Robert Pattinson spends his first night back in the UK supporting Bobby Long
Quite a few lucky fans were able to get their pictures taken with Robert Pattinson at a Bobby Long show tonight in London.

Bobby Long,
Robert Pattinson,
The Magical Beanie
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Have a great time in London Mr Pattinson:)
Good job, Rob!
This is just what the doctor ordered. Night out with best friends, knock back a few, relax and enjoy. You deserve a break today, Rob!!! Glad you're having a good time, and STILL giving time to fans!!
happy rob got back safe and sound and having a little fun...
doesn't the third pic of the blonde guy look like Spencer Pratt, i think that's his name from the hills
He looks either tipsy or really tired in these pix. He must be glad the junkets are done, for now. Back to work soon on 'Bel Ami'
BeanieDrunkRob! Love him!
I just learned first hand, he is so sweet to his fans. Hope he gets to relax some after the crazy 4 days in NYC>
Who's in for ROBSTOCK 2010 sequel??? I'm in 100%
Im sure Eclipse will be in LA again..who's going?
I spy TomStu and that nasty little cap he wears LOL
Welcome back, NB. So in awe of your famous trip. Hope we get to hear lots from you and angie!! Been excited as hell for you guys.
It would be a miracle if I could get to LA. I haven't been on a plane since I was 16!!! For Rob, though, I might just do it!!
Im being serious girls..need to go to the red carpet will be insane with all the tweens & screamers...but everyone who went for New Moon at least got to see him & get photos!!!
He is tiredless and such a nice bloke, glad to have u in europe.
I know you are serious. This would be an awesome thing to be able to do. I just don't know if I could swing it. Details to come???
By the way, I enjoy your comments so much, lot of them are hilarous. (sorry, I know my english may be weird or even poor, but this is not my native language).
tons of kisses.
RPG - CL and I met someone who camped out 5 days for New Moon, she also went to Italy and was an extra in the plaza scene
Rob is home, finally. Tired but happy, with his friends, family and fans. Bel Ami!!!!
I love you Rob!!! Always.
hey, angie
Had a blast reading the twitter posts from CL. Welcome home. OMG is all I can say!
angie-k, serious? She went to Italy?? Ok, hate her....
Yea most folks camped for 5 days on the sidewalk in front of the theater...Its sucks, but I'm sure a blast & meet lots of nice people...
I know it's hard to plan...I took the time off just in case, and started saving for tics & airfare...and hotel...
Hi jc! It was so amazing!!! Wish we could have had all of you with us!
RPG - you can really hate her...she has met him several times and has a personalized autograph from him...yes, I'm jealous
Oh, wow, Rob, TomStu, and Bobby Long, all at one time? Now THAT sounds amazing. Mmmmmm.....
Is Bobby in any of these pictures? I wonder when he goes back to work. Ah well. He is young. He can do the club thing and still get up and go to work the next day. He should celebrate the success of Remember Me.
Very good to hear the NY junketers got to see RM - oh - and that guy who's a little off his face in these Sounds like you had a great time of it. :)
yes, a details autograph no less--you have that in a safe place right--i don't know how old your kids are--LOL wouldn't want messy fingers on that
When is the red carpet? A few days before it hits the theaters on June 30?
Academy Awards Sunday!
Never miss them, but WILL miss Rob this year. Boo
angie-will you get a security sys for your Details? LOL
off thread... does anyone know what happened to the Early Show? I was looking forward to Rob in the grey suit but I have seen nothing about it.
Believe me, sister, I WAS there with you in spirit!!! Squee!!! I can't imagine being so close to Rob.
jc - it was surreal!
wens - The Details will be framed and put in a special place!! (good thing I bought 2!)
in LA they usually fo it the week before... Then they will no doubt have. NY premier too, probably same week...
God if I could afford NY I'd rather do that, but think I'm gonna do LA... I've missed all the others... Need to see him myself before I die!!!
did he scribble or write it out???????
Did he speak???????
Aw Robert is really sweet... he seems nice to everyone, we always get pictures of him posing with fans...Robert does look tipsy in those, but I love that we always get pics of him. I really like the beanie, too cute!
What about the theater seating? Did the actors stay, have their own special area...???
ShariG there are pics of Bobby all over Twitter! And maybe spunk ransom...
Dang it! I really wish I were able to go. I'd have to take someone with me, though. I hate to admit it, but I'm kind of a weenie about going alone.
*just me*
it looks like London is much more colder place than NY, or it's just Rob being hungover.
guys, you don't forget to vote for him on Jameson Empire Award, right?
RPG - it is a scribble R and it is very faint - the sharpie he had was running out of ink and he said "Sure" when I asked if could sign it.
jc- the stars were mixed amongst the people, no special area. most stars stayed. R & K left early, but not sure how early. walked out of theater right behind Lizzie. Overherad her saying how proud she was of Robert. :-)
I know you guys don't know me (yet)... but I'm totally up for Robstock II!!! I don't think it's time for a sequel just yet! ;)
SO excited for you CL and Angie!!!
me too hon... I don't even go to downtown Portland alone... But I gotta do it!
I went to Bobbys concert all by myself in Dec... I can do this!
He looks progressively more tanked in each pic.... :)
23 or not, he's been on the ground for half a day, after all the running around, questioning, and adrenalin of the past couple of days, and yet, there he is out for the evening! He looks wrecked, and apparently was. What fuel is he running on? Rob, take a break, get some sleep and regroup. I assume you will be needed back on Bel Ami imminently. Yes, the mother hen is out tonight!
JC - We saw Pierce and TomStu, Kristin and Rob's sisters. Rob's sister Lizzy is beautiful.
We were in our outside gear trying to keep warm and we got to go in the theater and people were all decked out in fancy clothes, it was quite funny. We didn't care at all!
Hi Eli, welcome!
So DrunkRob makes a re-appearance again. Oh Beanie Rob, I love you so much!!!Wish I could've been there drinking with you. Hope you had a blast with your mates before its back to work on bel ami. Just be careful of those spilling beers!
So DrunkRob makes a re-appearance again. Oh Beanie Rob, I love you so much!!!Wish I could've been there drinking with you. Hope you had a blast with your mates before its back to work on bel ami. Just be careful of those spilling beers!
OMG, angie
The pretty actually spoke to you!! How can you stand it!!!!!!!! I am so freakin' jealous, girl.
Wish I didn't live 2,000 miles away. I'd try my damndest to go with you! I still have some stamina left in me!
@cullenlover, are we going to get a play-by-play of the Robstock excursion here or have you already posted it?
Jesus, CL
This is just TOO much! Love it that you had this awesome experience.
jc - I think Monday was one of the best days of my life!!!!!! EVER!!!
@lallieb - Go to the post below, we have been commenting about Robstock down there. :-)
Thanks RPG! I've been lurking for about 4 months now and you're just a killer!
Rob said in an interview (don't remember which one, sorry) that he goes back to work Thursday. I hope he doesn't have a 6 AM call tomorrow morning!
@angie--as in top 10 best days
nice to see him relaxing with you rob!
I guess anything is possible if you set your mind to it.
AWESOME NB'S RULE!! We need to all tip our hats to CL and angie for a job well done!
@Martini - I think I tweeted this for Angie and I, but Monday, March 1, 2010, was a FUCKING EPIC DAY in our lives. Only a few things can top it, right Ang?
The Brit Pack really do like to drink. Wonder who will get the drunkest tonight. Rob better lighten up for his career is really opening up for him.
CL - ITA!!! Monday is in my Top 5!!
Monday, March 1, 2010, was a FUCKING EPIC DAY in our lives. Only a few things can top it!
and now Good Night All!!
nice chins :)
Nite, angie
Sweet Rob dreams!!!
it feel s like we all just got back?
Rob's in London with his family friends and the pubs! and I'm hopefully done filing my taxes for the last time with turbotax online! jeeeeezzz I did this about 6 times and feel like finally I've gotten it right. i wondah how our boy filed and if he got any peace from our gov and his?
I hate REAL LIFE! it sucks so big and hard it's disgusting!
Love these pics though...yeah, I remember being 23 and doing all this stuff but remember girls these guys are in tip top condition and have an incredibly high metabolism anyway...that's part of the reason Rob's folks thought he should do this...problly paced the house like a caged animal or was gone so much of the time with friends that they were able to talk him into what he does now without even a thought of what comes next.
Me ? one trip across the pond and I'd be looking for my cab, my hotel room and a do not disturb sign until like noon the next day! and then I'd be like lookin' in the book for a place that delivered! LOL!
God he looks soooo good it's like seein' a long lost relative or something. Miss him so much already...
really missed a lot from just being gone one day! Just one day! gotta do some ff reading and see if anyone has heard from Nikola? Solas? rpatzgirl? you guys heard from Nik? I hopefully will be off line for a few at the end of the month as I do believe I'm getting enough back to get the hell out of Dodge!
I'll be heading your way rpatzgirl! yep., ole bumf**k Oregon! but in the heart of portland I'm thinkin'!
am lookin' at apt online now. tryin' to figure costs until I get a job...that shouldn't be far behind. I can bill medical claims anywhere especially when i can code too. ;P yayyy! me! I'm lookin' at the rest of the stories on Robsessed and at Robbie P as well... thanks to you who uploaded the beautiful pics of our very tipsy Rob and his loving, adoring fans. This made my very stressful day.
Lucky bitches!! But I heard he got there afterward and was a bit drunk.
you're moving to Portland????? Omg!!! Ok we need to hook up!
Haven't heard from Nik since last week when she said she's moving & off line for a while...
OH how I wish I could run into Drunky Rob. How much fun would that be!
Just imagining the Drunk Rob giggle. I would love to see/hear that!
This has been a great few days keeping up with everything through ROBsessed. This is the best Blog ever! You guys rock!
Rob, I hope you get some rest we need you to have all your energy for Bel Ami.
He doesn't look tipsy or anything :>
Glad he's having a good time...
Here in RL it's 7.23 am... A new day so Hello girls and good night to the others... Nice to see you back from Pattinsonland girls! Thanks for sharing...
LOL, didn't we just see an interview with him where he said fans were too embarressed to recognize famous people in London? I guess he was wrong!
Rob looks hosed!
All the interviews, and pics from NYC were so good, but I especially loved the "Bothered" sketch with Jimmy Fallon up in the tree. So hysterical, and the looks of Rob's face were so classic!
ok, I love tipsy Rob, but I'm a little worried him for drinking. Yes, of course me drink too sometimes, but drinking to be drunken every night or every 2. night:it's dangerous.
and yes, he is only almost 24, so young, maybe drinking will be not habit for him.This age boys usually left drinking behind, take the life more serious than before. if he serious about his carreer in anything, (acting, make music,be a producer...) needed clear head. and he will come to Hungary...and yes we have special good drinks to testify -for example barackpálinka. And if i could, i would give him with a bottle of it (maybe at the aiport arriving to greet him)
Good morning all.
It is O.K.ROB! You can have some drinks.You have earned it to you. NY was strenuous .But be careful. BelAmi needs all your energy;)
I've arrived at work.. I'll have more time to look at these pictures... So! He doesn't look drunk at all on these pictures... Not the same look than when he is. He is young but he is not stupid. He's jetlaged and probably tired and back on the Bel Ami set today, so I don't think he'd want to mess it all up because of a night out supporting one of his friends! He's a professional and he has showed it all week-end...
nice to see rob chilin and back in london. ♥ u Rob
oh my..
this man is going to be my dead..
i am so f***ing turned on with him..cannot eat, sleep or work at all without think about him..
Am I crazy?
@dra... Maybe, but you are not any different from the rest of us here at Robsessed... LOL...
@CL and angie
Thank you both sooo much for sending so much info back for us. Sounds like you had a blast!
I know the feeling - my house is a pigsty, my work is piling up etc. etc., but I cannot keep away from here...
"My name is Catwoman and I am a Roboholic."
I wish that TomStu would get rid of that hideous cap, it is truly vile.
Love BeanieRob though, always yummy.
@dra i know how u feel. i'm a roboholic. try to be normal but i keep coming back to rob and worst than before each time :)
Worst thing is that some of my friends just don't get it! How can that be? I've tried to enlighten them, and while they admit to thinking (and I quote), "Yeah, he's nice looking", (NICE!!??) they just don't understand how I can be so hung up on him.
How can I be friends with these women? Love them really but they are obviously deranged...
Drink baby, drink! You've deserved it! :DDDDDDD
hey fae! love ur new name mam :)
Oh lol tipsy Rob!! I adore him.
Hi lexie LOL, you don't have to call me mam, are you calling Rob mister? ;D But thanks!
poor guy looks totally f...ed, like he needs a good sleep, but back to work today I think, nice to have him back in the UK, to think he is in London and I am only 30 miles away from him aaahhhhhhh bliss.
GAH! He is such a nice guy to his friends...
He should have been exhausted yesterday night, but, still, there he was.
Love you, my man. Most ardently!
Muah! :x
London is good for Rob, always good to be home with best friends, family and when you got fans who doesn't crowd him he get to part NO PAPS there to bug him either. Yep good thing he can chill.
As for LA premiere for thanks for me, that is too big and too crazy for me LOL.
Enjoy the life Rob!!!
The brit-pack in London, amazing..I love to know that he´s in London, there he can go out easier.!!!
@rpg-totally! we need to hook up and if you would me about the best parts of town to look for an apt for my daughter and I!
also ...just got back from I 'm sitting there at sonic enjoying my Bel Ami book and having made all the arrangements to leave I'm listening the music streaming from the speakers at sonic when all of a sudden when my mind has been wandering back to the good ole days of Portland and the friend I miss, Paul McCartney's Let It Be starts to play! this is typically what reminds me of Portland and that time in my life...
then I hear and get this while I'm reading Bel Ami...and looking at his holy hottness' pics on the seat next to me I hear That old 60's song called Have of you guys made a rob video of that song!
signs! :P
@leann-'I wish I could run into Drunky Rob. How much fun would that be!'
leann loads! that's how much fun...
@rgp-God that will be so much fun to have a robsessed friend to run around with and do things with when marcus sam and/or bobby come to town!
bobby came to oklahoma city but I was too big a chicken to go see him on my own all the way to okc!
and poor Robert! spilled his drink on his crotch? poor baby here let me help you sweetheart...*grabs napkin and inadequately starts to mop up drink in said area of spillage* LOL! wouldn't that be a look on his face drunk or not! LOL! Lookey Rob!
grab the wheel barrow from cl and angie-k 'cause I'm comin' to town! we can wait....*taps foot in anxious anticipation of one of their shows in the portland area* and wait for another show escecially that Bobby Long! God what a looker and that laugh and that smile?! Does the sound of his voice affect anyone else as it does me? Like you feel it down to your spinal vertebrae and back up through your heart chakra? oooooOOh would I love to to....sit up front of one of his shows and ogle him to deaath! LOL~!
How did these guys get to be sooo freakin' awesomely hot? I mean yeah they're young and all but hot? I don't remember any one in my age category being so awesomely hot! cept the Keanu...god to this day! Would love to be in a dark corner makin' out with him somewhere!
Some times I think it's cos they just arent afraid to make fools of themselves, be real, at all at anytime...they are just themselves and it's good...all the time it's good. whether he's spillin' a drink on 'imself or doin' open mic nite somewhere and he's a f**khot movie star the whole time yer watchin' im sing at open mic...or he's shoppin' for undies with his just doesn't matter...they are all hot doin' this stuff...
i don't recall hearin' about tom or keanu or rick doin' this stuff...somehow it just makes Robert more hot when you know what he's doin'.
at least to me. ;P
@angie-k did wens say something about you getting him to sign a details pic?
ohmygodomygodomygod! panting here can't breathe! he signed it ?????
really? omygodomygodomygod can't even process that shite!
that would be for me the equivalent of standing in the middle of a super nova and trying to process all the chaos as it happens around me and relay all the details back to mission control! No pressure!
some people would feel like, 'jeezz, lees, he's the one under all the pressure!' is he? isss he? I mean I would be reacting to his energy field he throws off and be all drooly and stuff! not bein' able to control all my bodily functions and stuff.
DEFS DrunkRob....he's so funny!
Oh he is just so edible!!!!!
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