Robert Pattinson, Tom Sturridge and the ugly shirt land in London. Was it wrong of me to hope he'd spill something on the shirt during the flight? Not that it would stop him from wearing it :)
Look at your bodyguard Rob he is dressed pretty sharp :)
Yellow never looks good on people who are very pale. Although that last pic, I could totally be mean to the paps and say that he is calling them a-holes in sign language--oh wait did I say that out loud? ;) :P
I really like his shirt! What's wrong with it? I think it's pretty hip, no?
So I went to bed with the- Rob says goodbye to the US" post and wake up with "Rob is home" ladies are amazing at keeping this up to date. Thank you.
I have been especially ROBsessed lately--I love ROBsessing, I really do, but I think it may be getting a little out of hand!!
Aww, I have the same Adidas... ~ this is so lovely... Yes, the shirt is ugly, but I would not care if he gave it to me; unwashed, please. I would keep it between my legs, every night...
I honestly don't see anything wrong with that Rolling Stones tee-shirt! At least, for once, he is wearing something new... LOL... He is just perfect... How can somebody who just spent the night in a plane look so great? My last jetlag wasn't that nice... LOL...
Caption for pic #4 "I shouldnt have eaten that dodgy plane food... got a tummy ache now. But at least no-one noticed I spilled mustard on my t-shirt." Yeah, silly, I know :p
Yay! He's back. Not that we had to miss him really, since we were all kept so well-informed :) I hardly notice the yellow t-shirt, Rob could wear anything (or nothing ;)) - makes no difference to his gorgeousness!
mmmm. so that was his yellow bag... lol! I really don't mind the shirt, of course I'd be glad to take it off him for all of you guys! ;) I LOVE Hoboulicious!!!
What's with the dissing of the shirt. It has the American flag on it andI am happy with anything that makes him feel a little closer to us. Anyone know who the woman is? Oh and apparently the big yellow bag was his all the time rather than Kristen's unless he borrowed her bag for going home. He still looks awesome after that long flight and all of the hustle and bustle of New York. Back to Bel Ami and orgies with naked girls. Hum. Wonder if he is up for that?
Of these things I am certain: - The POW/MIA and American flag on acid shirts are Rob's latest Salvation Army acquisitions. - Rob's bodyguard is a raging metrosexual... Not that there's anything wrong with that! - TomStu is the best friend ever... And also, his shoes came from the same place that Rob's shirts came from... I mean hot pink and purple, really?! - That airport escort is totally team Edward and he's having a jizztastic moment. (was going to just say jizz, but my iPhone suggested jizzstastic... I love Steve Jobs!!) - Pretty sure Rob just got laid... 99.9% sure. Him wearing that shirt is the other .01%, but then again, it IS Kstew. - I can't believe the Robless side didn't call TomSteu over. Do they not know he is the Other Brittish white meat? Duh! - Jon Stewart and Rob need to hang out in front of a camera at least once per week after having a drink or two. All I'm saying is that if we can't have world peace, we can at least have that. - Lastly, although he was over 200 moles away from me, I feel Rob's absence already. It's like a whole has been punched through my chest and I'm fighting the impulse of flying to London and jumping into his arms at a very high rate of speed. *sigh* *hunkers down for Rob draught part 2*
So good to see Rob and Tom safely back home again:)
These last days were like really crazy, not only for us, but especially for Rob. He did great with all the promotion. He must be exhausted now. I hope they let him rest a bit before he starts working on BA again.
Thank you so much ROBsessed Ladies for your wonderful work these past few days. It was really incredible. You're the best!
P.S. About the yellow T-shirt... I like it. I think he looks cute in it. Good to see him in some stronger colours.
ADM, so canNOT wear yellow (most can't). But this is Rob. The Pretty!
Looks good in ripped, torn, worn, AGED (snort), new, PLAID (shudder), tuxes, tees, jeans, TIGHT GRAY SUITS, wizard wear, SHIRTLESS---well, anything and nothing at all. And it's the Stones! The tongue thing is so suggestive... (Sorry, NB moment.)
you can't make fun of the shirt it's the "stones", it's really cool and the color is just rob :)
so i saw the JS show and loved it, i forgot how funny his show is. first, that skit with the girl trying to help the guy find a job was freaking hilarious. but the main attraction...Rob was just great loved his comments and i love his laugh so much, i think i heard more during the press tour than any other time.
Welcome back in Europe,Rob. In one continent all the ladies are crying, because he goes away. In another continent the Ladies are crying, because he is coming. So Rob the hankerchief- industries is on a good way. We should invest here. lol
@rpg - I thought it was much more Rob giggling and laughing more than an interview. I thought he was adorkable, but sad they didn't *talk* really. It was much a one-sided conversation.
You're right RPG, JS's questions were the shallow same old thing Rob's answered over and over again.
Stewart was happy to just set up his own schtick: Bella bashing and getting laid joke, but didn't even try and seriously engage Rob's witty mind. And Rob looked anxiously tuned in and ready for some serious rumbling for once... didn't happen.
JS producers should have known our boy was capable of so much more.... wasted opportunity. But at least, as Brosnan likes to say, the boy "acquitted" himself well!
@wens - it's a yellow orangey with a us flag. It seems to be a Stones tour shirt maybe?? I think some of the other ladies have better info about it than I do.
RPG, agree Rob is worth more than drivel (as most talk shows are, imo, sorry!) BUT, was totally jazzed that all the press and interviews seem to be completely charmed by Rob! All in all, things went so well! Very positive reviews for movie and for Rob!
Woot! Score for Rob! Then again, Rob is always major WIN!
what I cant get is that these hosts INTERRUPT all the damn time. Person can just show up and say half a sentence-theyll interrupt and steal the limelight. Finish they're thoughts and make some sad azz jokes.
@RPG.. the only thing I liked about the JS show was that I got to see Rob for at least 2 seconds... and I heard him laugh... that's it. JS hardly asked him about his new movie and barely let him talk. And don't get me wrong I love JS but he blew it with Rob. :(
Halfway down, pix of both. Rob had it on underneath in all the Premiere pix. According to latest internet gossip anyway. Still, photos are everywhere about her wearing his shirt home.
Yep, would so do that as well! Rob smell!!! Oh, jealous of CL & Angie---smelling The Pretty!!!
Gwen GREAT SITE!! thanks for the heads up! Im a fashion nut (in a hick town) and I love to see where these stars get their sh!t. Im SOO jealous-bout the chanel ring. DAMNIT!! she earned brownie points with that one from me. *grumbles and shoots back to site* sharp azz jeans too,and she has the same black chucks I wore out.
My only complaint about his time with Jon was that it was too short. I didn't really expect any real movie discussion and enjoyed it - Rob was engaged and engaging, without the generic 'polite' expression he uses as cover. They bantered, even if briefly. Hope he does it again.
Here's another link with pics of K and R wearing the same shirt and R wearing the shirt underneath his button down at the premiere:
The pic is in the comments. Of course, don't know if it's REALLY his shirt but it definitely looks that way! :)
Ugh can we please drop the shirt thing, it just makes some people look really desparate, his shirt or not I don't care and what does it have to do with this post? geez!
Second, if it was his shirt don't you think it would have appeared big on her? And that knot would have been much bigger because the shirt would have at least needed to be knoted several times because compare his height to hers, and if it was his shirt it would reach down to her knees. And the shoulder length would have been big on her, and the shirt would have appeared very loose. That doesn't appear to be the case in this pic. (geez, I can't believe I'm engaging in such silly topics).
Now back on topic, I am glad that Robert and Tom have landed safely, now it's back to work for Robert. I don't understand why they didn't ask him about "Water For Elephants", I REALLY wanted to know about that, and when they might start shooting.
Rob has so little time and he grabs the first thing he sees to put on for the plane ride home. He doesn't care what color it is, nor should we. I am too obsessed with this guy, think I need therapy.
I have to be honest. I depend on your blog, I meet all the criteria of Robsession including signing on to Robsessed more than 10 times per day. But it hurts me, it literally HURTS me, it causes me physical pain, when people are saying that Rob's shirt is ugly, or that his gorgeous gray suit was too tight. Not only do I just not agree, but even if I did, which I don't, I think Rob has a right to wear whatever he wants. He obviously has his own sense of style, which takes a lot of effort to look like he doesn't care, and these choices are part of it. Just the very fact that he chose these things makes me love them. Just one obsessed person's opinion here. And most importantly, thank you Gozde and Kate for doing what you do!!
@rpattzgirl, I'm with you on that one... Finally found somebody who believes that this show was just a waste of time... Better than the view and all those grannies around him but what's the point of inviting somebody if you keep talking...
maybe he wore the yellow shirt to match the yellow bag LOL.
i get what you are saying about JS show but i just liked hearing rob laugh, he made me smile. but i agree nothing of anything was said in the interview, it was mostly JS talking...
One other thing about the DS int: I think Jon was a little thrown off and changed his tone - initially planning to be a lot more cynical with Rob. And then he met him....
Don't like the yellow but can't grudge him the shirt at all. I want it.
Glad Rob made it home safe and sound. I've decided from now on I'm not going to focus on hair, clothes or most of all rumors but instead It's all about this gorgeous man. DM and Scentaddict, totally agree with both of you.
Rob is back to his beloved London, his home. I don`t care about his clothes, about his shirts, t-shirts or maybe I will send him new ones, something more sexy, something like him, something like the way he is , nothing he would like to get rid , something so simple and special just like him.
I love you Rob. My beautiful english man is back, safe and proud of his great work.
I don´t get why you think the t-shirt is bad - you honestly rather see him in the bodyguards horrible turtleneck than a vintage rolling stones t-shirt?! you guys are weird ... love rob in a band tee!
AP--I agree Rob's time with Jon was too short, and the skit about the woman helping the guy find a job was too long. 0:-) I thought Jon would do more with the Stewart reference than simply calling himself JStew.
I mean, think about it, how many black or red bags go round and round before you can spot your funky handkerchief/key chain/bobble head/knit thingy tied to the handle? Smart guy, our Rob!
nothing wrong with the shirt. he can wear rags and still look gorgeous :) still floating on air with all those pics and vids. Thanks goz,kate,kat,rachel(?)
About The JS show... I loved how in the commerical before the show came on...jon stewart says: "Ladies....put your husbands to bed and hide your overies... Robert Pattinson is on"
my thoughts about the tee...they bought each other monthsary gifts. k got R a vintage rolling stones tee and Rob ask tom to grab something from his yellow bag :)
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Rob is in my time zone again and all is right with the world!
LOL~Kate, I felt the same way when he was in NY.
Yellow never looks good on people who are very pale.
Although that last pic, I could totally be mean to the paps and say that he is calling them a-holes in sign language--oh wait did I say that out loud? ;) :P
I really like his shirt! What's wrong with it? I think it's pretty hip, no?
So I went to bed with the- Rob says goodbye to the US" post and wake up with "Rob is home" ladies are amazing at keeping this up to date. Thank you.
I have been especially ROBsessed lately--I love ROBsessing, I really do, but I think it may be getting a little out of hand!!
Rob back in London safe. He looks tired, it´s not strange after the jet lag and the very busy in NY and sharing his night with Kristen.
Now, he´ll work again in BEL AMI...and maybe counting the days to see again his love.
LOL! Is it wrong to love that shirt???
Fuck, I love his everything!
Oh and dear, sweet Tom! :DDDDD
Yes Kate, the world is right again, he's back in LDN! :D
Thank Gawd, he got back safely.
Aww, I have the same Adidas... ~ this is so lovely...
Yes, the shirt is ugly, but I would not care if he gave it to me; unwashed, please. I would keep it between my legs, every night...
I honestly don't see anything wrong with that Rolling Stones tee-shirt! At least, for once, he is wearing something new... LOL...
He is just perfect... How can somebody who just spent the night in a plane look so great? My last jetlag wasn't that nice... LOL...
He's keeping himself awake playing air guitar again! Or perhaps loosening up those fingers for tomorrow's next mercenary shoot?
That shirt says it all: sex-slinging Brit artists meet US fandamonium... well chosen Rob!
I bet he's exhausted... So glad he made it home safely...miss him already!
i'm sad that he is gone :) but i know you guys will take good care of him LOL
thanks kate
Caption for pic #4 "I shouldnt have eaten that dodgy plane food... got a tummy ache now. But at least no-one noticed I spilled mustard on my t-shirt."
Yeah, silly, I know :p
Oh Robert Thomas Pattinson!!!
Where are my Nikes????? ccccc!
Yay! He's back. Not that we had to miss him really, since we were all kept so well-informed :)
I hardly notice the yellow t-shirt, Rob could wear anything (or nothing ;)) - makes no difference to his gorgeousness!
Exqueeze me, the color has not been invented that doesn't look good on Rob!
Its ugly but frighteningly enough he pulls it off...really doesn't look too bad on him!
@fae hahah lol you made me laugh:)
rob you are so good with these things lol is there any time that he doesnt good enough
mmmm. so that was his yellow bag... lol!
I really don't mind the shirt, of course I'd be glad to take it off him for all of you guys!
I LOVE Hoboulicious!!!
What's with the dissing of the shirt. It has the American flag on it andI am happy with anything that makes him feel a little closer to us. Anyone know who the woman is? Oh and apparently the big yellow bag was his all the time rather than Kristen's unless he borrowed her bag for going home. He still looks awesome after that long flight and all of the hustle and bustle of New York. Back to Bel Ami and orgies with naked girls. Hum. Wonder if he is up for that?
I don't mind the shirt--it's the stones, man!
but TomStu really needs to lose the trucker hat.
Of these things I am certain:
- The POW/MIA and American flag on acid shirts are Rob's latest Salvation Army acquisitions.
- Rob's bodyguard is a raging metrosexual... Not that there's anything wrong with that!
- TomStu is the best friend ever... And also, his shoes came from the same place that Rob's shirts came from... I mean hot pink and purple, really?!
- That airport escort is totally team Edward and he's having a jizztastic moment. (was going to just say jizz, but my iPhone suggested jizzstastic... I love Steve Jobs!!)
- Pretty sure Rob just got laid... 99.9% sure. Him wearing that shirt is the other .01%, but then again, it IS Kstew.
- I can't believe the Robless side didn't call TomSteu over. Do they not know he is the Other Brittish white meat? Duh!
- Jon Stewart and Rob need to hang out in front of a camera at least once per week after having a drink or two. All I'm saying is that if we can't have world peace, we can at least have that.
- Lastly, although he was over 200 moles away from me, I feel Rob's absence already. It's like a whole has been punched through my chest and I'm fighting the impulse of flying to London and jumping into his arms at a very high rate of speed. *sigh* *hunkers down for Rob draught part 2*
So good to see Rob and Tom safely back home again:)
These last days were like really crazy, not only for us, but especially for Rob. He did great with all the promotion. He must be exhausted now. I hope they let him rest a bit before he starts working on BA again.
Thank you so much ROBsessed Ladies for your wonderful work these past few days. It was really incredible. You're the best!
P.S. About the yellow T-shirt... I like it. I think he looks cute in it. Good to see him in some stronger colours.
@Fae girl plss find me at yahoo chat;) want to talk with you
Do you think the Bodyguard has a life? Is he on call for when rob needs him, does he just leave whatever he's doing and hop on a plane for him?
Think the shirt is sooo Rob that it's cool! ; )
For the record: LOVE the Stones, hate the color. ☺
@M! OMG, thank you for witty words---LMAO while drinking coffee!
That commentary was priceless! That airport guy? Oh, yeah, so right!
Ditto on the laid part and mucho ditto on JS and Rob having drinks---but on camera! In lieu of world peace? It's a nice second...
He'd look good in a sack but not a fan of yellow either.
Love the air guitar fingers. Shows he's composing/playing in his head. My hubs is a musician and does the same thing when he's nervous.
Whaddadoo ladies!! **waves**
My thought is...maybe it's KStew's shirt. I mean, the pics of her from yesterday - it just makes sense to me! ;)
ADM, so canNOT wear yellow (most can't). But this is Rob. The Pretty!
Looks good in ripped, torn, worn, AGED (snort), new, PLAID (shudder), tuxes, tees, jeans, TIGHT GRAY SUITS, wizard wear, SHIRTLESS---well, anything and nothing at all. And it's the Stones! The tongue thing is so suggestive... (Sorry, NB moment.)
Rob can DO yellow! LOL!
Hiya, MG! Morning! It's 8:15 am here, still trying play catch up on all the great Rob vid and pix!
One additional great thing about the Great Robstock 2010 Part 1 endeavor is new mad twitter skills!
Woot! ; )
can't see the shirt but i can hardly wait--LOL
so the yellow bag was his. sad he is gone but he seems very happy when he is home
DUDE! thats my shirt-HE stole it!! -and it AINT fugly!! lol!
I haven't been able to peek elsewhere yet this am, but has anyone heard from CL and angie? Did they get home ok?
you can't make fun of the shirt it's the "stones", it's really cool and the color is just rob :)
so i saw the JS show and loved it, i forgot how funny his show is. first, that skit with the girl trying to help the guy find a job was freaking hilarious. but the main attraction...Rob was just great loved his comments and i love his laugh so much, i think i heard more during the press tour than any other time.
MG, they are in the air right now!
Posted the last 3 tweets right above in the View popsugar longer vid thread.
i saw him on the JS show last night--he is sweet all the time--this is going to be a let down when the drought starts again :(
Welcome back in Europe,Rob.
In one continent all the ladies are crying, because he goes away. In another continent the Ladies are crying, because he is coming. So Rob the hankerchief- industries is on a good way. We should invest here. lol
Am I the only one that hated the JS show? What a waste of Rob...not worth the 3.5 min he spent on the show....
Thanks Gwen! I'll go check in a sec.
@wens - you mean the yellow Rob is home shirt?
martini--yes i'm blind at work just wondered what it looked like
@rpg - I thought it was much more Rob giggling and laughing more than an interview. I thought he was adorkable, but sad they didn't *talk* really. It was much a one-sided conversation.
You're right RPG, JS's questions were the shallow same old thing Rob's answered over and over again.
Stewart was happy to just set up his own schtick: Bella bashing and getting laid joke, but didn't even try and seriously engage Rob's witty mind. And Rob looked anxiously tuned in and ready for some serious rumbling for once... didn't happen.
JS producers should have known our boy was capable of so much more.... wasted opportunity. But at least, as Brosnan likes to say, the boy "acquitted" himself well!
My thoughts as well. JS did all the talking, but really said nothing...stoooopid....
@wens - it's a yellow orangey with a us flag. It seems to be a Stones tour shirt maybe?? I think some of the other ladies have better info about it than I do.
rpg-i thought he was adorable as ever but the interview wasn't any better then the JF--they don't interview just talk about stupid stuff
True, guess I was just hoping for one intelligent question!
i'm with you rpg--that mind of his needs to be tapped--he is very intelligent
RPG, agree Rob is worth more than drivel (as most talk shows are, imo, sorry!) BUT, was totally jazzed that all the press and interviews seem to be completely charmed by Rob! All in all, things went so well! Very positive reviews for movie and for Rob!
Woot! Score for Rob! Then again, Rob is always major WIN!
I prefer Rob with his grubby/borderline homeless look. :)
@Fae, I love the shirt too ;)
@Gwen, Rob look good in any color ;)
Hi to everyone :D
And Rob i closer to me ;)makes me happy
what I cant get is that these hosts INTERRUPT all the damn time. Person can just show up and say half a sentence-theyll interrupt and steal the limelight. Finish they're thoughts and make some sad azz jokes.
skorpia--exactly--why are they there if not to promote their movie/tv show
@RPG.. the only thing I liked about the JS show was that I got to see Rob for at least 2 seconds... and I heard him laugh...
that's it.
JS hardly asked him about his new movie and barely let him talk.
And don't get me wrong I love JS but he blew it with Rob. :(
oh my.. the faces he did.. I desperately need to cuddle him...
@Annie... you lucky girl.He's so far from us now. Happy for you! *waving hello*
Well, Kristen did where his shirt home yesterday, so he must not have had any other options! :)
where is that pic aly? you got the proof babe? That yellow shirt looks way too big for KS-?
---*looks around* where'd she go?? Im just wondering where all my fav Tshirts are going :(
Halfway down, pix of both. Rob had it on underneath in all the Premiere pix. According to latest internet gossip anyway. Still, photos are everywhere about her wearing his shirt home.
Yep, would so do that as well! Rob smell!!! Oh, jealous of CL & Angie---smelling The Pretty!!!
*chokes on golden grahms*
ROb!!! you got some splainen' to do!! :)
is the mystery of the yellow bag resolved his soft fingers are bloodless shouldn't someone help :D
Gwen GREAT SITE!! thanks for the heads up! Im a fashion nut (in a hick town) and I love to see where these stars get their sh!t. Im SOO jealous-bout the chanel ring. DAMNIT!! she earned brownie points with that one from me. *grumbles and shoots back to site* sharp azz jeans too,and she has the same black chucks I wore out.
My only complaint about his time with Jon was that it was too short. I didn't really expect any real movie discussion and enjoyed it - Rob was engaged and engaging, without the generic 'polite' expression he uses as cover. They bantered, even if briefly. Hope he does it again.
(Troll is Out and proud)......
Glad to see him home safely,i uploaded my pics i took of Rob up close and i put them on my myspace and facebook page,
my friends are sooooo jealous HA
and i love his shirt,its yellow he is pale so great combination,i think he looks hot in yellow.........NYC loves Rob baby.
Here's another link with pics of K and R wearing the same shirt and R wearing the shirt underneath his button down at the premiere:
The pic is in the comments. Of course, don't know if it's REALLY his shirt but it definitely looks that way! :)
Ugh can we please drop the shirt thing, it just makes some people look really desparate, his shirt or not I don't care and what does it have to do with this post? geez!
Second, if it was his shirt don't you think it would have appeared big on her? And that knot would have been much bigger because the shirt would have at least needed to be knoted several times because compare his height to hers, and if it was his shirt it would reach down to her knees. And the shoulder length would have been big on her, and the shirt would have appeared very loose. That doesn't appear to be the case in this pic. (geez, I can't believe I'm engaging in such silly topics).
Now back on topic, I am glad that Robert and Tom have landed safely, now it's back to work for Robert. I don't understand why they didn't ask him about "Water For Elephants", I REALLY wanted to know about that, and when they might start shooting.
Skorpia, that site? I know, right? Everyone says that! It's fabulous! Totally dig what KS wears too!
Especially her promo attire---and SHOES!!!
Way short here, heels are AWESOME!
Tom is so cute!!
Rob has so little time and he grabs the first thing he sees to put on for the plane ride home. He doesn't care what color it is, nor should we. I am too obsessed with this guy, think I need therapy.
I have to be honest. I depend on your blog, I meet all the criteria of Robsession including signing on to Robsessed more than 10 times per day. But it hurts me, it literally HURTS me, it causes me physical pain, when people are saying that Rob's shirt is ugly, or that his gorgeous gray suit was too tight. Not only do I just not agree, but even if I did, which I don't, I think Rob has a right to wear whatever he wants. He obviously has his own sense of style, which takes a lot of effort to look like he doesn't care, and these choices are part of it. Just the very fact that he chose these things makes me love them. Just one obsessed person's opinion here. And most importantly, thank you Gozde and Kate for doing what you do!!
Tom is so cute!!
@rpattzgirl, I'm with you on that one... Finally found somebody who believes that this show was just a waste of time... Better than the view and all those grannies around him but what's the point of inviting somebody if you keep talking...
maybe he wore the yellow shirt to match the yellow bag LOL.
i get what you are saying about JS show but i just liked hearing rob laugh, he made me smile. but i agree nothing of anything was said in the interview, it was mostly JS talking...
Anyway, whether we like it or not, it's vintage, so it must cost a fortune... It's from The Rolling Stones' 1989 "Steel Wheels" tour.
One other thing about the DS int: I think Jon was a little thrown off and changed his tone - initially planning to be a lot more cynical with Rob. And then he met him....
Don't like the yellow but can't grudge him the shirt at all. I want it.
I'm just glad he wasn't wearing Toms tulip sweater. LOL Don't get me wrong I love Tom too, but please Tom ditch the tulips
Glad Rob made it home safe and sound. I've decided from now on I'm not going to focus on hair, clothes or most of all rumors but instead It's all about this gorgeous man. DM and Scentaddict, totally agree with both of you.
Obviously the yellow shirt matches his yellow bag. Don't you know anything about putting together an outfit? :-)
LOL, when everyone saw the yellow bag they thought it wasn't his.
Still loving the shirt and the bag ;)
Rob is back to his beloved London, his home. I don`t care about his clothes, about his shirts, t-shirts or maybe I will send him new ones, something more sexy, something like him, something like the way he is , nothing he would like to get rid , something so simple and special just like him.
I love you Rob. My beautiful english man is back, safe and proud of his great work.
Remember Me - Brazil - 12 march
I don´t get why you think the t-shirt is bad - you honestly rather see him in the bodyguards horrible turtleneck than a vintage rolling stones t-shirt?! you guys are weird ... love rob in a band tee!
I don't mind the tee at all. I just wish Rob would wear the black Stoli shirt that the girls sent to him.
AP--I agree Rob's time with Jon was too short, and the skit about the woman helping the guy find a job was too long.
I thought Jon would do more with the Stewart reference than simply calling himself JStew.
That T was from 20 yrs ago, I think, when Rob was almost 4. SO unless it is aa modern-day copy of the original, it is vintage.
And I don't think the bag is yellow, especially contrasted against the T; I thnk it might be khaki with leather trim.
ugghhh!!!! RL bites! I can't watch anything until I get everything settled:( Damn, PLEASE tell me that I can watch all these shows on youtube.
I don't care about the color, Rob looks good in anything and nothing...preferable nothing:)
As for the gold bag, he probably uses it because it's easy to spot and hard to lose in an airport/airplane.
I mean, think about it, how many black or red bags go round and round before you can spot your funky handkerchief/key chain/bobble head/knit thingy tied to the handle? Smart guy, our Rob!
@D.M (angel winds and stardust) said: "Ugh, can we please drop the shirt thing, it just makes some people look desperate"
Yes, please. Drop it. It really sounds like someone is grasping at straws. And your comments about the shirt size makes a lot of sense.
Go back to Rob, please.
Now starts the Rob drought. Is it evil to hope for paparazzi shots in London, lol.
nothing wrong with the shirt. he can wear rags and still look gorgeous :)
still floating on air with all those pics and vids. Thanks goz,kate,kat,rachel(?)
LOL..funny how it really was his yellow bag. God it cracks me up the crap that gets started on the internet.
About The JS show... I loved how in the commerical before the show came on...jon stewart says: "Ladies....put your husbands to bed and hide your overies... Robert Pattinson is on"
ADM~finished Water for Elephants last night. Totally loved it. I to would love to hear Rob talk about that. can't wait for the movie
my thoughts about the tee...they bought each other monthsary gifts. k got R a vintage rolling stones tee and Rob ask tom to grab something from his yellow bag :)
Maybe just my imagination...but is TomStu wearing the each-of-the-Brit-Pack-has-to-wear-it-at-least-once-Plaid-Shirt? - Am I seeing thing?
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