*le sigh*
The caps aren't very good quality since they are from a youtube video but still Robert Pattinson is Robert Pattinson :)
TONS more after the cut . Warning: There are 188 screencaps, 1 for less than every second so if your internet connection is slow do NOT click on the after the cut link or it will take up all your broadband. If you have fast connection, enjoy the gorgeousness!
Click to enlarge
Can't wait for the New Moon DVD.
Is Walmart the best place to get it or Target? Isn't one of them going to have 3 DVD's ??? Or am I wrong about that?
Robward, I love you!!!
RPG, I love your avi. Makes him look like he's boarding at Harrow!
Thanks Gozde for all 118!
I love Robward so much! Can't wait for 12:01 AM Friday to buy my DVD
Hi Femroc, Lemonless and RPG!
Whoops! I am so excited for this I can't type. I meant 188. =)
I am so excited to finally be able to watch that slowmo parking lot strut over and over and over and over and over and...you get the idea! ☺
Hey, Femroc, CL07 and ADM, is it going to be another quiet night? I finally caught up with MOTU last night (2:30am) adn I'm now feeling bereft. What the hell do I do with my moments between posting now?
Thanks Gozde
Is it Saturday yet?
ADM--TA that and Italy
I believe its Target that has the 3 discs ~
Yeah. I usually buy mine from Target. One way or another Im gonna end up with three different versions of the movie for the behind the scenes stuff. Ugh. My poor credit cards already smokin'.
Thanks ever so, Gozde!
Hey, girls.
I can't wait to have Robward at home all to myself! Hope I don't wear out the rewind button! I'm going to buy the DVD atWal-mart and probably at Target as well. I'll need more than one anyway!!
The majority of these screencaps were between takes and they sure do seem like they're having fun. I love these behind the scenes photos. It's pretty obvious when Rob is in character and when he's not. The laughing and smiling ones of him and Kristen are precious - a glimpse of their chemistry and sharing each other's humor. Makes me smile. It's sad that they have to hide this natural side of themselves from the world, yet I totally understand why they must.
can you guys see the picture behind robert/edward in the mirror? it it him?
You know what I love? Those pictures of Kristen and Rob when the cameras aren't rolling and they are just smiling at each other and seem to be enjoying each other outside of character. They speak volumes about their relationship.
Lallieb, I agree. that is so fun to see. Femroc, I think it is Target that has the 3 disc version. THink I'll probably get both the Wallmart one and the Target one cuz I think they each have something the other doesn't.
ITA, ShariG. Was just thinking that he's so "smiley" when looking at K. So cute! Gwen hearts Robward.
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