had to do it because I have to go around shirtless and I was obsessed with it: I didn't want to fail. So I started to eat healthier go to the gym and for bike rides. I did a lot of sport and then after the shirtless scene I stoped. I hope I'm never going to have do this again so i can eat all the pretzels I want.
Q: Pretzels?
A: I love them: it's crazy but I eat like tons of them every week. And I love m&m's too. It's insane but I can't resist pretzels and m&m's. My dog loves pretzels too
Q: You have a dog??? How can you take care of him with all of your work?
A: Idon't know, I just got him.
I took him from a dog shelter they wanted to kill him. I saw him and I took him. I didn't want him to die. I didn't give him a name yet! when Iwas young I had another dog and it's very relaxing to have them near. I love to have my dog with me all the time...he is like a saviour.
Q: You feel ruthless because you are always travelling?
A: Pretty much, and it's bazaar. When I'm working I don't think about it. I go home, I set my alarm, i sleep, I wake up and I go to work. It doesn't matter where I am. I could be in my London but it will always be the same wherever I am.
Q: What do you miss of England when you are in the states or anywhere else?
A: Newspapers. I still love the British ones more. But I miss the sport's page most.
Q: What do you read on them?
A: Soccer
Q: What did you learn in this last year?
A: That not everybody likes you.
(Kate: Awwww well we like you Rob and that's the iimportant thing!)