What better way to spend a Sunday night than at Let Loose. Twin’s surprise highlight was the understated presence of Robert Pattinson who caused a certain hot hot heat amongst the female contingent of Bush Hall.

TwinFactory.co.ukThanks to
dayjolie80 for the tip !
Good morning/afternoon
So happy he can be out in the real world hanging out with the Brit Pack and so jealous of these women who get to take pictures with him.
Beanie/HoodieRob is back, baby.
Lucky ladies get to pose and touch Rob.......and i saw RM and it was AMAZING Rob did an amazing job,iam sooo proud of him,iam going back to see it again later, iam hoping it comes in at No 1 this weekend...........oh and i just saw some pics with kstew and taylor getting it on at some party,i guess i was wrong about taylor not hitting that,her legs is like 711 open all night DAMNNN this girl can give it out WOW........anyway go and see RM if you have not,and if you have seen it go again just to support+our+boy.
Who is that between Rob and Markus ?
Just to add to the kstew comment..........i never thought i will say this but move over Paris and Lohan there is a new Hoe in town,she is taking over holywood as the easiest skank .......she makes paris looks like a lady dont ya think.........anyway Troll is over going back under my rock.check out the Taystew Grooping and make out pics.
i meant to type 'Hollywood' Ha
WTF is that first girl wearing on her head? Did she steal that from the Queen? LMAO. Still totally jealous of her.
They look a little drunk!!!
Tom, is that Marcus, who's the third guy by Rob?
Aw nice piccies, even if Rob does look a little gormless (in an drunk adorable way of course!).
Love TomStu rocking the multiple plaids, *sighs* that man is too beautiful...even dressed like a trucker.
I like the girls hat thing, looks good. Not something I'd ever wear though lol
Where is this Kstew info you're talking about?
Seems that London is the right place for him... That's cool!
Hi does anyone know what make Robs hoodie is? I really want a plain black hoodie (to replace my current washed out one!) and I really like his one!
Check it out - lots of tweets about RM
If you go to the http://boxoffice.com
you can see how it's doing.
I love Rob in England!! He gets to do his thing and not be annoyed by the paparrazi!
And seriously with the Kstew slut talk, which is first of all SO untrue, no pics at al like that have shown up and severely doubt they will, and just wow..
But back to ROB...yay for Brit pack!
Good afternoon, and thankyou for all the news!!
Rob and the brit-pack go out for the night, really goog, Rob must to enjoy the fews moments that he have.
Eclipse trailor..............nice!!
all the pics from the premier and after party:
the most 'scandalous' Kristen and taylor pic that people going on about:
just giving everyone a chance to judge for themselves, Kristen posed with Taylor (with Dakota on his other side) for like one minute and then he was among the first to leave the after party. No need to turn this site into a hate filled rumor site like others
@Femroc. Don't pay any attention to the comments of some people here about Kris. If you ignore them, they end up by going away.
Taylor, as the nice kid he is, attended the La Premiere of The Runaways with Dakota and Kris, that's all... Kris and Dakota then went to the afterparty with Joan Jett and Cherie. Kris changed clothes and had great fun... No way this young actress will end up like those two "ladies"... LOL...
Have a nice day... Hope when I come back, that the troll will have disappeared...
I think calling Kristen a slut is a little harsh. I don't really like her, but, wether she's just Rob's friend or not, they do have some kind of relationship. Calling her names and insulting her is like insulting TomStu. It's like saying Rob doesn't know how to pick his friends. I don't like hate gossip, even if she is with Taylor...so what? She and Rob never made anything official, so I don't know how that would make her a slut.
Thanks Janna. I couldn't find the pictures... Thanks again for helping me out with this... :o))) You're right!
I am so glad that Rob is in London, have fun with his friends. Let it rock baby. You work so hard. Have fun on the set of BelAmi, too.
Lol. Thanks Janna! What a scandaous picture (rolls eyes), Shes posing with her friends:)
I get some people dont like Kristen and dont like her bff or girlfriend status with Rob (and while I do, its really none of my business nor do i care if you dont), BUT to call the girl a slut and other such malicious names is completely out of line imo.
This post is about Rob going out and having a night out with his boys in London, pretty awesome how often he gets to do that in London without being hounded by papz:)
Good times to you, Rob!! You deserve it, babe.
RM totally mind blowing.
Love beanie Rob.
your welcome golanz and sissideylon, I love all the pics from the night. Kristen was so happy. I was a Kristen fan first, and she made me a fan of Rob. I try not to post about her at all here, but I get defensive easily as I'm sure most here would for Rob.
and now on topic: I'm glad Rob managed to get out again and enjoy himself a little while he is working so hard.
I see Rob's got his buzz on. that's ok for I had my buzz on yesterday when I saw remember me. The movie was so good, good enough that I am going back to day and quiet possibly tomorrow. Can't get enough of Rob. He is dynamite in this film.
@janna: I'm a fellow Kstew lover!
Anyway, thanx for the link to the pics. I don't see anything wrong or scandalous about 'em.
And calling Kristen a slut is WAY out of line. She is nothing like Lindsay Lohan or Paris Hilton, ew!
Back to what this thread is supposed to be about:
It makes happy to see the Brit pack back together. And I love Tom Stu ... he really is a handsome devil ;) Love tipsy, beanie Rob btw!
Girls I don't know about you, but I cannot simply go back to what I did yesterday before watching RM. I cannot even post for Rob or the Brit pack it's like they belong to some other universe.
I just want to thank Allan Couiter for the close ups.
Like I said I haven't seen anything so beautiful since Paul Newman's "cat on a hot tin roof".
Planet earth has been calling me all day but it's so hard to focus.
jelaus about these girls I would love to be one of them we would have fun with rob and may it can go on
He looks a little inebriated but I am glad he got to go out and be somewhat normal with his somewhat normal pack of friends.
@teri yeap honey he had some fun and took some breathe
RPTMO, please don't spread the Kristen hate here. This is a nice thread talking about Rob going out with his friends. And you are way out of line calling Kristen a slut.
Janna thanks so much for putting up the Kristen pics.
All I will say is some people love to blow things out of proportion to get reactions from people.
Don't give them the satisfaction ;-)
Oh yeah!!!! It's DrunkRob!!! He's the most adorkable!!
I'm so glad that he can go and hang out with his mates and not get hounded!!
And I'm jealous...lucky bitches got pictures!!
*going off to pout*
And everyone...just keep repeating...
Oh just stay in London!
Good day everybody!
@fae honey finally found you
I don't find him drunk at all! Just a nice evening with his boys...
just ignore the shit comments...they eventually go away :)
Rob looks like he is getting to spend time with his friends while filming :)
OT - Did anyone see the pics of Christina Ricci out in paris this week...she was tore up, like passed out, tongue hanging out even :0 they all must be having downtime from filming. it was the daily 10.
He's probably not drunk...it's just his cute face in the pictures looks like other ones where he probably was!! Either way....he's so freakin' cute!!
geez, people can't shut up about hating on kstew here. let's look at the rob pics and be glad he's out there getting his jolly on with his good friends, tom and marcus, and STFU about kstew! she doesn't deserve the hate, y'all.
LOL,he's drunk and happy :DDD
FF UPdates - UofEM and HA...
i am hoping to see RM this afternoon, still crossing my fingers, hoping my sitter doesn't flake :)
Happy Remember Me Saturday!!
Go ye all and see this again!
Rob & his mates are just adorable, all glassy eyed & dressed to the nines!
rptmo knows she's a troll, been on this site for almost a year, she ain't going away... Don't even bother to correct her or call her out. She's nasty & jealous, so ignore...
The one commenter who made the Kristen hate remark does it on purpose to get a rise out of people. She is called a "troll" in internet-speak and she knows it. Do not honor her craving for attention with a response. You do not have to defend Kristen to her, she's saying inflammatory BS just to get your attention. She may or may not believe what she's saying. Personally, I would like to see her comments deleted.
Coming from a family with a lot of alcoholism, drunk Rob does not make me happy. It makes me concerned.
It's nice to see Robert out and about, however aren't those pics a little late in coming? Since if I understand this right, this was from last Sunday?
Anyways it's always nice to see new pics of Robert, he always looks delicious! And those fans are lucky.
He's so cute :)
And last time I checked..this was a Robert site..when someone speaks ill about him..then I believe someone can say something RUDE..till then maybe some ppl need to go read FF..take a prozac..buy some tampons or whatever to get over it. Weighed..measured and have been found seriously lacking.
The Brit pack is back! Nice pics.
And don't forget rule #1 : don't feed the ridiculous trolls! Ignore them. They just hate that.
i hope i'm not considered a troll :(
good afternoon.
Insult a person that we don´t know is bad.
kristen is close with Rob, she´s a close friend or more, for me it´s obvius that they´re together, it´s not respect Rob if some person insult her o his friends.
Kristen didn´t do something wrong to deserve it.
Yeah, I worry a little about Rob and alcohol too, but I think he knows his limits and keeps things under control. I've never seen any falling down drunk pics which surely would have appeared by now if he had a serious problem. The one I worry the most about is Marcus with his droopy melancholy eyes. He is so intense and creative that he could easily fall into that doomed artist category. Whatever, they all seem like nice guys and they watch out for each other. It's quite lovely to see. So much talent in that group of friends!
I love seeing pics of rob from movie sets he's working on but there's something special about ones like this that show him just being a normal person. I'm glad he's getting to spend time with cherished friends.
Agree with you completely Laurie. Wondering who's the one next to Marcus, though. Anyone know his name?
It is good to see Rob and and about without being hunted down by the paparazzi.
Yes, he does seem to drink during his social times but I pretty sure that's what most 23 year olds do. I know that's what I did. Working, drinking and shopping were my priorities when I was in my 20's. Drinking was hugely important. I am not worried about Rob, he is just being a young adult.
That should read "out and about", not and and about. I really should get my dog to type for me, he would do a better job. Good thing I am good with numbers because words are not my thing.
Love the pictures. Glad to see he is able to get out and enjoy himself.
The first pic, he is like "ohh yeah, I'm getting some tonight", and i really hope he did get laid...he needs to relax and live his life like a normal 23 year old guy, regardless of how famous he is
And that pic of KStew and Taylor, looks a little intimate...just sayin', with the placement of her hand and her body facing towards him. Whereas Dakota is just standing there. And im not hating on Dakota, i think she is awesome.
I love Rob and Brit Pack!!!! They are great together. Rob is relaxed and having fun and that is a great thing. I`m happy for him.
@colleen ITA rob needs to live his life like a normal 23 year old guy, regardless of how famous he is. em happy that rob is able to chillax after working so hard :)
Everyone is really scrutinizing this pic of Kristen and Taylor! They're just friends! Probably like brother and sister. I think they feel very comfortable around eachother. Her hand placement means nothing! And as for Rob....love that he's enjoying his fun in London with his buddies! He always seems more relaxed and happy in London. Glad he gets to shoot most of this movie there before he's wisked off again...
@Colleen, if you know Kristen by now, the way she's posing with Taylor is a sure indicator that they're just very close just friends. She's strange that way. We probably would not ever see a "non-stolen" and "photo-op type" photo of her and Rob in that kind of pose.
A pic no means nothing, depends of the angle and for this the significate will be different.
Talor and kristen are very close, like brothers and sisters and if you see all the pics of the Vanity Fair´s after party, in this moment of this photos the journalist cut the photo, we can see with Taylor at Emma Roberts. For Taylor and Kristen were the firts to go to the Oscars ans the aprty, it´s good in this moment having friends to not feel alone.
Shame on me but I don't really know these guys. Who is the one beside Tom?
Sorry to go on about Kristen but I've seen the pics and she is far from being like or worse than Lohan and Hilton. I'm a fan of Kristen and have seen most of her movies and she is a wonderful actress and if your are a fan of Robs then u have just insulted him as well by bagging or calling her a slut. You don't have to like the girl just keep your comments to yourself. It was harsh what was said and this site is really not to talk or bag Kristen its a dedicated site to Robert Pattinson so lets keep it like this. There I got it of my chest because I hate reading bad things about anyone. Humans can be so cruel sometimes and there is not need for it. Sorry Godze, Kat and Kate for this but I'm sick and tired of people talking bad about people they don't even truly know.
So, I'm from Australia and I went to see RM on Wednesday night special screening and it was outstanding. Rob blew me away. I've just had the opportunity to see The Bad Mothers Handbook and Rob made me laugh. He plays the role fabulously. I then watched the Haunted Airman and what can I say with each role he grows and grows into such a gifted actor. Oh yeah forgot to also mention Twilight was on Foxtell and I watched that not once but twice so I then had to watch of course watch New Moon again. It's been a night full of Robert Pattinson and it's after 5 am and I'm now ready to go to bed as I'm about to flake it. Tomorrow I have plans to watch How To Be and Little Ashes. Can't wait oh and I might make another trip to the cinemas this week to watch RM again. But really I'm not obsessed I'm Robsessed. Night all.
Ehh, you all think that Kristen and Taylor are just close friends, i just think Kristen and Robert are close friends. :)
@Monty, you just wasted your finger tapping, she's a TROLL. She want's to get that response. Ignore her, most people here agree with all you said, creating an argument about Kristen is futile and no one wants to read those comments. Just bringing her randomly into the thread is trolling. It's all about Rob here. Until there's another photo of them together gets posted and then all bets are off! LOL
@colleen, good for you. That's you're opinion and nothing against it. There's a wide range of opinions and we don't like to open that can of worms until the next photo of them together gets posted. Run for the Advil because they will give you a giant headache reading them! Just wait for it.
I love me some RPattz and Brit pack... But does anyone else find it funny that they were at a Let Loose Gig??? To those who would have remembered the band from back in the day...
It would most definitely have been mainly all females in the audience I would say!
Oh my god, another picture posted of them together wouldn't give me a headache. It only re-inforces what i believe. lol
When i see pictures of them actually showing they are a couple, and that equals to them kissing, holding hands (and no the ones posted before of them at the aiport was NOT handholding, that was ARM linking) OR they admit it themselves then i will believe it. :)
Have a nice day everyone.
@Colleen, I agree with you. It's NOT the photo of them that will give you a headache, no,no. It's the commenting and "discussion" that will ensue: they are, they aren't or I don't give a shit, etc. that will have your head spinning! ;)
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